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File: 1e07314f8433fec⋯.jpg (72.69 KB, 720x712, 90:89, Mental_Illness_Skyrockets.jpg)

67e49e  No.239690

Mental Illness Skyrockets While National Defection Collides With Unprecedented Propagandist War

A chilling new national security report has both America and the world struck with horror as new intelligence details not only systemic corruption, treason and sedition taking place between the US and Chinese government funding bioweapons laboratories creating their own coronaviruses to unleash upon the world to push their global medical police state and social credit score ID 2020 system for their "Great Reset" agenda - information vastly detailed in four previous national security reports to be re-mirrored [1] “State Covid Propaganda Collapses As The World Starts Pointing Fingers At State Corruption” [2] “War Criminals Shut Down Probes Into War Crime As Propagandists Scream Into Abyss Of Dysfunction” [3] “China-America Complicity Of Covid Bioweapon Funding Causes A Rift Of Global Defection” and [4] “China-America Complicity Of Covid Bioweapon Funding Causes A Rift Of Global Defection” - but also how both these governments are on the verge of destroying the world and killing humanity as we know it if they can't enforce their despotic agenda, which is leading other nations like Russia trying desperately to calm down tension with preparations for full-scale nuclear war if they happen to fail.

While many citizens are being updated by the only television network willing to inform them to any significant extent of the corruption behind US-China covid-19 funding and the intention for this bio-warfare, revealed by Fox News, other citizens such as this Chinese lady who actually lived under the tyranny of Mao’s China are calling out "progressive" America for what it has become, communist and totalitarian in nature, which is intentionally waging ruthless psychological and seditious propagandist war against it's own citizenry, much like what the Chinese citizens ruled under the brutal dictator Mao Zedong and his 'Red' (Revolutionary) Guards.


And to this effect, along with their State-run corporate media lackeys and corrupted institutions, they are now labeling White America a "parasite" upon society in their own established medical journals, claiming that people who have White skin, who traditionally love freedom are also prone to violence and radicalism, which to some extent can be true, but to which is now being published as a weapon to declare all-out war against a White America:


And if you have not heard of this very real ruthless psychological and seditious propagandist war, you can now read one outcome here: https://redstate.com/alexparker/2021/06/08/psychiatrist-who-dreamed-of-murdering-white-people-doubles-down-calls-her-critics-racist-n393730

This very real ruthless psychological and seditious propagandist war now taking place even while running campaign ads to promote their mRNA altering, bioweapon-laced vaccines: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/the-mental-illness-is-real/

(page 1)

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67e49e  No.239691


(page 2)

A very very real ruthless psychological and seditious propagandist war which Operation Killcen, warned during a hangover on at 8kun: "OK, I'm now back to being serious. I'm calm and not going to act like such a drunk, this is time for reflection… THIS is exactly what happens when society becomes too corrupted. THIS is exactly what happens when governments no longer represent the people but their own selfish interests. THIS is exactly what happens when society loses trust in one another and inevitably defects and breaks apart. THIS is exactly what happens when a Justice system has failed, governments fail their people, society can no longer trust the system and people cling to their bitter defense from one another. THIS is pretty much what happened in the USSR before they collapsed. THIS is not just a one man show, it's only representative of human nature. And it is all 100% sincere. The establishment has lost all trust."

A warning that detailed the willingness to murder those who try to impose their will against this Operation to Kill Censorship: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/239540.html

A warning that Russia has also followed suit as they meet with an elitist American establishment by (1) pulling out of the Western SWIFT payment system, (2) dumping the US dollar in reserves and (3) marshaling 20 new military formations to counter NATO activity against Russia:

(1) https://tass.com/politics/1299779

(2) https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/russias-186-billion-sovereign-wealth-fund-dumps-all-dollar-assets

(3) https://www.rt.com/russia/525289-military-formations-nato-activity/

And another warning to come, for all of America, is a warning by another doomsday prepper, Mike Adams, as he warns of an unprecedented economic collapse and mass death due to the covid-19 vaccines: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-06-08-analysis-covid-vaccine-deaths-2-democrats-for-every-1-republican.html

A warning that China has also followed suit by threatening to cut America, and perhaps the Western world, off from it's global semiconductor industry which would lead to such a collapse happening!


