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File: c506d5bb937b3f8⋯.jpg (38.96 KB, 474x306, 79:51, Birds_Dropping_Dead.jpg)

b4c7e2  No.242448

A stunning new national security exposé after two weeks of solidarity from what many have forewarned America passing an event horizon of no return, which would inevitably lead to the collapse of the US Dollar, social unrest, civil wars and nationwide defections and breakups following mass death from those who have chosen the Devil's mark, the mRNA covid vaccination to which hundreds of thousands are already died from, details a weekly set of events proving what we already know in solidarity.

Over the past few weeks Americans have witnessed death rates skyrocketing in their corrupted insolvent cities [1], have witnessed wildlife dropping dead from 5G microwave towers now known as "urban ovens" among those that have fled these cities [2], farmers in Oregon and California facing a massive government-manufactured drought that is increasing food prices [3] and urban infrastructure collapsing from lack of maintenance and proper funding [4].

[1.1] https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/06/22/killed-mayor-lightfoots-chicago/

[1.2] https://twitter.com/EdwinVcity/status/1407570314054230017

[2.1] https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/why-are-large-numbers-birds-suddenly-dropping-dead-multiple-us-states

[2.2] https://strangesounds.org/2021/06/mystery-birds-death-blind-washington-dc-experts-baffled.html

[3.1] https://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/farmers-blame-the-feds-the-government-stole-our-water

[3.2] https://allnewspipeline.com/Say_Goodbye_To_Food_Choice_And_Selection.php

[4.1] https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/24/us/miami-building-collapse-survivors.html

[4.2] https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/i-heard-screams-massive-search-underway-after-miami-condo-building-collapse

All of these events taking place having something in common, a term best suited for America's sad state today: systemic corruption. Systemic corruption, greed and insolvency which will collapse the now Divided States of America into the third world, unless there is an abrupt military coup to imprison the modern (((Bolsheviks))) who created this mess for America.

And with America facing mass debt insolvency with Governors issuing bailouts to landlords [5], we are now witnessing a central banking funded financial institute called Blackrock buying up enourmous amounts of middle class homes all over the nation, pricing American families out of the housing market [6], as well as supply chain shortages as automotive dealerships are forced to postpone their manufacturing [7].

[5] https://www.theblaze.com/news/taxpayers-bailout-california-renters-billions

[6] https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/wealth-redistribution-blackrock-and-other-institutional-investors-buying-entire

[7] https://arstechnica.com/cars/2021/02/a-silicon-chip-shortage-is-causing-automakers-to-idle-their-factories/

If that is not enough to cause alarm throughout America, perhaps what should cause alarm are major companies already planning for "mass vaccine deaths" of their employees [8] and our National Guard now preparing for a total take down of the internet and our power grid [9].

[8] https://www.newswars.com/oil-gas-industry-planning-to-replace-vaccinated-personnel/

[9] https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/41243/the-national-guard-just-simulated-a-cyberattack-that-brought-down-utilities-nationwide

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d9ed7b  No.242451


Birds aren't real, you dumb fuck.

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a5f243  No.242873

America has TRILLION DOLLAR BUDGETS…. and we can't even maintain our basic infrastructure! What does that tell you about corruption?



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44c1e1  No.242876

File: 57e8035f717329d⋯.png (63.74 KB, 1200x629, 1200:629, military_budget.png)


Where is all of our money going? Hmmm..

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a5f243  No.242887


Very true, this is how most Empires become insolvent and bankrupted. We need to stop all the wars for ZOG hegemony.

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