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File: 814cb136b527c46⋯.jpg (431.79 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, The_Testimony_page_001.jpg)

File: 21c54cdaa87ee11⋯.jpg (363.34 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, The_Testimony_page_002.jpg)

File: 905b81407b20b7d⋯.jpg (220.38 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, The_Testimony_page_003.jpg)

20502e  No.240387

Saw this on gab. Thoughts?

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16cb5a  No.240390

File: da6f7bd607df5eb⋯.jpg (84.08 KB, 960x654, 160:109, tldr.jpg)

>expulsion of hate

seems like conditioning for expulsion of jews, which is a zionist ploy. other than that pic related.

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0e4351  No.240392


It reads like jewish co-opting, like Rufo, Weinstein, et al.

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16cb5a  No.240393



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0e4351  No.240394


Like the multicult is being misapplied and poorly implemented.

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86dc42  No.240518


thoughts? tldr;

and 'i can't believe you openly admit going to shithole gab'

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4b2033  No.240540


Extremely accurate and concise description of the current situation.

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0e4351  No.240546


No, not really.

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a503ca  No.241106

I can't argue with any of the points in that.

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9ae19a  No.241108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's only going to get worse.

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fe84bc  No.241198


This is your third post without adding anything to a thread of 9 (now 10) posts.

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51db55  No.241202

Capitalists brought niggers over because they didn't want to pay high wages to Europeans to work on their farms. The Founders of "America" were all nigger fuckers to a man. Niggers are the original Great Replacement.

Only a thorough-going nationalist political project will wake up the masses of the White Nation to the lie that is that homosexual interracial porno called "America."

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