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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 58f2475fac36388⋯.png (424.99 KB, 1175x803, 1175:803, Jesus_Strikes_Back.png)

33f117  No.244852

Brenton Tarrant and MicBrenton Tarrant and Microsoft linked up! Need it or sneed it??!rosoft linked up! Need it or sneed it??!

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ca70af  No.244853


Videogame homosexual sissy

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588b1d  No.244857

File: f9bb62ca7cab7fb⋯.png (371.26 KB, 804x785, 804:785, tarrant_mossad.png)

fuck off jews.

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ca70af  No.244858


Another day of sitting around on your ass unemployed?

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ca70af  No.244859


It's too bad you can't find a job sitting in a chair wasting your life in front of a computer all by yourself in a stinky little bedroom down at the end of somebody's hallway.

oh….. she IS paying all your bills?

keep up the good "work", lonely boy

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e88268  No.244944



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588b1d  No.244948


he's a mod. you should ask why we are here on 8kun. the answer is to rub jewish defeat in the faces of jewish 8kun mods.

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db13dd  No.244951


No, it's a troll that goes by the name "Johnny Neptune" and his real identity is already public if you look for it. Some people like Jerry have talked to him in person before. He likes acting like a jackass, but sometimes it can be well deserved for such stupid content people end up posting.

As for the OP: two things (1) video games are a waste of time and (2) if you download a game like this on Microsoft pretty damn sure you'll be inviting just about every damn spook agency into your computer for a live-stream data collection, so expect that.

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588b1d  No.244956


He's a mod. He's "ChrisHansen." Dont run damage control with me, Moshe.

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033abc  No.244969

I have the NEED for SNEED! and yes, hail Brenton

Link to manifest which is LEGAL IN AMERICA,




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588b1d  No.244970

File: 97696a22814a729⋯.jpg (148.96 KB, 1141x810, 1141:810, _tarrant_.JPG)


>muh tarrant!

>download my trojan!

fuck off wannabe mossad officer

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