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08f5ce  No.239699


Damn it, a bit rushed, two errors I see so far.

The first was the third report mentioned “China-America Complicity Of Covid Bioweapon Funding Causes A Rift Of Global Defection” and [4] “China-America Complicity Of Covid Bioweapon Funding Causes A Rift Of Global Defection” was also linked as the fourth.

That report was supposed to be “Putin Calls America A Modern Soviet Union As Americans Gaze In Horror At Endless Criminality” as the fourth previous intel report.

The second mistake was excluding much like what the Chinese citizens ruled under the brutal dictator Mao Zedong and his 'Red' (Revolutionary) Guards "once witnessed."

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facb55  No.239705

State Covid Propaganda Collapses As The World Starts Pointing Fingers At State Corruption

A new tooth shattering national security report details further into a saga first touched upon in two previous intel reports - “Further Evidence Behind Covid Bioweapon Leaks As US Diplomatic Relations Explode Into Crisis” and “American Media Covers Up War In The Streets Of America As Great Reset Turns Into Great Reject” - as a series of mainstream publications, as well as government officials, are having to redact previous lies and even admit certain truth regarding the release of the (((National Institutes of Health)))-funded Covid-19 bioweapon aided by (((Chinese scientists))) in Wuhan. As well the shattering of State propaganda and illusions before the world, much as forewarned would happen near God's Judgment upon a world gone mad and bad in the Holy Bible, as written in the Book of John chapter 3 verse 19: "This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil." And where the Light now coming out to expose the evil behind the Covid bioweapons release may soon lead to divide intervention and Judgment from God!

After over a month of mainstream corporate State-run media rampaging over States like Texas nullifying all draconian covid regulations, and after them claiming the leaders of Texas were sacrificing their citizens for political gain, it turns out that not only are covid rates dropping rapidly in States like Texas, but less than half their population is even vaccinated for covid:


If that Light were not enough to shine out deception by enemies of humanity, perhaps Senator Rand Paul now openly defying the vaccine and forcing (((Dr. Anthony Fauci))) to confess his knowledge that the Covid-19 was indeed bio-engineered is a sign that these demonic entities are losing the information war waged on God's people?



Even more shockingly - as noted in previous intel reports - not only has Russia and China conducted their own criminal investigations into the Covid-19 bioweapon, but many officials such as a former top Russian military official coming public and exposing the demonic entities who funded and released this bioweapon upon the world:


And it's not just Russia and China pointing fingers, so has Mark Levin and Steve Hilton covered these hard hitting accusations on Fox News, by far the most popular American news network:



These video links archived by a man only known as "Jerry" who has taken numerous drugs such as LSD, has him experiencing psychic ability and prolific life-altering reflections in both the real and surreal world (the surreal world being God's will), whom was also influenced subliminally into recruitment for archiving contingencies for Operation Killcen (Kill Censorship) to counter the counter-intelligence psychological operations of Johnny Neptune, an alleged Mossad agent recruited by Jim Watkins (a former CIA asset) to discredit Operation Killcen during the days of 8chan.

To which this now secret fact has been disclosed, so has solid evidence of $1.6 million in funds to the (((Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation))) from the US Pentagon to conduct biological warfare against the world: http://genedrivefiles.synbiowatch.org/

And this is now fully evident after a new Slovakian report confirms “covid tests” are contaminated with hydrogels and lithium nano-technologies for ballistic delivery of biological agents.


And for those who still doubt this information, look no further than the recent live blood analysis done right after a vaccination, a study now proving a crime of mass genocide against the human race, depopulation is here, and every government around the world pushing nano-tech vaccines are complicit, and after being exposed will have them pointing their crooked fingers all over the place as the Light shines upon them.


