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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: a7eb510ba07ea41⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1228x908, 307:227, PEARLSwut.png)

610c89  No.241325

Kamala ANIME

A 12 episode anime announced will be inevitable once the Japanese realize how cute her childhood is and how fun the interaction between her and her mother's mysterious mentor Howard (a regular visitor from Japan, bearing gifts for loli Kamala) would be.

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5cce3f  No.241326

File: 59702fb38c186eb⋯.png (941.43 KB, 1067x596, 1067:596, soyboy.png)


fuck off kike damn..

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610c89  No.241330



are you talking about Howard?

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5cce3f  No.241336

File: b8cb73d3ba3d7fe⋯.png (939.81 KB, 1920x2379, 640:793, weev_irrelevant_1.png)


I'm talking about (((you))).

Your thread on 4/pol/ received even less attention than this thread. Do you understand how incredibly sad that is? You have lost all influence.

We're heading into a dark and bloody future, one you can not delay, prevent, or avoid. All you can do is just what you've done: Retire, have a family, and shitpost until the coming day arrives and that inevitable moment passes us from one age to the next.

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610c89  No.241338


I'm cross-posting this everywhere, problem?

when I tried to meme this last summer it didn't catch on so you can't blame me

don't tell me I'm not onto something here, weigh the evidence fren

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1ad45f  No.241352


the fact that ANIME is even part of your everyday vocabulary proves that your development was stunted in your childhood.

time to go play another video game, lonely sexless sissyboy

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5cce3f  No.241356



>same reddit-spacing

fuck off samefag kike

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1ad45f  No.241359

god damn you guys are GAY AS FUCK

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1ad45f  No.241360


lol videogame sissyboys seems to think you and I are the same person

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1ad45f  No.241361


fuck yourself, videogame faggot

(nobody else will do it)

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1ad45f  No.241362


/pnd/ is SO FUCKING LAME…..

seriously… this is garbage

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610c89  No.241368


you seem to have forgotten /pol/'s origins, assuming you even know PND's


the space-whining is kike territory tbh

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5cce3f  No.241369


you're the handsome truth shill. fuck off.

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55a98e  No.241370

isolated shut-in loners………………………..

who live their entire lives online

and who think

anybody who doesn't parrot imageboard behavior

is from "reddit"

you stupid sack of shit, I have never been to reddit…

but I seriously doubt……

anybody anywhere……

types like ME…….


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55a98e  No.241371


I don't give a FUCK about any of your imageboard "culture"

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55a98e  No.241372

*in high pitched, lisping, whining voice*

"I doubt you know the originals and of pol"

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f201fd  No.241373

A bunch of media Jews had a meeting in the Hampton's and decided to back her. I was encouraged when she got crushed in the primary but here she is one heartbeat away from the potus.

She qualified because she refused to prosecute Steve Mnuchin for his scheme of repoing houses even tho there was mountains of evidence.

They need to know you won't buckle under pressure and re-open the Sept 11th investigation.

Which brings us to FBI director Wray. He's worth around $30 million and took a huge pay cut to be director. He was brought in after Sept 11th second in command so they know they can trust him.

Why would anyone take a huge pay cut like that?

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f201fd  No.241374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker called out the media for treat Kamala as a Demi God.

Sometimes I wish I could go back to not knowing the Jews manipulate everyone thru the media.

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20c1d2  No.241375


She sucks so fucking hard. She is just awful in ever aspect. Fuck I hate my country

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7562b7  No.241378


Nobody in their right mind pays for TV anymore. Take a hike, yet another shitty thread!


I don't hate most of America. I do hate our corrupted politics and government and can't wait for the day that shit collapses just like the USSR did. If we got rid of our government, corrupted politics and quarantined off all major cities gutting their political influence, America would be a very nice country to live in.

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04d467  No.241379


>We're heading into a dark and bloody future, one you can not delay, prevent, or avoid.

THIS is the truth. I don't think there is any avoiding it anon. This country is more divided than ever before, as well highly subverted. We have two major classes in America right now, and it really has nothing to do with race or economics, it comes to basic human instinct and ideology. We have those who want to be left alone, and others who don't want to leave us alone. That's the major division in America today and neither side is backing down. You can only guess how that ends. Look no further to the skyrocketing gun and ammo demand. Deagle predictions for America in 2025 were likely correct. Jade Helm domestic war exercises weren't over nothing at all.

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