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File: 9aec69c6638d617⋯.png (724.7 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 01d2040a4e.png)

266a26  No.243715[Last 50 Posts]

A lot of anons here like to call America 'kiked' and completely taken over and subverted by Jews. And while I completely understand many of the reasons that is assumed true today, I'm also baffled by some facts which completely contradicts those assumptions at the same time. How can America, allegedly a 'kiked' nation, be among the LEAST TRUSTING nations when it comes to (((government))) and the (((media))) which we all know are under Jewish Bolshevik control and subversion? Perhaps America is not exactly as portrayed by this lying media?

Just 29% of people surveyed in the US said they trust the news, compared to 45% in Canada and 54% in Brazil.

The United States ranks last in media trust — at 29% — among 92,000 news consumers surveyed in 46 countries, a report released Wednesday found. That’s worse than Poland, worse than the Philippines, worse than Peru.



In 2021 during the covid plandemic, and even when sugar-coated by the press, just 20% of US adults say they trust the government in Washington to “do the right thing” just about always or most of the time.



One thing is clear: even if America refuses to accept most Bolsheviks are Jews, they still in the majority, hate what the Jews are doing.

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3af5ff  No.243759

Divide and rule doesn't need trust.

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a5523f  No.243766


On the contrary, any ruler relies on a certain amount of trust and obedience for the insolvent house of cards system to maintain political and economic hegemony and control. Once a corrupted system, think the breakup of the USSR here, loses trust and faith, soon there is enough division and defection from it that it simply overwhelms the corrupted insolvent government before imploding. This does usually lead to genocide and tyranny, although America is pretty well armed and well spread out enough that it will not be as successful as other genocides. The very reason they are trying to kill off as many possible with the slow kill vaccine and bio-engineered covid strains!

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766df4  No.243781


29%…20%… you really believe these numbers? I tell you what I'm so jaded by all the media lies when I see any number on a screen I just assume it's "adjusted" for some insider's agenda

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cd9af8  No.243809



well, then YOU must have a lot of trust

because you're fat and sedentary

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cd9af8  No.243810


you spend your entire life SITTING IN CHAIRS

and you eat a horrible diet

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cd9af8  No.243815


I trust YOUR gut

I trust that it's fat and soft and swollen

with zero abdominal muscles

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16eefb  No.243816

File: 6b075a05c87763e⋯.jpg (232.31 KB, 745x1183, 745:1183, _trump_.jpg)

I suppose after August when Trump has not returned to the WH the DailyStormer shills will gas themselves. Prbly not tho. Cowards.

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cef6ef  No.243833


that's some amateurish photoshopping

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cef6ef  No.243835


I'm guessing you're unaware that's the photograph that showed trump's drawer is filled with British cold medicines, that contain stimulant medication outlawed in the U.S.

he literally crushes up cold medications and snorts them on his desk

He also crushes up ADDERALL and snorts it

He used to do cocaine every day, but he began intermittently substituting Adderall for cocaine, although he did not completely stop snorting cocaine…

He was snorting stimulants throughout his entire 4 years in office…

And every few days, when he wanted to come down, he would take benzodiazepines… You could always tell he was doing benzos because his words would slur…

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cef6ef  No.243836


So many mistakes were made in that amateurish Photoshop retouch….

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cef6ef  No.243838


the lighting source is wrong. the shadows are wrong. the 'lasso tool' work is rushed around his fingers. the top of the bowl disappears before it reaches his right hand. the blue checkered cloth mysteriously fades in areas along the bottom.

EVEN THE FONT of the fake "tweet" is incorrect.

The original aerial font has been replaced by helvetica.


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cef6ef  No.243840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mr. Tweaker used to snort meth before the Russians put him in the White House…

he was doing meth throughout the entire APPRENTICE run….

but once he got reassigned to the White House, he stopped snorting meth,and went for adderall instead, because the meth made it too noticable that he was tweaking… Snorting dextroamphetamine had milder effects on him.

But he could NOT handle the alprazolam, so he slurred his words, stumbled when walking, and had to use both hands to drink water.

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16eefb  No.243841


post your wife's rotten cunt again, kike.

