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File: a8971c83107757f⋯.png (19,33 KB, 727x583, 727:583, golden_dawn.png)

1b1976  No.242115

Why did Golden Dawn only get 5% of all votes? It's almost like the plan to use a migrant crisis to shift the Western public towards National Bolshevism has failed miserably and you're all dead by defeat in just a few short years. After all, once the militant Bolshevik right-arm is severed from the body of International Jewry what remains to protect the left?

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db4b47  No.242124


>the plan to use a migrant crisis to shift the Western public towards National Bolshevism

ZOG-faggot pretends to believe the Kikes are trying to take away his gay nigger porn by having people say they don't capitalists flooding their countries with immigrants.

Kill yourself, nigger loving faggot.

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1b1976  No.242133

File: 5bd9cf110cef3b6⋯.jpg (2,63 MB, 2550x2280, 85:76, Nazbol_is_Jewish.jpg)


You sound nervous. Almost as nervous as I'd be had you little kikes won. I'm looking forward to doing to your people what you had hoped to do to mine.

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db4b47  No.242168

File: 65288940e817642⋯.png (132,58 KB, 1482x308, 741:154, pierce_prediction_zogfags.png)

File: 1576b79979b17d1⋯.png (253,16 KB, 1496x556, 374:139, ZOG_fag_comm.png)


>retard picture for retards

If you put this ZOG-faggot in a time machine and sent him to Germany in the early 1930s, he would go around telling everyone Hitler was a "National Bolshevist" controlled by Moscow.

>Almost as nervous as I'd be had you little kikes won.

When the Turner Diaries come, we're going to be the ones putting bullets in people like this. The youth of the White Nation are going to slaughter you in mass, for what you have already done to them.

Screeching "communism" isn't going to work this time, Christfag. William Luther Pierce predicted this bullshit 50 years ago, and the youth of the White Nation aren't going to be fooled into thinking "communism" somehow means more forced integration with niggers than what has already taken place before they were even born.

"America" is dead. "America" is a walking corpse, feeding on the brains of the children of the White Nation, the singe English-speaking European Nation. And a million nigger-loving Engelbert Dollfusses like yourself stop what they are going to do to.

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