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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 73fc636123648b1⋯.jpg (85.94 KB, 480x376, 60:47, 1624977225344.jpg)

File: 7c3304eaaa6c893⋯.jpg (73.81 KB, 1024x764, 256:191, 1624978404203.jpg)

File: 6365f3a20b39c63⋯.webm (2.97 MB, 960x540, 16:9, 1624905875694.webm)

File: 53a19eeb07b18a6⋯.png (386.7 KB, 755x930, 151:186, IMG_20200207_094903_01.png)

File: ae99e56d8a60de2⋯.jpg (101.99 KB, 533x800, 533:800, 1595476187520.jpg)

df4f06  No.244385

I don't know if this is allowed…

These captcha are so hard!

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df4f06  No.244386

File: c256aabb59a13eb⋯.jpg (161.22 KB, 640x449, 640:449, 1613444860374.jpg)

File: 9066c235c9be831⋯.jpg (94.35 KB, 948x533, 948:533, 1612321785147.jpg)

File: f678db6ac36683f⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 600x763, 600:763, 1613443200860.jpg)

File: 1f8036a897ff472⋯.jpg (969.75 KB, 658x4046, 47:289, 1612324729618.jpg)

File: 1b2fd88b647d838⋯.jpg (241.03 KB, 768x808, 96:101, IMG_20210619_012753.jpg)

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df4f06  No.244387

File: 3d2fb136c0f1035⋯.jpg (76.74 KB, 1000x660, 50:33, 1596613956138.jpg)

File: b2f37b160f7cd6d⋯.jpg (121.03 KB, 1024x726, 512:363, 1597894182042m.jpg)

File: a6b11f1504e57e2⋯.jpg (65.67 KB, 819x674, 819:674, 1601390265914.jpg)

File: dd280f2aa35969a⋯.jpg (261.56 KB, 819x784, 117:112, 1608738908340.jpg)

File: ea5314fbcca7e9f⋯.png (464.62 KB, 439x621, 439:621, 1598738114263.png)

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df4f06  No.244388

File: 2bf8986de70f6b3⋯.jpg (65.98 KB, 990x880, 9:8, 100568626_708828306585296_….jpg)

File: 05c90217e4ed213⋯.jpg (77.15 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1612333918895.jpg)

File: 5089c65f3eeb6af⋯.webm (2.3 MB, 288x360, 4:5, 1612528283149.webm)

File: 3bac96b420a7fa9⋯.png (248.77 KB, 604x598, 302:299, 1602203094572.png)

File: ec8c100a6be7ac7⋯.jpg (74.69 KB, 579x1024, 579:1024, 1600142612573m.jpg)

British cops are so old…

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df4f06  No.244389

File: ed55380705a1e56⋯.jpg (29.01 KB, 680x670, 68:67, 1612271172285.jpg)

File: cb491b0d038c9da⋯.jpg (94.42 KB, 772x960, 193:240, 1612270822114.jpg)

File: b8d81a2b2870b34⋯.jpg (92.98 KB, 640x552, 80:69, 1606288675180.jpg)

File: 6c46985abc35c06⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 1295x864, 1295:864, 1622788815358.gif)

File: a63a47b472ad02a⋯.png (482.69 KB, 500x701, 500:701, IMG_20200325_204251_01.png)

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df4f06  No.244390

File: 5c4bb1416a3e1ee⋯.jpg (58.22 KB, 634x489, 634:489, 1612340686038.jpg)

File: f8e15c81d77c17c⋯.jpg (95.23 KB, 828x808, 207:202, 1595662101836.jpg)

File: ab2aa955f976fb1⋯.jpg (25.54 KB, 399x484, 399:484, 1588785402693.jpg)

File: b374d2b88d00a5e⋯.png (398.96 KB, 540x516, 45:43, 1596130632869.png)

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df4f06  No.244391

File: bb6883f31e0e358⋯.jpeg (74.73 KB, 750x500, 3:2, cooler.jpeg)

File: 3a06fbfaf6503f1⋯.png (420.09 KB, 608x608, 1:1, IMG_20200819_223628.png)

File: c59f4a409836e14⋯.gif (3.96 MB, 175x175, 1:1, 1595572050601.gif)

File: 11285cf59805119⋯.jpg (69.34 KB, 700x572, 175:143, 1596612832810.jpg)

File: 052185c96ea474a⋯.jpg (65.46 KB, 611x619, 611:619, 1597896389622.jpg)

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c76c36  No.244393

when do the funny things begin?

