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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 95537fd22f3e382⋯.png (204.92 KB, 1903x927, 1903:927, Screenshot_2021_06_26_at_1….png)

40d034  No.243006

What the fuck is going on here

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ee1048  No.243009

So they don't do last wishes for dying children, because they might get covid?

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940403  No.243016


What vaccine? What the hell are you even talking about?

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12a3a8  No.243017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I will continue to bite down as time runs out.

Germany shall be destroyed.

The UK shall be destroyed by multiple means.

The final result is the complete annihilation of the land mass itself by environmental means.

Japan will also be made to suffer the same fate.

France and Spain will be tried by civil war.


Mother Russia's children know the time draws near.

It is best to bring them inside before the thunder, rain, and lightning comes.

It is best to extend the loving hand to the Baltic states and offer protections and safety.

It is best to make deals that ensure the protections of these peoples during extreme crisis. The number of refugees shall be staggering.

The damage from the fallout combined with the sheer number of refugees requires preparation of lands, services, and educating the people to coordinate.

Do not be hostile to them.

I am warning you.

Do not eat the offspring like the animals do.

I am warning you.

Time is running out.

I am warning you.

Prepare your people.

I am warning you.

Make these deals.

I am warning you.

Do you not say the population is only 140,000,000?

Do you not speak of trade?

Do you not speak of fundamentally strengthening the state.

Do you not speak of hardening Russia?

Do you not speak of basic differences in foreign relations?

Do you not speak of a desire for greater unity?

I am warning you.

Time is running out.

Have these things not from without, but from within.

Blessed, you may consume them.

Blessed, you may unify them.

Blessed, you may protect them.

Blessed, you may make treaty with them.

Blessed, you may continue.

Be wealthy.

Take them all for everything they've got, and they will thank you eternally for the salvation it shall bring.

They hear my call.

They hear it.

The war.

They hear the screams and death tomorrow today.

I will use idea, act, and invoke to show them.


Your attempts to deflect responsibility for these hacks is as feeble as it is silly.

You continue to draw the loooooong stare.

To draw and sow hostility in these ways is to draw a loaded gun into your mouth.

I do find it very entertaining.

Cursed to die, you may continue.

Continue allowing me to kill yourself.

It defines a certain pleasure that previously did not exist. A new dimension that can be perceived, but just beyond the tongue to define.

It was I who did that.

Actual power, not cheap tricks and slights like you.

The closing of the red window.

The death of the old man.

The death of the boy.

You shall not evade nor escape these.

Who will finance you?

Who will protect you?

Who will save you?

Who will feed you?

Who will conduct business with you?


Right: actions that lead to that which is perceived as good.

Wrong: actions that lead to that which is perceived as negative or bad.

You do what is called wrong, but play games for the appearance of right.

I will continue to break the spell and end you.

Cursed to die, you may continue.

>>The world

The unknown is my dominion.

I will separate and divide these to my liking.

I will continue to exist the existential.

Manifest destiny motherfuckers; I am growing to like these tongues and speaks.

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4c7715  No.243018


They want you to take it because they care about what's best for you and are even willing to pay for it because they would never do anything to harm you

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c4d3f9  No.244813

File: d1addd52ce4e296⋯.png (327.09 KB, 898x696, 449:348, 1624928229552.png)

File: dfe23efebf86b89⋯.png (1.72 KB, 294x27, 98:9, October.PNG)

File: d2478032dbc7e24⋯.png (367.05 KB, 888x677, 888:677, 1597621139689.png)


Probably me talking out of my ass, but I would say "Control". The goal of injecting poisons into people for population reduction could have been achieved more quickly and quietly if they'd stuck to sneaking it into the stereotypically harmless annual shots like flu which no one would question if you say it was a bad batch. But quiet doesn't monopolize government power and slow poison isn't as quick as other methods like, say, starving or making you more susceptible to common illnesses.

By announcing a massive pandemic and doing what they've done "for the good of the people", they've crippled the private sector and made more people reliant on government checks than ever before. The lockdowns also mean that more shit can be done in broad daylight because a sizeable chunk of the population is under (self)imposed house arrest. Trade snafus like the Evergreen stunt have also hurt the economy while the money machines going brrr inflates away necessities, making the gap between income and expenditures more and narrow or pronounced, depending on which ink you use. With the initial stimmies and the stock rush, people have basically pissed their funds into the wind because that speculatively stocked money has been decimated by a few tweets and corporate messages.

While the vaccines may have the endgoal of making governments supreme authorities and having the power to make certain medicines mandatory, the crypto push is likely to normalize digital currencies that can't ever be removed from a bank in a physical manner. Those in the Fed are using bitcoin to test the waters of receptiveness for their own CBDC. With that in place, the central bank could really impose a China-like social credit score system where if you don't comply with government mandates, you get cut off from all of your funds with no way to circumvent it with physical currency. Bartering for necessities would only get you so far and very few stores accept bartering as a form of payment. Those who refuse to jump through the medical hoops will likely be flagged for some overblown label like "bioterrorist", "saboteur", or "insurrectionist".

And like I said with the starving and intentional market disruptions, people will likely jump through the hoops in order to eat.

I am not suicidal.

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