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244fd2  No.241506

Thanks to the Migrant Crisis most of the world is beginning to embrace Ethnic Nationalism.. with the exception of the Jewish "people" and their fake state. The world is turning against the Jew, both nationalist and internationalist, being one and the same.

The future is bloody.

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0bbf28  No.241550


There are only two ways out of this: vote these commies out or prepare for war if you can't. It's that simple. Doing both would increase your likelihood of survival.

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244fd2  No.241552


agreed. i was really hoping the world would realize the mistakes being made but it looks like humans still "know not what they do." my new hope is for war.

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992a24  No.241666

Europe is already brown anyways and turds are the main reason why so who cares, euromutts can go fuck themselves

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244fd2  No.241667


piss off satan

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b55679  No.241824

Men still grovel to woman because we're slaves to pussy. Women will still destroy the world. It's not just the jew you have to worry about.

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3884f0  No.241856

File: 25eee02077ba104⋯.jpg (87.61 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, bateman2.jpg)


Right, voting will solve Sweden's problems… Considering the demographic shift, the political climate and the aggressive media propaganda, Swedes have no democracy anymore. Either, the current system will be teared down and the politicians brought to court for their crimes against the Swedish people, or nothing will ever happen.


Correct. That is why women cannot be granted the right to participate in politics.

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992a24  No.241870


piss off you bluepilled nigger lover, Europe is cuck central and does nothing but suck off shitty little brown turds

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5afe9c  No.241871


They should have never given up their guns without a fight. That was the beginning of the end for them, sadly. I wouldn't blame as much as their crooked Bolshevik politicians, but still, they were obedient and those obedient to corrupt actors always get the shit end of the stick.

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244fd2  No.241874

File: 27ec6740d993232⋯.png (464.71 KB, 1140x826, 570:413, weev_kill_germans.png)


piss off kike

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3884f0  No.241884

File: c0262e53350d7df⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 306x306, 1:1, 10362212_1632533053636109_….jpg)


>They should have never given up their guns without a fight

Oh look an American, i.e. a citizen of one of the most race mixed country in the west, feels obliged to share his retarded opinion on the faults of Europe. Wide spread gun ownership can be an important factor for securing freedoms, but only if the population isn't passivized and stupid, and are actually able to put them to use. This is not the case with whites in North America. Gun ownership is obviously not sufficient when faced with a traitorous government. To be clear: I am generally not opposed to ordinary citizens owning guns, but if you can legally own guns, so can the people who oppose you. Consolidating power over the military and the media is more important than disseminating guns among a population who will never use them effectively.

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5afe9c  No.241886


Some Americans have put them to use before, other than shooting practice and hunting. There have been many deadly stand-offs in American history between citizens and criminals and between citizens and corrupt governments. This is what makes raids very risky for law enforcement (notice how they all have military tactical training for SWATs to pull it off without a botched raid and even that happens once in a while and people end up getting shot up). This is why they can't force vaccines against our will, this is why they can't round Americans up in a gulags en mass, this is what makes land grabs dangerous, this is what makes robbery and rape risky for average criminals too. You are right though. Overall, if we don't use them when in need, then they are pointless. But I have some to use when I need to use them, when my life or property is threatened. Then I'll use the guns. That's pretty much the sentiment of many Americans today. Some have the guts to use them when need be, some do not.

I'm not trying to judge Europe, all I'm saying is it was a very bad idea for them to give them up so easily, voluntarily.

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