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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: a234e63b2d635ca⋯.png (330.03 KB, 720x1520, 9:19, Screenshot_20210703_113057.png)

4e2cdd  No.245242

Has anyone ever solved as above so below, if so would you be willing to help me?

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dab93d  No.245250

still awake from last night, huh?

I'm guessing all that pussy keeps you up at night

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d218f3  No.245254


The Second Hermetic Principle, aka the Law of Correspondence.

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f08d64  No.245256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The comparison is seen in Ishtars descent into the underworld, but the statement they are equal is false and kikery

>From the Great Above she opened her ear to the Great Below

>From the Great Above the goddess opened her ear to the Great Below

>Quod est superius est sicut quod inferius, et quod inferius est sicut quod est superius.

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c9e861  No.245258

File: a29a506fdae4595⋯.jpg (105.93 KB, 785x350, 157:70, cosmos_1.jpg)

What occurs in heaven mirrors what occurs in the physical plane.

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82443f  No.245259

File: 22e051b4ebbafdb⋯.jpg (488.24 KB, 2048x1367, 2048:1367, 4d374076c0cfa0f22c851ebf35….jpg)


The light of the sun is reflected in each and every drop of dew or water drop in the pnd, no matter how much doo there be.

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27629c  No.245263

File: 1c3c89fd5bee762⋯.jpg (42.8 KB, 800x526, 400:263, lonely_man_sitting_compute….jpg)


Saturday AGAIN

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2e380c  No.245267


Sperging out. AGAIN!

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f08d64  No.245271

File: 19874a3c6377b89⋯.jpg (3.25 KB, 197x255, 197:255, images.jpg)


But the statement is that the Supernum is as the Infernum, and it isn't, the original distinction was between the Celestial and the Chthonic, between the spiritual and material, so reduction to common basis for all substance misses the point, there is spiritual/ideological distinction.

The phrase is used as a false basis for equality of the superior and inferior and it shouldn't be hard to figure out by who.

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d079f5  No.245282


Happy 4th of Junior High Weekend

(except 90% of kids in junior high have a girlfriend, so even THAT'S not correct)

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d079f5  No.245284


read every word of your post a second time


now you know why no woman will give you the time of day, and no dude wants to hang out with you

I realize you're not stupid…. obviously….

but you're SUCH A POMPOUS DORK, that you repel people by continuallyTRYING TO APPEAR MORE INTELLIGENT THAN YOU ARE

It's classic textbook narcissism, but most narcissists are able to surround themselves with other humans in real life

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d079f5  No.245285

File: a612a364f12b80b⋯.gif (22.69 KB, 650x715, 10:11, url.gif)

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d079f5  No.245286

Imagine a world where people were impressed by your sedentary smug ROTE MEMORIZATION

now imagine a woman who'll be seen standing next to you

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d079f5  No.245288

File: 36f4a29b8bad9c5⋯.jpg (218.49 KB, 1024x730, 512:365, PicsArt_07_03_01_18_36.jpg)

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d079f5  No.245289

File: 2ef6d082066222b⋯.jpg (182.63 KB, 1023x744, 11:8, PicsArt_07_03_01_20_56.jpg)

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d079f5  No.245290

File: d5d0813c05a39e5⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1573, 1080:1573, PicsArt_07_03_01_27_49.png)

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d079f5  No.245291



shut the fuck up, stop stalling, move into your own place, pay your own bills, find a nice girl, and never bother anybody with this boring bullshit again

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d079f5  No.245292

Saturday, July 4th 2021 :

you're SO BORED, with no woman or real life friends to share the holiday weekend with, that you create a thread BEGGING ANOTHER HUMAN TO PLEASE INTERACT WITH YOU.

you actuallyALLOWED YOURSELFto reach this point in your adult life?

there are 7.8 BILLION other humans on your planet

and you let THIS happen?

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d079f5  No.245293


My wife and I are grilling out tonight, and I'm in the kitchen preparing homemade GARLICUE SAUCE and Apple ColeSlaw

I'm guessing your mother does all the cooking?

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d079f5  No.245294




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d079f5  No.245297


you haven't lived until you've tried my all original one of a kind WORLD FAMOUS GARLICUE SAUCE

it contains 70% garlic

but you'd never realize it, thanks to the whiskey, brown sugar, dark beer, tomato paste, orange juice, vinegar and tangerine chunks

they actually neutralize the overwhelming amount of garlic, and it reduces to a thick dark glaze, that compliments ANY grilled or baked entree, from salmon or tuna steaks, to veggie riblets, impossible burgers, whatever

(even DISGUSTING meat)

it caramelizes and crisps the edges, guaranteeing sticky fingers that you'll be licking as you reminisce over the meal

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d079f5  No.245298


here's a novel idea :

go into the kitchen and ask your mother….

would she rather enable your refusal to become a functioning adult by entertaining your stupid ABOVE SO BELOW faggotry, or have you wash your hands and help her prepare tonight's dinner

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f08d64  No.245326

File: 0a98df2349d4610⋯.jpg (153.56 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, clown_world_c_delaney_KsWg….jpg)


You agree with me then, the superior and the inferior are not the same and distinction should be made, but despite proving this superior position you insist i am somehow inferior

>Superiora de inferioribus, inferiora de superioribus

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d310f2  No.245355

File: d35147f5bd2d3fd⋯.jpg (695.58 KB, 2048x1367, 2048:1367, As_Above_So_Below.jpg)

File: 537c466c54c8ecc⋯.jpg (76.63 KB, 359x640, 359:640, PicsArt_12_14_11_28_04.jpg)



The statement is meant to be both reflective and refractive in nature.

Even this board exemplifies the axiomatic principle refracting through the whole reflected in each of its infinitely boundless parts and parcels.

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58a1ad  No.245374

>>245286 >>245298







agents attemtping to divert attention away from the true nature of reality.

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218f64  No.245375


No it's not. Because it's been reported it almost all ancient spiritual texts Buddhism to ancient Egypt and is the back bone to hermeticism. Which has roots in druidic tradition.

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171e48  No.245377


You dumbass /fringe/ niggers still trying to take over /pnd/? /pol/fags couldn't do it, /fur/fags couldn't do it, what makes you think we give a shit about you?

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fdd453  No.245382


Take your meds schizo

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89da19  No.245400


>retard kike

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d218f3  No.245410


As above, so below doesn't refer to qualities but to correspondences.

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3821f0  No.245445


> As above, so below doesn't refer to qualities but to correspondences.


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