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cef6ef  No.243842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

….it's odd….

he had the self-awareness required to realize meth made him noticably tweaked, so he switched to Adderall so he could fly under the radar

but he lacked the self-awareness required to realize the alprazolam made him noticably drugged

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cef6ef  No.243843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He slurred his speech a lot, but he never tried to find a replacement for xanax, the same way he found a replacement for methamphetamine.

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cef6ef  No.243844


>>243842 features an amateurish job

of slowing down the original video

my bad…. I didn't watch the video

before posting it

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cef6ef  No.243845


wouldn't it be easier for you to

simply ask your girlfriend to pose?

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16eefb  No.243846



I can't believe you're even here after getting rekt so hard yesterday by Moarpheus :) But as my daddy always said:

Kikes gonna kike.

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cef6ef  No.243847

according to NOEL CASSLER, the

production assistant who worked

with Trump on The Apprentice and

the Beauty Pageants, Trump would

SNORT HIS XANAX instead of orally

ingesting it…………………………………..

of course he snorted meth and cocaine

most people orally ingest Adderall and Xanax

the fact that he SNORTED adderall and Xanax

clearly demonstrates his 'junkie psychology'

for even further proof of him snorting

the alprazolam, all you have to do is

listen to him sniffing while he slurs words

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cef6ef  No.243849


I'm NOT surprised that you're here

not at all

because you're unemployed

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16eefb  No.243850


>no u

fuck off braindead irrelevant "nazi hunter." youve failed.

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cef6ef  No.243851


and unlike me, you don't have the balls to simply admit the truth, that you're on disability

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cef6ef  No.243852


lol @ "nazi hunter" hahahaha

you're the queen of GRASPING FOR STRAWS

I couldn't possibly care less

about your nazi larping

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16eefb  No.243853

File: e431001ae4d8183⋯.png (58.9 KB, 1404x647, 1404:647, neptune_BTFO.PNG)



So your entire routine is projecting your own failures as an individual onto everyone else? I have never met such a stereotypal kike before.

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cef6ef  No.243854


it seems like you'd be fabricating another story about your alleged "changing work schedule"

like you did the other day

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cef6ef  No.243855


projecting ?….. LOL




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cef6ef  No.243856


the funniest part about "never met such a stereotypical kike before" ?…..

The fact thatI seriously doubt you've ever met ANY Jewish person in real life before

because you're an inexperienced shut-in

you've lived your alleged "life" entirely in front of a computer monitor

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16eefb  No.243857


In the other thread you claimed to be on disability. Now you're trying to claim I'm the one on disability and a loser. No…

You are the loser. You were prbly some chad in your younger years, full of potential, but that couldn't disguise the fact you're human garbage and fated to transform into the worthless, virtueless, self-hating, and projecting little kike that you are. And now apparently you're dying. When you die it will be as a human garbage and the march against your "people" accelerates. I hope that's the last thought on your mind.

And I can see you enjoy the abuse you receive. The truth is abusive to you, it's your fetish, because you can do nothing else with this reality than bask in your own trash heap.

Stay defeated, Johnny.

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cef6ef  No.243858


actually, I never said you're on disability

at least not directly….. although that's the most likely scenario….

I simply said you don't have the balls to be forthcoming about your lack of employment

in all honesty, I've got you sized up as MOOCHING OFF YOUR MOTHER

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0d793e  No.243859


>How can America, allegedly a 'kiked' nation, be among the LEAST TRUSTING nations when it comes to (((government))) and the (((media))) which we all know are under Jewish Bolshevik control and subversion?

You're saying that the belief that the US is a kiked nation is debunked because people believe that the US is a kiked nation?


Tell your boss /pnd/ demands better JIDF shills. You're retarded.

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16eefb  No.243860

File: c74b893052dbaee⋯.png (23.61 KB, 200x200, 1:1, actually.png)


stay defeated.

