I have a confession to make.
For the last 6 months i've been drinking enough alcohol to kill a large brown bear every single day. I was hoping something would happen to me.
I went to the doctor and had a full lab done and they said everything was fine… I was devastated.
I kept thinking… I drank enough alcohol to kill about 160 bears. I didn't tell the doctor because he might call someone thinking I was mentally ill.
I kept it to myself.
What was for sure was that I gained a deeper look into the depths of my immortality and my responsibilities for people. It's odd to be someone like me. In this society nothing bad ever happens – its always something close. I havent ever had the chance to test my invulnerability other than the 6-7 times people tried to kill me and failed miserably.
The heart attack gun failed. Drilling holes in my head failed. Shock failed. Lethal doses of radiation failed. Its hard to judge these things when theyre happening to you.
What was for sure was that I knew that I had to drink because of it. I decided 'Alcohol is poison and so im going to just end my suffering with alcohol because I can't stand being surrounded by the downsyndrome morons everywhere around me". It wasn't a "life isn't fair" issue. It wasn't a "I hate life" issue. It was a "people are so fucking stupid that I can't possibly stand it and I need to die in a way that will serve my purposes in the future after Im dead".
Well I guess the jokes on me because Im immortal to drinking. Seriously I'm 50 drinks into this shit and I'm still typing normally and talking like im sober. A brown bear 4 times my size would be fucking dead. The internet, the bastion of all fucking intelligence, says you get rid of 1 drink per hour.
Well whats 50-60 drinks per day for 6 months?
Thats 2.5x the amount of alcohol the body can get rid of. Times 450.
Thats right. Its 2.5 times as much the body can process for 450x.
I take the fucking tests and the doctors cant tell anythings wrong. Are you fucking kidding me?
lmao How the fuck could you not tell theres been 450x the amount of alcohol to kill a fucking brown bear. Do you honestly have faith in your stupid ass doctors?
I dont know what the fuck this bullshit is thats going on but I know its pissing me off. And I dont mean Im pissed off because I had another 60 drinks today. I mean I'm pissed off because this shit doesn't make any fucking sense.
By the way I noticed that every fucking board besides b works and i ts because I keep posting in it.
Fix your fucking board