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File: 2e9e0d76215b6bf⋯.png (42.72 KB, 1215x297, 45:11, rent_1.PNG)

File: 9b51d7b077b771f⋯.jpg (519.12 KB, 750x938, 375:469, rent_2.jpg)

ddfb01  No.240950

Are kike corporations buying U.S. homes above asking price as part of a Communist plot to remove ownership? Is this also why the media is no telling us that renting is preferable?

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5b90d7  No.240951

File: 21798f873830b86⋯.jpeg (13.1 KB, 134x150, 67:75, 7C929527_B337_4386_95D5_B….jpeg)


>Are corporations OWNING homes a plot to remove OWNERSHIP???

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ddfb01  No.240952

File: 058a84f3d928618⋯.png (8.03 KB, 211x239, 211:239, brainlet_communist.png)


<Are corporations OWNING homes a plot to remove OWNERSHIP???

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dcba45  No.240954

File: 56b6bde4c6b8d46⋯.png (685.38 KB, 3704x812, 926:203, chad_trailer_thad_van.png)


>not taking the voluntarily homelessness red pill

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5b90d7  No.240955

File: 6f7f4921e325099⋯.jpeg (18.51 KB, 454x466, 227:233, 84EA93B9_A0E9_41C3_9767_9….jpeg)


>Corporations are communism

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ddfb01  No.240956

File: 3e23a8687a39ddf⋯.jpg (39.26 KB, 545x478, 545:478, brainlet_merchant_2.jpg)


based thad van


>corporations controlled by the state buying all the property isn't the state acquiring all the property through their own corporations

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5a1448  No.240959


Is the rent going to be free or fixed at a % of your income? Because that's how actual communist states did it.

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ddfb01  No.240961

File: 05ec5324c5fee31⋯.jpg (162.36 KB, 838x960, 419:480, brainlet_merchant.jpg)


>government owning property and forcing rent on the masses is ok if it's not free rent or fixed at a % of income

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b2fd50  No.240984


Yes, and it's already been reported no matter how many anons ignored the first warning (looks like the first OP was DELETED from /pnd/, wonder why? I'll be re-posting that one SOON!) Glowing niggers!

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5a1448  No.240985


Comprehension issue or bot?

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b2fd50  No.240993




Fucking glowing n i g g e r s .

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b2fd50  No.240996



You idiots do not understand they are removing your ability to mortgage and eventually buy and own a home! This is an attempt to force people to remain renting in urban areas or force people who already own homes to stay put, pricing average working Americans OUT of the market place. This is 100% Bolshevik tactics, you morons!

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b2fd50  No.240998


I am so lucky I already own my home and live rural anon. I will never give that property up, even in times of war. God damn it, most the youth on here are so brainwashed they can't even see how this will destroy their lifestyle and dependence many have taken for granted. This is part of their Bolshevik "Great Reset" and they really do mean "you will own nothing" when they make public announcements like that. See more info here: >>240989

I don't know what has happened to this board but it seems IQ levels are dropping at a rate of 20% per week! I'll give anons the benefit of the doubt and blame it on covid vaccine damage to the brain and blood cell damage.

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5a1448  No.241003


Yeah, I guess where I disagree with you is that this enterprise has any real "communist" underpinnings outside of marketing and jewish involvement. Jews ditched communism a long, long time ago because it didn't actually work out too well for them in the USSR or anywhere else, really. They lost power. They like liberalism. They like capitalism. They like having "fiscal conservatives" around them eating their slop.

There is no free housing coming. No free education. No free healthcare. Jews are buying up the property so that they can own it in the most traditional sense. You just misunderstand capitalism and wrongly assume that it guarantees or even theoretically wants to make sure you or others like you can own stuff, too.

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b2fd50  No.241016


Well you can call this capitalism, whatever, the fact is this is highly corrupt and people need to be made aware of what is really happening and be warning others ASAP. I'm at least trying to do my part, I have talked to people about this online and offline, and it is getting people's swift attention too. Many are horrified. This is going to lock common Americans OUT of the housing market. Imagine the future implications of such a thing! You think poverty is bad now?

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5a1448  No.241019


>Well you can call this capitalism, whatever, the fact is this is highly corrupt


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96ee89  No.241021

Fuck having a home. You should only be allowed to own a home if you're white and have a family. Otherwise you don't need all that fucking space. Tiny homes are the future.

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34ccfa  No.241039


>Tiny homes are the future.

YOUR future, because YOU choose to accept that.

Not me. Not in my life will I ever accept that.

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436132  No.241041

Agenda 21, er…. 30. Force all sheeple in to tenements. Sell land to China to pay off $50T in debt. Piss away land your ancestors fought for.

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efddf0  No.241046


That may be the plan, but they'll have to shoot it out with tens of millions of disgruntled homeowners and rural preppers. This won't go down easily, not without a fight to the death.

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f55312  No.241080

File: 4637f77c5ac79db⋯.jpg (138.71 KB, 500x302, 250:151, tumblr_obpo4rL8DW1rvzucio1….jpg)


> The muh rural gun defender thing

You guys are hiding in the woods in your plywood cuckshacks clutching your guns because you didnt defend anything with them.

Once they come to the woods for you the ones that survive will run to the cemetaries taking about "wait till the come to the graves".

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730878  No.241182

looks like usa is getting Kiked pretty hard.

China is attacking the amerijews hard nowdays. Especially the realestatekikes are getting a hard gooktime.

Are bateaters and desertpedos at war with eachother?

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