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cef6ef  No.243861


but sure, yes…. the possibility that you're on disability is one of the realistic reasons why you're unemployed

yet that's NOT my first guess with you

your lack of personality, lack of life experience, lack of a sexual partner, and continual fantasy-based perspectives are much more indicative of a big fat lazy MOOCH, still victimizing your mother

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16eefb  No.243862


>maybe if i just keep doing the same thing

youre so cancerous you got cancer lmao not even worth another reply.

stay defeated, johnny :)

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cef6ef  No.243863


being on disability DOES NOT prevent a man from getting pussy or having real life accomplishments


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cef6ef  No.243865


if you expected my observations about you to "intermittently change", then I'm afraid you're going to be sadly disappointed

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cef6ef  No.243866

because you clearly demonstrate ALL of the textbook symptomology of MOMMY MOOCHING

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cef6ef  No.243867


by the way, I know you perceive this as "me

personally attacking you", but that's not true…

I'm not

I'm simply making observations

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cef6ef  No.243868

I am really good at spotting a mommy moocher

I moved out of "mommy's" house when I was 16

and moved in with my girlfriend

so I can spot a mommy moocher from a mile away, and although I may be mistaken, I've got the gut feeling that you're a mommy moocher instead of a disability recipient

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cef6ef  No.243869

here's a good example :


that's why he doesn't have a job


Jerry has kids

Jerry has friends

Jerry has had quite an interesting life

being on disability doesn't prevent you from getting laid or living a dynamic life

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cef6ef  No.243870

File: 0d459405e6b6f5d⋯.jpeg (85.59 KB, 767x1023, 767:1023, media0_6_.jpeg)

and sure, Jerry is a little bit of a douchebag

everybody is

but Jerry is ALSO VERY COOL

he's smart and funny

he's humble and open-minded

he's extremely experienced

so his opinions were gained

through first-hand real life

anecdotal experiences

instead of being a series

of predictable imageboard

behaviors, or trendy phrases

like "chad"

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cef6ef  No.243874

so NO, in all actuality, I did not say you're on disability


and you're not being honest about it

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2f91b9  No.243877

The entire "Superior Self" manifestation existed

long before you ever began LARPing neo-Nazi

It has nothing to do with jews

It was just a convenient focal point for a man who

spent his life looking for external factors to blame

long before the expected manifestation of the

textbook SUPERIOR SELF compensation began,

the process of blaming others or blaming external circumstances had already begun

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2f91b9  No.243880




I meant every single word of that

Im a complete loser

see ?….. it's easy….

all I'm saying is YOU don't have enough balls, maturity or masculinity required to stop your ridiculous "superiority" clown show AND DEMONSTRATE ACCOUNTABILITY

courage, accountability and honesty

AREN'T part of your personality

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2f91b9  No.243881

and THAT'S exactly why I've got you pegged as a


it's your absolute inability to demonstrate even a

teeny tiny little semblance of accountability that

leads me to believe that your MOTHER is just as

complicit in your transparent inability to assume

responsibility in your ongoing history of life failures

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2f91b9  No.243892

And no.. I'm not saying your mother is toblame

Because that would simply be further enabling you

The same way your mother enabled you

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009096  No.243921


just because alotta people don't trust the false government doesn't mean that the nation isn't kiked

for example, the U.S.A. is literally a banana republic, and the one time it looked like something was actually gonna be done about it, it turned out to be glowniggers corralling dissidents into prison, and now it's too late to stage an armed revolution to take control of the country back from the kikes that has a higher chance of success than the chances that I'll get stricken by lightning twice in a row on a sunny and cloudless day

that and >1/3rd of the country sees nothing wrong with transvestites, and the other 2/3rds aren't allowed to say anything about it, and that 1/3rd will just keep going up because brainwashing the youth works; have you seen the numbers for the acceptance of sexual deviancy among the zoomers compared to the older generations?

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617976  No.244049

File: 267ba862dacdc8f⋯.png (489.13 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, PicsArt_06_29_08_32_21.png)


it sounds like you have ALL THE ANSWERS to questions nobody ever even asked.

it's a shame you're not out there implementing your amazing solution.

apparently, you've decided that sitting all alone in a stinky room staring at a computer monitor is more important.

