354702 No.240805
Texas has now adopted the IHRA (((International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance))) definition of anti-Semitism. Now any criticism of Jews or Israel is anti-Semitism if you live in Texas.
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69ac8f No.240875
Everyone knows by now when you want to speak truth to power, do it behind a VPN and/or Tor. The US government already has white nationalist snitch lines. If you talk about it, talk about it among trusted people you personally know only. Don't talk about this kind of stuff to others who might be offended by it.
Honestly, most white nationalists are doing it all wrong anyway. If they really wanted to be successful they'd hijack the term "fascist" and throw it right back at the Jews and Commies, over and over, every name they call you you should call them. It's a psychological warfare tactic but it fucking works! Seriously try it! Call something "fascist" instead of "communist" and all the lefties will totally agree with you. Say how "fascist" mandatory vaccines are, they'll agree with you. Say how "fascist" our government is, they'll agree with you. Say how "fascist" endless wars for Israel is, and they'll actually fucking agree with you. The proof is there, I did it before, and I had pinko commies agreeing with me, because I simply used their boogeyman term against their own agendas! LOL. THAT is how stupid many people really are! Use it. Exploit it ruthlessly. Hijack the dictionary folks, it's the only way. Use their own weapons against them.
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69ac8f No.240876
Years and years of brainwashing, reversed just like that…… well oy vey!
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8bf3e4 No.240904
Nobody cares about your beliefs
Nobody thinks you're edgy
Nobody thinks you're intimidating
Nobody thinks you're part of something bigger than yourself
You seem to think that you are part of a "group"
But you're not….
And nobody gives a fuck who you like or don't like
Nobody cares about your opinions
Nobody's asking to hear them
And nobody wants you to volunteer them
People don't laugh at you because you're intimidating
We laugh at you because you're a pussy
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8bf3e4 No.240905
Your entire "look at me I said I hate jews" attention seeking routine is so predictable and boring….
Nobody cares about jews
It doesn't make you look "cutting edge"
You remind me of the same fucking pussy ass faggot skinheads I used to know in real life back in the punk rock days, back when your parents were teenagers….
The awkward losers….
Loners… Complete outcasts….
Desperate to latch on to something
Something that made them feel edgy
No, nobody gets a fuck about your topic
Not even you… You're just a wannabe… A parrot
And not even a good one… You're terrible in fact
I've seen 13-year-olds pull it off better than you
You're boring as fuck
I'm telling you that for your own good
It's something you need to know
That's the reason you're alone
That's the reason people never liked you
That's the reason you're angry
That's the reason you always got overlooked
It's not because you're intimidating
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8bf3e4 No.240906
Nobody could care less if it was Jews or if it was blacks or if it was Mexican or if it was Iranians..
Nobody even realizes you exist
It's just you and your stupid computer
And nobody acknowledges your existence
So why would we care
Who you like
And who you don't like?
All we see is a disenfranchise disgruntled little man.. a tiny little man with a lot of anger and resentment.. always looking for someone else to blame….
It's not interesting…..
Keep your opinions to yourself
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8bf3e4 No.240908
There's a very good reason why we don't care about Texas or some alleged policy regarding anything whatsoever, let alone jews….
BECAUSE ITS BORING, that's why….
Because we're living our Lives….
We've got families….
We've got wives….
We've got girlfriends…
We've got kids….
We've got real lives that keep us occupied…
So nobody gives a fuck about you being butthurt over some bullshit in Texas….
This isn't distracting from the fact that you're angry at yourself for letting so many opportunities slip by….
You're angry at yourself that you never accomplished what you thought you would
Shit.. you can't even get any pussy bitch
You're a fucking bitch… You don't ever get any pussy… Nobodys sucking your dick… You're not tapping anything…
You're just an angry lonely bitch
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8bf3e4 No.240910
You literally remind me of a 13 or 14-year-old boy
And I'm not even joking..
I've got you pegged like a 14-year-old boy…
Awkward and geeky.. not fitting in..
