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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 9700e196cb639b7⋯.jpeg (71.55 KB, 668x830, 334:415, 9700e196cb639b74d7311d299….jpeg)

d8448f  No.245133

They are violent and dangerous.

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cb09c2  No.245149


I've been reporting every evangelical christian, trump supporter, and gun nut I see. So far at least 3 dozen accounts banned and growing.

Unlike you, faggot, I'm not afraid of actually using FB.

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ef8769  No.245153

File: c7c419a729858eb⋯.png (3.8 MB, 3456x1944, 16:9, portland_antifa_network_ma….png)

File: f930f25c53bad0b⋯.jpg (280.72 KB, 1735x871, 1735:871, margot_black_portland_city….jpg)

File: c20789a23a26145⋯.png (288.37 KB, 575x608, 575:608, my_part_of_the_map.PNG)

File: bebe0d0e667f7fa⋯.png (2.17 MB, 7680x4320, 16:9, portland_antifa_k_3_leader….png)

File: 9c31b28f1259358⋯.png (4.73 MB, 7680x4320, 16:9, portland_antifa_k_2.png)


Sounds like you're slacking, Nipturd.

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ef8769  No.245157

File: b4b09934e375db2⋯.png (1.68 MB, 7680x4320, 16:9, 8632_Names_Portland_Antifa….png)

File: 7bb857678c4ab9a⋯.jpg (64.86 KB, 607x675, 607:675, 1618939061425.jpg)

File: 928200689508411⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 510x680, 3:4, rose_city_antifa_tranny_Sa….jpg)


Get on my level, Junie

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c96372  No.245159

All the Antifa I have met have Mafia ties…. They won't be pursued.

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238e11  No.245172


Lol no they don’t. I actually have some loose mafia ties and I have not seen a single one.

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fe5b08  No.245179

facebook is a jew's board.

The jew's rules don't apply to the jews and his useful idiots like the actually violent Antifa terrorist.

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