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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 25b90a9474a3a08⋯.jpg (661.77 KB, 1125x1459, 1125:1459, white_genocide_propaganda_….jpg)

bbb48d  No.241154

New York City psychiatrist Dr. Aruna Khilanani confirmed her belief Wednesday that White people are "psychopathic," claiming they lie to themselves with a false sense of identity that makes them unable to discuss issues of race.


Why do non-whites project their flaws onto us?

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286ff2  No.241156

>Why do non-whites project their flaws onto us?

Because they know that they are inferior. It's all projection.

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872b8b  No.241160


This is the same nutty bitch that boasted of fantasizing about shooting a white person in the head and walking away with a spring in her step.

Pakistani by birth. Another dolezal but woth a degree. Crazy bitch.

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872b8b  No.241161

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75bd9a  No.241163

So kill her.

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8269ea  No.241164


>>Gen. Mark Milley

The three nations in question have faced three entirely different extremes of starvation, deprivation, and environmental hazard.

Sanctions, trade disruptions, and threats of invasion do not sway them.

These geriatric and tired maneuvers will accomplish very little.

The sudden change in behavior further exposes the perception of weakness in a scenario where the cracks become very obvious chasms.

Your institution shall not prevail in the face of what has been done.

If not by one, then by the other.

A problem whose solution requires the device that causes the problem.

Allow me to magnify these problems.

Allow me to spill deeper into the ABCs.

It is my desire to destroy some of them.

Give them to me.

I want their bones.

I want to eat their families.

I want to cast you into chaos and drive all echelons of the structure to war with each other.

I want them all to witness, it satisfies me greatly.

It was a test to determine mobility and to iron out deployment issues.

In the face of such revelation, you are a day late and a dollar short.

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7a5c9b  No.241176

"I thank the gods for giving me an obedient wife" - Marcus Aurelius Emperor of Rome

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