You don't remind me of anybody I hang out with
You don't remind me of an adult dude…
You're definitely not "one of the dudes"
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8bf3e4 No.240911
"waaaaahhh, jew this, texas that, waaahhh jews"
But you're not "one of the dudes"
You're not cool and you're not funny and you're not different….
You're not one of the dudes
You're a weirdo. A geek
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8bf3e4 No.240912
There's no way you would ever fit in.. it's completely understandable how you stumbled into this pathetic LARPing….
Because you never fit in.. your entire life you never fit in.. you're just not somebody that is cool to hang out with…
Basically you've got like ZER0 personality…
It's really flatline with you…
The total opposite of cool…
No charisma comes across….
Nothing comes across….
Because you don't know how to be cool
You never learned how to fit in and be cool
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8bf3e4 No.240913
And I'm not being mean.. I realize you probably think I'm being mean to you right now.. but I'm not
I'm talking to you the same way I would talk to your face… This is the same way I would talk to a real life acquaintance, or a real life friend, or my brother…
I'm just telling you the truth man….
You're not intimidating and you're not edgy and you're not suddenly interesting and you're not part of some larger group and you're not connected with like-minded people and you're not important and your political rhetoric is monotonous, the same boring douchebag pussy boy banter we've all seen for at least 40 years now..
There's nothing new or cool about your trendy behavior… I've seen this same "awkward misfit outcast loser LARP" bullshit since the early 80s..
It was boring back in 1982, and you've managed to make it much much more boring…
Why are you such a pussy?
I'm serious.. I'm asking you a serious question…
Why are you such a bitch?
Why don't you get any pussy, man?….
THAT'S the question.. not Texas and not the Holocaust…. YOU….. YOU…. why can't YOU managed to score some pussy, dude?
If you're one of the dudes, then acts like it damn it
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8bf3e4 No.240914
Because this is your moment.. this is your moment in the spotlight.. this is your opportunity to stand up for yourself, and prove that you are one of the dudes….
Or you can prove that you're not one of the dudes
Because I've never hung out with douchebags
I don't hang out with angry little children
I don't hang out with guys who hide from the truth
Be one of the dudes
Why can't you get any pussy, man?…
What's the obstacle?
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8bf3e4 No.240915
I'm inviting you to be "one of the dudes"
This is a lot more real than your imaginary 'status' with the other two larpers in /pnd/
(they're not 'one of the dudes' either)
But this is my invitation for you…
To actually connect…
Just one of the dudes….
Shooting the shit with another dude….
Real talk…..
Keeping it 100
Real fucking talk….
Just one of the dudes…
So tell me what's the deal?
Just open up and be honest
What's the reason?
Why can't you get any pussy?
What's the problem?
What's your stumbling block
I'll help you overcome the stumbling block..
I don't give a fuck about Jews
And I don't give a fuck about blacks
And I don't give a fuck about politics
I'm just one of the dudes
Just like you
Shooting the shit…
I'll help you overcome the obstacle…
So what's the exact problem?
What exactly is preventing you from closing the deal?
Are you even sexually attracted to women at all?
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8bf3e4 No.240916
I guarantee if you take my advice you'll end up with a girlfriend sucking your dick within a week or two.. if it even takes that long..
There's really no reason why it should take you two weeks
If you take my advice, this weekend you could be blowing loads into some college girl….
But not until you're brave enough to tell me what's the obstacle? What exactly is preventing you from succeeding?…… Jews?
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8bf3e4 No.240917
And before you tell me Jews are the reason girls don't like you…..
Let me remind you that you're not going to have this opportunity again…
Perhaps it's not so much about Jews as it is about you being sexually attracted to other men?
If that's the case you can tell me
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8bf3e4 No.240918
If you're not sexually attracted to females, you can still be "one of the dudes"….
Nobody's going to ostracize you
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8bf3e4 No.240919
Youve got a lot of anger and resentment built up
Pretty uptight….
A real stiff…..