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617976  No.244050

File: 1c3c89fd5bee762⋯.jpg (42.8 KB, 800x526, 400:263, lonely_man_sitting_compute….jpg)


making a difference………………

one post at a time, right?

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eb9765  No.244177


Fact is anyone who still trusts this system or believes it's institutions have any credibility left or there is any hope for people who co-operate with this failed state is deluding themselves by now. Tick tock tick tock, America's going to fall no matter what. Sadly it has to because it's too damned subverted and corrupted. It's going to be up to the citizens of the US to decide what happens next.

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eb9765  No.244179


No. Not exactly what the conclusion was anon, I said "even if America refuses to accept most Bolsheviks are Jews, they still in the majority, hate what the Jews are doing" to which is true, whether they ever figure it out or not.

My final conclusion is America is going to become a Third World Failed State…. it's economy wrecked…. trust broken….. what happens next is yet to be determined but I have some hope there will be a "breaking point" where citizens say enough is enough, and won't put up with anything anymore. What that looks like, I don't know, maybe just a failed state of internal rebellion and armed squatting without tax revenue, stand-offs etc. Who knows how this ends?

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911b19  No.244295


Hard truths. The only way to fix all this is with some serious global catastrophic events that wipe out 90% of society with America being wiped out 200%

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800dc4  No.244307


Right now in places like Australia you can get an $11,000 FINE for walking out of your home without a covid travel pass. In places like Russia and China they are forcing vaccines against the will of citizens and jailing them if they resist. In many parts of Europe,natural born citizens are a minority. In Canada they have pretty much banned any form of dissent as hate crime.

LOL at thinking the rest of the world is any better than America today.

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bd6cda  No.244309





Who gives a shit about third world nigger-tier countries?

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800dc4  No.244313


Anon, most of the entire world is a third world nigger-tier country by now, including most of Europe too. You'll figure it out, eventually.

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911b19  No.244383

File: b0897b4f395aa72⋯.gif (622.32 KB, 351x779, 351:779, 052e406356c593e41e7b13c138….gif)


>these countries are controlling their large population

>Meanwhile in freedumb America men are women and men fisting each other in the streets is brave and there's a flag for that that's being flown at all our government buildings

I'd rather a culling of the population than more freedom

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6e9d6b  No.244384


Many people distrust the media because they believe it's not kiked enough. The fact 70% of people distrust the media says nothing, *WHY* they distrust it is the real story.

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81a059  No.244462


Why? I like being able to get fresh air, travel the countryside, fish, have guests over to shoot some guns and drink beer, barbecue and throw a small party around a big old pit fire while cracking jokes and getting drunk. I don't like being treated like cattle (goyim). Just because you don't enjoy your life doesn't mean everyone else should suffer too.

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81a059  No.244471


Uh, no. Most people do not trust the media simply because THEY LIE to push narratives!

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911b19  No.244498


Yeah well you're a nobody. You don't DESERVE those things just because you're alive and want it. You're expendable like the rest of humanity. You need to EARN those luxuries.

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eb9765  No.244521


As long as I worked most of my life and paid my debts and taxes, and have done my duty to warn others about corruption and how the crooked system is currently screwing them over, I have EARNED what I have invested in even if it is for my own selfish interests. No one has the right to take that away from me.

And if I'm "expendable" then you can rest assured I'll treat others who think of me the same way if they try doing something stupid!

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5901f3  No.244739

Americans Number One in Recognizing the Legacy Media is a Pile of Lies


Feels good. Commies BTFO!

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1a2d1c  No.244901


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eb9765  No.244955


America could simply be fixed if the major populated urban areas were somehow wiped out. These heavily incorporated areas are where nearly all the dual-citizen bolshevik Jews reside along with their corrupted politicians, subversive lobbyists and mindless sheeple who are some the most obedient disarmed Karens and cucks in the country.

Seriously, all the problems come from heavily centralized incorporated urban areas, and we ever wanted to ever fix America all that needs to happen is the cities need to be cut off of resources completely. The rest of America would be just fine and continue to farm, ranch and homestead and tend their own local affairs, while providing for their own families and communities (the way it was traditionally back in the 1700s and 1800s and the way it should be today).

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