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75c468  No.244500

File: d18449a7d5ce73d⋯.jpg (50.79 KB, 512x383, 512:383, unnamed.jpg)


What do you find funny, anon? Humor is subjective after all.

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23e693  No.244501

>/pol/ garbage from 2015

</pnd/ humor

lol no. /pol/ is fucking retarded and retards aren't funny.

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4d5108  No.244507

File: 067be228b688432⋯.jpg (64.47 KB, 530x680, 53:68, culture_dumb_iq.jpg)

File: 35614cabf07513a⋯.jpeg (188.02 KB, 1600x849, 1600:849, 2a8acc75a2fa2.jpeg)

File: 888c0d00638ddb9⋯.jpeg (272.12 KB, 1440x955, 288:191, 585cb1613956c.jpeg)

File: 9dfbc47deb6343b⋯.jpg (64.82 KB, 474x711, 2:3, muh_diversity.jpg)

I found these pretty funny.

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399d87  No.244509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The video is solid gold

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df4f06  No.244510

File: 0c6ceada729bbbb⋯.webm (2.59 MB, 710x400, 71:40, 1622890360984.webm)


Firstly, retards are the definition of funny

Second, Trump won meme isn't from 2015

Third, gas yourself kike

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df4f06  No.244514

File: 3bf7e0eaf00e2a1⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 360x480, 3:4, 1587573850259.jpg)

File: abaf0b86153e4db⋯.jpg (43.27 KB, 576x661, 576:661, 1611514904062.jpg)

File: fa203c2e75bf282⋯.png (528.76 KB, 630x358, 315:179, 1607917153010.png)

File: 2cd0286a0558f26⋯.jpg (41.98 KB, 640x431, 640:431, 1610412162209.jpg)

File: 41581091d215533⋯.png (363.34 KB, 615x545, 123:109, 1612202305014.png)


If the memes were new you'd complain about the memes being too new. If they were old, you'd complain about that. You just like to complain. Sad.

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df4f06  No.244517

File: eb836c08b798a0d⋯.jpg (19.94 KB, 480x319, 480:319, 1598671384597.jpg)

File: c1d004c12cec329⋯.jpg (48.06 KB, 567x609, 27:29, 1612088914628.jpg)

File: 71961b527f28f90⋯.png (272.12 KB, 500x428, 125:107, 1595650529605.png)

File: 0f7c95fd7107020⋯.jpg (85.05 KB, 1024x858, 512:429, 1610092883554.jpg)

File: ab900331a689855⋯.jpg (59.59 KB, 828x1142, 414:571, image000000.jpg)

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399d87  No.244518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you ever want to know why Malaysian has lost so many airliners in recent years here's a few clues.

Columbia U with it's rampant Jewish nepotism.

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399d87  No.244522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's why Jews are afraid of free speech. A "notorious antisemite" can win over a crowd at Cambridge U in a few minutes.

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23e693  No.244523


My complaint is that it's all reposts from /pol/ and /pol/ is retarded garbage. Be original, faggot.

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399d87  No.244524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The best one, the ending is epic.

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df4f06  No.244526

File: 16e2b6927e6b1af⋯.jpg (80.97 KB, 577x432, 577:432, chowder_2.jpg)

File: a55099648c4b99c⋯.jpg (85.46 KB, 577x432, 577:432, chowder.jpg)

File: 47656f0a6a23d6d⋯.jpeg (45.9 KB, 500x500, 1:1, cringe_im_retarded.jpeg)

File: dee4c13d998a4cd⋯.jpg (37.19 KB, 350x400, 7:8, 5cc84e01b24a0947d59040f8ca….jpg)

File: 1275f26444396de⋯.jpg (28.5 KB, 350x400, 7:8, 5cc84e01b24a0947d59040f8ca….jpg)



Here's my oc, it's shit. I'm not funny.

Now where is your oc, faggot?

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df4f06  No.244533

File: 589068665ab0534⋯.jpeg (59.7 KB, 522x460, 261:230, old_benjamin_2.jpeg)

File: 57aa18adbad0924⋯.jpeg (59.98 KB, 856x677, 856:677, LJFfZgtt.jpeg)

File: 25d34b4e5f62918⋯.jpeg (31.51 KB, 500x500, 1:1, WsEweMQ1.jpeg)

File: 31e4527051a8210⋯.webm (2.94 MB, 1000x562, 500:281, 1605710535321.webm)


Best thing about the internet is i give zero shits what you think and vice versa. Obi wan is mine, slightly better than the rest

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399d87  No.244534

File: c2342ce5bd7a6fb⋯.jpg (117.97 KB, 1389x946, 1389:946, patsies.JPG)

How can we know for sure that Israel was behind the disappearance of the famous flight where they said the pilot went off course until out of fuel?

