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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: ed44b8dd722c8ff⋯.png (462.85 KB, 687x745, 687:745, cucker_NSA.png)

79d23e  No.244150

Now we begin to see the alleged "apparatus of ZOG" turning against ZOG.

Cucker Carlson is a Zio-Bolshevik Kabbalah practicing Jew and the NSA isn't having it. To be honest though I wish our Intelligence and military would just assassinate these people. You know? But we'll get there.

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79d23e  No.244155

File: 5106f993a89eeec⋯.jpg (353.94 KB, 828x669, 276:223, cucker_carlson_kabbalah_br….jpg)

File: 90dba67e7173469⋯.png (603.36 KB, 1230x601, 1230:601, kabbalah_bracelet.PNG)

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79d23e  No.244156

File: fbb34163e2cb1d0⋯.png (61.31 KB, 1320x419, 1320:419, cucker_carlson_iran_zionis….PNG)

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79d23e  No.244159

File: e9d424d55de199f⋯.jpg (129.37 KB, 1814x704, 907:352, cucker_carlson_911.JPG)

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79d23e  No.244160

File: d0410d68bc5e06b⋯.png (2.66 MB, 2219x1223, 2219:1223, cucker_israel_shilling.png)

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79d23e  No.244166

File: bdecc5db9137fef⋯.jpg (87.77 KB, 732x561, 244:187, cucker_carlson_owned.JPG)

File: 486b59a4fa7e5d1⋯.png (288.32 KB, 1872x822, 312:137, cucker_carlson_owned.PNG)

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79d23e  No.244167

File: 60ce5ef58567c66⋯.png (488.68 KB, 859x978, 859:978, cucker_carlson.png)

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79d23e  No.244168

File: d8b6292fda9279d⋯.jpg (66.63 KB, 839x530, 839:530, cucker_redpill_1.JPG)

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db6761  No.244169


Nah, you're just another political shill and I can smell it from miles away.

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79d23e  No.244171

File: d01cb2ff0787c15⋯.jpg (156.67 KB, 1919x910, 1919:910, cucker_zogbot_2.JPG)

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79d23e  No.244173

File: 9ead55c85848400⋯.jpg (38.64 KB, 596x321, 596:321, cucker_zogbot_3.JPG)


You lost. Kvetch harder.

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79d23e  No.244174

File: 99718224764b109⋯.jpg (37.64 KB, 605x323, 605:323, cucker_zogbot_4.JPG)

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79d23e  No.244176

File: f8bc4e96ea0a36d⋯.jpg (35.09 KB, 617x346, 617:346, cucker_zogbot_5.JPG)

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79d23e  No.244178

File: a83c25a779d403f⋯.jpg (87.06 KB, 1023x892, 1023:892, dailystormer_cucker_carlso….JPG)

Of course the (((dailystormer))) kikes are Cucker's personal shill squad

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f65623  No.244197


This is literally the fifth or sixth thread about "Cucker Carlson" in the last two months. It is becoming obvious someone really hates him or is scared of him here. If you were not worried you would not be focusing on him so much. Who is kvetching exactly?

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79d23e  No.244198


>oy vey stop celebrating the fall of my (((people)))

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42f114  No.244200

FACT: Anyone the US government considers a "dissident" they'll spy on. I likely fit in with that definition by now too. They've been caught spying on domestic citizens and even foreign allies over and over again. It's a failing Empire that projects it's failures upon the world seeking who to blame next for their never ending failures.

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79d23e  No.244202


cucker carlson is such a dissident freedom fight LMAO

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e7093c  No.244204


I don't watch Fox news, or CNN, or MSNBC, or CNBC or any of it! I don't have cable TV and have not paid for TV service in over 20 years. I retired early, pulled my 401(k) and became a doomsday prepper over a decade ago, and now homestead. I have nothing in common with 99% of America today except for being just another gun owner who it witnessing the failed state implode and fumble. If you want to blame Tucker for it, whatever. I still blame the subverted corrupted government and the Bolshevik central bankers.

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79d23e  No.244206


subverted corrupted government and bolshevik central bankers could not exist without propagandists like cucker carlson.

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0ab494  No.244269


Silly Jew Trix are for kids.

Here's why it's so important to support Tucker. He prevented War w Iran, it's impossible to put a price on that. In the future he may be the only voice against the war.

If it wasn't for Tucker there's be no resistance to CRT etc.. He bringing some hard hitting truths at great personal expense and he doesn't have to, he can go back to shilling for ZOG AND LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER.

Focusing on some yarn around his wrist, ignoring he prevented war w Iran. Watch it again bitch, powerful piece.

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79d23e  No.244271

File: 844e52aca1bd4ac⋯.jpg (96.35 KB, 1000x849, 1000:849, dailystormer_cucker_carlso….JPG)


here comes (((andrew anglin))) with a hot take on why wectually need to defend ZOG

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a5e90d  No.244314


The NSA spied on Tucker, saw him having sex with goats, and then decided never to look at him again.

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d068af  No.244370


every single American citizen is being monitored by the NSA, 24/7 365 days a year

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421f39  No.244377


And yet they won't save the country from our inevitable demise by simply stopping all the treasonous corruption?

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e3cfa1  No.244378

Tucker should have learned esperanto. just kidding, he should have used one time pad inside of gpg

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e3cfa1  No.244379



bich plz

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30e794  No.244490


It is only 'ours' if we can fight them for it.

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