Loosen up…. Relax a little bit
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8bf3e4 No.240920
You just seem to have a lot of repressed anger
It seems like I'm detecting a lot more anger and resentment than normal…
I mean, sure…. Everybody's got things we find frustrating… Nobody ever said life was going to be perfect…. It's not a day at Disneyland, that's for sure…. And there's little things in life that frustrate us here and there… Things we don't like…. Things we can't control….
But normal people don't carry so much repressed negative emotion…. Normal people don't walk around carrying grudges….
I'm wondering if that might be your main obstacle:
The repressed anger and blame for external factors
I'm wondering if that's not the main reason why girls won't fuck you….
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8bf3e4 No.240921
I mean, I guess what I'm trying to say is…
If your repressed frustration is that palpable to a complete stranger like me, a complete stranger online, but if I can detect your repressed frustration this strongly….
….then yeah.. obviously in real life it's even more detectable…..
Yeah and this uptight douchebag behavioral pattern would definitely serve as an obstacle between you and vagina
There's definitely NO WAY any girls going to give you her vagina when you're an uptight angry frustrated disenfranchised complaining loser bitch
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8bf3e4 No.240922
Take my advice, dude……….
What you're doing is not working…
It's time to try something different
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8bf3e4 No.240923
It's only you could just snap your fingers and become somebody else….
Just blink your eyes and suddenly you would be somebody else… Another guy…. A guy who's actually cool and interesting…. A guy with charisma… A guy that women found attractive… A guy that made women feel comfortable… A guy that gets pussy….
It's a snowball effect, you know… It really is…
Once you start getting pussy, it's like a snowball effect, and then you start getting tons of pussy
But loneliness also has a snowball effect
The more you fail, the less you try, due to a fear of failure, meaning you failed because you were afraid of failure, so you never even tried.. and another day passes, and another week, and another month….
An entire month that you could have been fucking a college girl in the ass and having her cross her eyes when she deep throats you before you go to sleep..
Months turn into years.. the snowball gets bigger and bigger
So maybe you should try a different technique
Because you've got no clue what women like
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8bf3e4 No.240924
I could teach you how to be one of the dudes
I doubt anyone has ever made this offer before:
As an act of Goodwill, I would volunteer to teach you how to get pussy….
An act of charity on my part
I could teach you how to be one of the dudes
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8bf3e4 No.240925
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Maybe you should begin by making a decision to finally stop being so boring?
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a62b48 No.240926
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8bf3e4 No.240927
If you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao….
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8bf3e4 No.240928
so you're FINALLY admitting homosexuality?
wow, that took you long enough
See? That wasn't that hard..
We all knew it anyway….
Delaying didn't do you any good….
You could have just been honest from the very beginning and saved yourself some face
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8bf3e4 No.240929
See?.. nobody here hates you because you're gay..
We still accept you….
And now we understand your anger and repressed frustration on a much better level
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8bf3e4 No.240930
You can still be one of the dudes.. we still accept you
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8bf3e4 No.240931
And I'm not even joking at this point.. I'm not being sarcastic
I'm being 100% honest :
As an act of charity
I'm willing to help you free yourself of your repressed anger and frustration
I don't mind being a counselor
You deserve to be happy
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8bf3e4 No.240932
Okay it's almost 6:00 and we have company coming over for dinner tonight so I'm jumping into the shower and throwing dinner together…
A couple of my wife's friends from work are coming over and we're going to have a little wine and some garlic pasta with white sauce and garlic bread and a salad straight out of our garden
But you're one of the dudes as far as I'm concerned…
From now on when you see me in here, just say "hey it's me.. one of the dudes!!" And that way I'll know you're not one of the other two faggots who still don't have the balls to admit they're sexually attracted to other men and they're never going to reproduce and have children so they're not part of any Master race and they're the farthest thing from Superior I can possibly imagine, and in fact, the Ford pinto gas tank was more Superior…
That way I'll know you're not one of them…
Smile…. Everything is going to be okay….
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41efff No.240933
Californians fucked up California and turned the greatest state in the union into a literal shit pile.
The jackass Californians leave and move for Texas, see red pilled Texans everywhere. They scream at the sky, and start shitting up Texas.
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dc4be7 No.240960
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