Israel used remote take over capabilities just like nine one one and had iranian patsies on board.

When it comes to Israel i don't believe in coincidences.

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df4f06  No.244537

File: e3b99f51e51d19d⋯.gif (12.51 KB, 353x639, 353:639, 160869962075943700.gif)

File: 35542c1bd128d5b⋯.jpg (311.08 KB, 1325x1227, 1325:1227, US_VOTING_MACHINES_2.jpg)


I made these too

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df4f06  No.244545

File: e0fd4f186a04c5f⋯.jpg (124.12 KB, 1024x1018, 512:509, 1605515471806.jpg)


>Grilled by BBC

Very based, i enjoyed

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399d87  No.244550


You're a tool, if Trump was in the white house we'd be in a war w iran.

Why do you think John Bolton and Mike Pompeo had top position's with hundreds of staff under them.

Tucker convinced trump he would lose if he started war w Iran so he decided to post pone it til his second term and perhaps fortunately he lost. Time will tell. We have to stay out of Israel's wars.

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399d87  No.244555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The man who helped Colin Powell prepare his famous WMD speech issued this warning about Trump and war w Iran.

Its not even an if or maybe, trump was preparing for war.

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df4f06  No.244570

File: cbe7836ee7f85ca⋯.jpg (67.86 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, c75b94366f1a7248fa53a4bcfc….jpg)



Valid, however I believe Trump is more advantageous to me as an individual. Would have given 4 more years to prepare for collapse. I'm out to buy silver today

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df4f06  No.244573

File: 3dedf369fabc0bf⋯.webm (2.48 MB, 641x360, 641:360, 1614334868546.webm)


Besides, between team Arabs and team Jews, I have to go Jews, being a Jew myself.

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df4f06  No.244575

File: 04c31baff9d8536⋯.png (295.77 KB, 500x402, 250:201, 1594871249403.png)

File: 41b3ff0fba508e5⋯.jpg (29.21 KB, 460x323, 460:323, 1596612571562.jpg)

File: 70a5a8771af7c6d⋯.jpg (32.13 KB, 462x350, 33:25, 1597550078931.jpg)

File: 096cd72bb548281⋯.png (950.61 KB, 931x931, 1:1, 1612344719122.png)

File: 11213b43d1a0a9c⋯.jpg (7.72 KB, 216x250, 108:125, 1610396429030s.jpg)


Didn't realize this webm is so outdated. My apologies

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75c468  No.244763


Being conservative means being traditional. Don't change what isn't broken. You want progress than go suck a neo dick i.e a transmans strap on dido

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f7d36a  No.245011


"how do we know for sure ?"

(then you offer completely fabricated "shot in the dark")

you're a faggot

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f7d36a  No.245012


you're basically illiterate…

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f7d36a  No.245016

tbqhthere wasn't anything even slightly humorous or clever in this thread.

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23e693  No.245019



lol, you don't even know what that means. All you can do is "harken back to a time" blah blah blah, but you don't know when that time was. If you REALLY want to go back to man's traditions, then I suggest you stop wearing clothes, live outdoors, fuck everything that has a hole, and spend all day eating wild mushrooms and staring at clouds.

On a long enough timeline, EVERYTHING is traditional, so fuck off.

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6ee16d  No.245024


Not him, but there is nothing wrong trying to live a simpler life. Society is so fucked today and the corruption and crime is persistent and rampant. Who wouldn't want to say "fuck all this" and just move away and do your best to stay away from all the bullshit the best you can? I think that's actually the most healthy option.

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8e7f9e  No.245026


Sometimes things are so broken, they can never be fixed too. When it gets to that point, the most rebellious thing you can do is stop trying to fix it and walk away, and never look back. But do learn and remember what caused the system to be broken and warn others how that happened in the first place so they don't allow the same old shit to happen.

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75c468  No.245115


you're saying you don't like the same (still good still relevant) content because you're a dildo licker who doesn't get Chan culture. Progress leads to degradation. Learn to appreciate and value what already is instead of trying to dismantle it in search of something new,

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d232f8  No.247529


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