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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 89dabc20ce58296⋯.jpg (73.95 KB, 640x640, 1:1, israelibowling.jpg)

754939  No.242988

Israeli critical race pusher stabbed to death by a black man in Chicago.


Justice served. If you can't take the hate, don't push it. Got bit by her own weapon. Obviously the linked source did not see that, but that is exactly what this was, it is HER GROUP using this as a weapon and she knew it. Could not have ended better.

Pro tip: When running psy ops to destroy nations, stay totally clear of the repercussions you cause!!!

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c2c48e  No.243055

<israeli born.

Do you think she realized that her 'thesis' was a steaming pile of kosher shit as she died?


Did she know it was a big lie when she wrote it?

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df0d98  No.243713

She probably died thinking "this proves I was right!"

just look at that schnoz!

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