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08ae61  No.241883

comments i've made about 9/11 in other forums especially to do with larry silversteins insurance payout seem to be getting alot of traffic all of a sudden wonder if the mossads up to somthing big now that US military presence in middle east is minimal,israeli president david ben guiron was ousted because he had israeli troops attack british soldiers dressed as arabs to keep british from giving up control of suez to egypt,just like germans did in WW2,jews will do anything to get others to fight there wars,just be aware if gathering anywhere in public next year or so🚨content://com.android.chrome.FileProvider/images/screenshot/1624397148364-1591189561.jpg

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08ae61  No.241885

File: ee5f7d88154434a⋯.png (77.66 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

content://com.android.chrome.FileProvider/images/screenshot/16243978697931543749128.jpg dont trust him either

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