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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 93601aee0f8442a⋯.jpg (10.74 KB, 225x225, 1:1, G_ride.jpg)

dc9efe  No.243680

hey faggots what happened to murdoc murdoc and mr metokur do they still produce content or are they dead

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79aeb7  No.243682

File: e9599b8419f28dd⋯.png (950.39 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 4chan_compromised_moarpheu….png)

irrelevant crypto-commie eceleb garbage

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dc9efe  No.243684


still i want to know

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79aeb7  No.243686


piss off.

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40e5e4  No.243703

Honestly I'd also like to know what happened to them

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606a89  No.243704



Overthrowing the German government will not help you.

It will lead to a series of events that will be very regrettable.

Preparing for such overthrow via polls and critiques of public opinion will only draw eyes to this situation.

Being caught in the process is just as dangerous…


I will empower Syria to take back it's property. I will give the Golan Heights back to Syria.

I will introduce this perception into their minds.

It will involve multiple nations.

I will also draw the loooooooong eye to your spies present in the United States. I will draw long eyes to their hacking activities.

I will not let you go.

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