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File: 6e0b8d53e447865⋯.png (525.55 KB, 987x899, 987:899, jew_women_love_bbc.PNG)

78c3f4  No.241162

So im banned by the kikes at 4chan for being non bot

seriously though spread this as much as possible and over time repeatedly ask others to do same

kate ROTHSCHILD cheats on jew husband ben GOLDSMITH


Force this 1 they will sneed till their deaths

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be034b  No.241216

File: 76a1999d0f1969c⋯.jpg (126.63 KB, 1175x784, 1175:784, gwyneth_jew_and_shamanlarp….jpg)

File: 2084ab429b7f23b⋯.jpg (36.55 KB, 401x271, 401:271, emma_watson_daughter_of_ke….jpg)


I think this has already been known but, the reason why its let out was not accident.

Its not a coincidence there has been a very odd up tick of royals in general marrying cheating with black women and black men its not on accident because the niggers are in on the scam, its seems to be done to poison the upper class White Persons family unit so they can't pass down the wealth pass more then one generation. Theres a couple known hollywood brothel madams that only target wealthy non-jew families children to marry niggers but the way it works is befriending then drugging them.

(((Gwyneth Paltrow))) personally went around catfishing Scandinavian royals and others wealthy White People for a decade to trick them in to dating a scammer nigger hollywood larpshaman they at first would just rob them and get blackmail. First Gwen befriends then starts slipping them a ecstasy concoction, then Gwen introduces them to scam nigger larpshaman after a few months claiming he is so mystical and wise will solve all of their problems, then Gwen an larpshaman basically does a crude mk ultra disguised as a shaman ritual with LSD, Scopolamine and some other drug thats only referred to as its chemical formula then rapes them , Gwen got caught multiple times doing this and sued by two of her victims with nigger shamanlarp in LA.

Then a few years later after being caught again and sued Gwyneth drugged the shit out of the Norwegian princess for a year before introducing her to a nigger larpshaman after raving about him the entire year and how he can fix them both together.

The Norwegian Princess Husband found out they were drugging his wife while robbing her that their getaways Gwen told him she paid for the trips, he hired a investigation team , Gwen forged divorce papers and the jew cabal (((suicided))) him shortly after. Gwenyth is also the one who introduced markle nigger to prince Harry originally. Gwenyth has a trail of bodies behind her wherever she goes.

Don't forget Gwen sold literal trash goop snake oil publicly to stick inside a womens vagina which ended up chemically burning anyone who used it.

Its the typical kike tactics befriend then slowly drug the target due breakdown their personal barriers so they can control them.

Freud the jew actually did the same thing with psychiatry, Jung called him out for drugging all these wealthy patients then scamming them and upper class elite White People like the Mccorkmicks.

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be034b  No.241217

File: 65932c2abcbefcd⋯.jpg (142.53 KB, 693x518, 99:74, jewish_girls_love_bbc_67c8….jpg)


i know kike bot will be the first reply so i'm take that away

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b96528  No.241271


contemporary Goyim are either totally ignorant of, or wholly receptive to the deceptive predators that surround and target them. Nothing new under the sun

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b96528  No.241273

>>241271 meant for


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a9764e  No.241274


Yep, you pissed off their pampered little coastal elitist cult.

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ba63d0  No.241287


Paltrow needs to be plowed by nigger cocks forever to pay for her crimes. Fucking niggers larping as shaman, they're barely even human. At least get a paki-nigger or desi-nigger to larp as a shaman.

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4449db  No.241290

File: 29438b5c35f8f5d⋯.png (68.9 KB, 672x382, 336:191, NO_GOOD_JEWS_2.PNG)

Understand that Jews aren't a race. They're an ethnicity. Jews require non-Jewish women to produce children otherwise their inbred genetics will breakdown in a couple of generations leaving Jews little more than biological sludge. Jews don't care about mixing with other races, they actually need to mix. The only way to really hurt world Jewry is by showing the different races who is their common enemy , what he has done and planned to do, and how to defeat him.

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df6c89  No.241300


It's no surprise, really. Upperclass Jews are more decadent than anyone.

Even regular liberal Jews will happily drink their own poison. Non-orthodox Jewish birthrates are catastrophically low thanks to their promotion of feminism, abortion and trannyism. Outmarriage rates are so high that there's more mixed marriages than all-Jewish marriages. And atheism and irreligion are destroying the Jews' social cohesion within their group.

Still, thanks for posting this. Evidence of the Jews' self-destructive ways coming back to bite them is exactly what we need.

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d83768  No.241567


Yes why do you think they project their miscegenation fantasy so much. Their WOMEN love it! In a 100 years Jews will be mutts.

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