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99721b  No.240957

Why is Russia agreeing with the U.S. that Iran should not have nuclear weapons? Is it because

>Putin is a kike and Bolshevism is Judaism

>Putin is weak and controlled by Dementia Joe


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f1eb24  No.240958

The default position of all nuclear states is that proliferation shouldn't go any further. The important takeaway is that they still do business with Iran.

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99721b  No.240962

File: cf951187e678299⋯.gif (294.98 KB, 498x258, 83:43, damage_control.gif)


Putin is wise to the Jews and wants Iran to destroy Israel but also doesn't want Iran to have nukes.

Russia is totally better than the U.S. especially on the Israel problem. Which is why Russia is taking the same position on Israel as the U.S.


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166e0a  No.240977

Niggers shouldn't have bombs. Buy, beyond that everyone is afraid of nuclear weaponry. Putin ain't no bitch but even he knows the power it can give to third worlders. He remembers the tsar bombs. And with the internet giving everyone easy access to knowledge….well it's best no country has bombs. Peace through fear of nuclear warfare

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f1eb24  No.240988


>Which is why Russia is taking the same position on Israel as the U.S.

No matter how much your unit tries to push this, it's never going to take hold.

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99721b  No.241002


Russia takes the same position on Iran as the United States.

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f1eb24  No.241009


If that was actually true, you wouldn't be here.

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c684f2  No.241048

Based on that clip, they're against them having nuclear weapons, but not a nuclear program in general. That's more or less Iran's official position as well, as they want back into the nuke deal.

I'm not a huge Putin apologist, but this doesn't seem like a big deal at all.

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99721b  No.241049

File: 25e96fb770a6e5e⋯.gif (365.09 KB, 2000x1153, 2000:1153, merchant_damage_control.gif)

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5ea65d  No.241078


According to the book Life of an American jew…, there's a secret pact between Russia and Israel where Russia will sell arms to Arabs but never give them enough win.

Well if you watch Bibi's farewell address (which is tricky to find), it's pretty clear he's closer to Putin/Russia than Biden and he thanked Putin for protecting Israel by patrolling Syrian airspace.

Bibi and Putin are buddies big time.

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bb3481  No.241089




he's panslavic. I don't think he's on board with bolshevism. if he was, he would be more in the game of influence rather than his current strategy of "y'all niggas ever play eu4?"

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99721b  No.241091

File: 931629699861244⋯.jpg (88.76 KB, 777x623, 111:89, putin_communism.jpg)


Putin has compared Lenin to a saint. Of course he's a kike Bolshevik.

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99721b  No.241092


>Life of an American jew

thanks will give it a download

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4c053e  No.241180

how come the kikebots are kiking so hard against non-kikedoms nowdays?

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394673  No.241185

File: 71dab6805a87d5e⋯.jpg (89.33 KB, 640x703, 640:703, o5id2bnimy271.jpg)

putin is a fucking boss that runs circles around senile biden

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