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6ad543  No.239979

The Level IQ test

Tests IQ up to 320-325, and can be taken in 10-15 minutes. Comes with a famous IQ score sub-section


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6ad543  No.239982

very good post cool

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2dff6a  No.240008


Frustrated by your low score on the wechsler scale?

Looking for an alternative, some kind of cheesy fake online 'IQ quiz' so you can cut corners, and try to convince people that you "scored high on an IQ test"

It doesn't work that way…….

You don't get to pretend that you've "taken an IQ test" just because you found the most recent ridiculous alleged IQ quiz online….

This is the type of IQ quiz that NIGGERS, FAGGOTS, MEXICANS AND TEENAGE GIRLS TAKE, desperately wanting to see their alleged intelligence quantified…

It's not a legitimate IQ test…

It doesn't meet any diagnostic protocol…

It's not recognized by anybody, not recognized by the American psychiatric association, or any college or other educational institutions anywhere on Earth…

Legitimate IQ testing has to be administered by a licensed clinician…

It's not available online.

It stops at 160….

it cannot be completed in 10 or 15 minutes….

you're just a stupid man. you're not particularly intelligent at all, and you don't have what it takes to cut it with The Wechsler Scale….

the reason a fake-ass '320 score' appeals to you is your pre-existing propensity to overcompensate.

you think you'd be 'more impressive' with a ridiculous fake score…. even though it's not legitimate…

this is something a nigger would do….

on facebook, no less….

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2dff6a  No.240010


hint : there is no such thing as a '10 minute IQ Quiz'

take the Wechsler, then show the printed score reports….

otherwise, you're a facebook nigger with a 'fun online quiz'

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2dff6a  No.240015

perhaps I'm too judgemental and unfair

maybe it's a personality flaw I need to work on

I came across 'too mean'….

I apologize…

it's not you… it's me…

I've got a problem being impolite and insultory…

I hate the human race, so I tend to

throw insults at people without even realizing it…

Sorry about that…..

let me try it again, okay ?….

I shouldn't have said you're a stupid man…

because in fact, I don't know if you are or not…

What I SHOULD HAVE SAID was, "usually it would be a stupid person who would find a 10 minute quiz with a possible325 'High Score'particularly appealing, compared to a couple hours and only a measly 160 max score"

like I said, it's a facebook nigger iq quiz

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a3735a  No.240018



Haha, you're just jealous of me because my IQ is 500!

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2dff6a  No.240021

as far as I'm concerned, the Stanford Binet is nothing but a plagiarized corrupted Xerox of the Wechsler Scale….

The WISC and the WAIS are the only legitimate contenders. Everything else is bullshit…

especially aTEN MINUTE IQ QUIZ

there's no way to accurately gauge anything

in ten fucking minutes…

sometimes in 8kun, it takes longer than 10 minutes to successfully complete a CAPTCHA

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bb6346  No.240029


honestly?… I've never really been 'jealous' of anybody in my life… I really haven't. I'm not trying to sound 'badass' or larp like I'm some kind of "emotional rock who's incapable of jealousy".

lol not at all…..

I'm definitely not a badass….. I'm a loser…..

however, I can honestly say that I've never really thought in terms of 'competition', or 'superiority' or 'being jealous' of anybody… I really haven't ever looked at life that way..

I come from a long line of artists, musicians, actors, etc… a lot of really gifted illustrators on my mom's side of the family…. For example, a great uncle of mine who illuistrrated for Disney back in the early days like Steamboat Willy type old days, and successful commercial artists in New York in the grand era of advertising.. It was definitely a genetic thing, because quite honestly, we were all 'born with it', because none of us ever had any art training, like my brothers and I, who were all painting surreralism and trippy canvases in elementary school… I technically 'sold my first illustration' at age 6, and I illustrated my first magazine cover at age 12…I'm not bragging, but I'm pretty talented when it comes to art.. I was airbrushing high-end photorealism by the time I was 15, back before computers or photoshop, complete with all the bells and whistles of blur, focus, light and shadow anomalies, reflections and refraction,etc etc etc

I'm extremely confident in my abilities, put it that way… I'm also completely comfortable with my INABILITIES…

so yeah, I never really developed a "competition" mode..

plus, I've taken the WISC and the WAIS, so not only do I know my alleged "scores", but I also have insight into the test itself… and a decided skepticism regarding the entire concept..

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bb6346  No.240030


lol that word got mangled, huh?

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bb6346  No.240034

also,I'm ugly… especially now that I'm old as fuck

but even when I was at my prime, I wasn't particularly handsome… (I looked cool, but not particularly good looking) I'm imperfect as shit…

but I've never felt 'jealous' about guys that were super handsome and friends who all the girls 'thought was hot'….

I'm very comfortable in my own imperfection…

and I've always got tons of girls.. Good looking girls… Too many girls, tbqh

I'm not in competition with anybody

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bb6346  No.240042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5a74b7  No.240291


missing the point: the reply

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616247  No.240584

Thanks for all of the attention to my IQ test

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5c6079  No.240595


I don't know how to take an IQ test so your guess would be as good as mine.

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398520  No.240619


Black is still not a color. It's absence of light.

Color is simply a light wavelength.

Niggers only absorb and give back nothing.

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