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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 0ef382966368e0c⋯.gif (492.51 KB, 1494x964, 747:482, sixmonths.GIF)

b29d96  No.242225

Our Black brothers and sisters simply can't stop killing each other. We need to step up and show them we really care. It's time to accept the fact that we owe them more than we could ever possibly repay.

Write your elected rep and tell them you support a mandatory gun buy back program where all the money will go to our black brothers.

If you're not ready to accept that fact then you need to BUY all of Ibrihim X Kindi's book.

Look how many black brothers and sisters we lost in Baltimore in just six months.

I need to take a break, it's to painful.

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b29d96  No.242226

One more thing, I know there's some serious side effects from the vaccines so we need to sacrifice ourselves in order to reach herd immunity to protect our black brothers.

Get vaccinated fam.

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b29d96  No.242229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I used to think this was fake but now that i'm anti racist i can assure the pain Is real.

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0d95d3  No.242395




I'm sorry. I have to apologise. At first, I thought that someone mentally ill thought like that.

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7b6eac  No.242428


Fuck off, I'd rather die than give them up.

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82c2c6  No.243692

Sounds like more of a feature than a bug.

Sounds like what these struggling vibrant communities of colour need is democratized access to firearms as a means of defending themselves and their freedom.

Guns should be given out for free with proof of welfare.

Within one generation the jungle gorillas will wipe themselves out.

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