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facb55  No.239706

War Criminals Shut Down Probes Into War Crime As Propagandists Scream Into Abyss Of Dysfunction

A provocative new intel report stemming from stunning national security leaks which continue to unravel further details from a previous intel report titled “State Covid Propaganda Collapses As The World Starts Pointing Fingers At State Corruption” suggests the world we live in today faces a new crisis governments and their media propagandists may soon understand, sees growing 'social divorce', 'resentment' and 'defection' met with a rise in anger and populism, combined with outright madness and serious mental health dilemmas rising all across every level of society around the world - all at once and growing like systemic cancer at that - while the world faces the greatest debt insolvency crisis ever, and where "rumors of wars" (both rumors of civil wars and global wars) are more common place today than ever since WWII, and with nations and ideology being so heavily divided within… one could only imagine or wonder what WWIII would look like if it happened today…. and what kinds of diverse enemies would be created from it…. and to whom would fight for whom…. or if many would fight at all …or if a war may not be of unity but of utter and total chaos - man eat man, eye for an eye - in the world gone mad.

One such awakening to this 'social divorce' was a video from MSNBC of propagandist Joe Scarborough, in which he had a meltdown realizing so many Americans no longer trust the government, no longer trust the institutions, no longer trust politicians or election results and no longer trust the mainstream media like MSNBC, which Joe raves in anger “America, love it or leave it! If you don’t have respect in American democracy anymore, if you don’t respect Madisonian checks and balances if your guy doesn’t win, if that’s the new rules of engagement for this great republic, then just leave our country!” …but to which may seem audacious to say, is also being said due to 'resentment' of an audit by the American people in which he no longer trusts either.


Now, one might consider this lack of unity sad. Interesting to note this is not the only lack of unity, as while millions of older Americans are fleeing the cities and flocking to suburbs and rural areas hoarding ammo and guns as firearm sales skyrocket month to month… the inner cities - which are mostly disarmed leftist-run shitholes like-minded people like Joe Scarborough rule over - are seeing skyrocketing crime rates, race wars, mass shootings and looting:


And as the propagandist media screams into an abyss, as most Americans are bailing from this failed system, nor will we be fighting wars for this corrupted establishment, and have indeed seen 'defection' in more cases than one, we see another side of reality colliding with theirs, as (1) Fox News further exposes the war crimes of (((Dr. Anthony Fauci))) as (2) Biden's administration works to end all probes into these war crimes:

(1) https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-anthony-fauci-let-the-coronavirus-pandemic-happen-why-isnt-there-a-criminal-investigation

(2) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9619349/Biden-shut-effort-prove-theory-COVID-originated-Wuhan-lab-concerns-evidence.html

And as the US government is now getting very concerned and aware of these potential blowbacks of enormous consequential proportions that could end up changing not only America but the world, the US government is now running towards the Kremlin, begging Russia not to really interfere - and I mean interfere for real - this time around….


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facb55  No.239707

China-America Complicity Of Covid Bioweapon Funding Causes A Rift Of Global Defection

An astounding new national security report from groundbreaking intel leaks which continue to unravel further details from previous reports titled “State Covid Propaganda Collapses As The World Starts Pointing Fingers At State Corruption” and “War Criminals Shut Down Probes Into War Crime As Propagandists Scream Into Abyss Of Dysfunction” suggests not only is the world waking up to extreme corruption and treason involving the National Institute of Health (NIH) funding and collusion into "gain of function" bioweapons research in Wuhan, China but also has the world pondering the risks of allowing such corruption to continue without major reform and perhaps intervention that could lead to - or perhaps prevent - another world war.

According to new leaked emails, it becomes much more evident and clear that a pre-planned bioweapons release across the globe to destabilize nations was intentional and that corrupted entities were struggling to cover up these war crimes:





Shortly after this revelation broke out across the globe, sending seismic bombshells among national intelligence rings, Russia has declared the United States both untrustworthy and unstable, to which Russia's sovereign wealth fund (officially the National Wellbeing Fund) decided to dump all of its dollars and dollar-denominated assets in favor of those denominated in euros, yuan and physical gold reserve:


And if that was not a blow for an already collapsing Western Empire, defection from an agenda called "ID 2020" that was to prelude the "The Great Reset" in which both (((Bill Gates))) and (((Dr. Anthony Fauci))) were both intricate in orchestrating with the World Economic Forum (WEF) has come home to roost with 83% of American-run businesses openly saying they will no longer partake in a mandatory vaccine passport agenda!


Nearing the same time as the decision made by Russia, China has also threatened the US White House and American diplomats that if this truth about the collusion of creating a bioweapon to destabilize and subjugate populations around the world were to ever were to come out resulting in UN criminal investigations and interventions into war crimes, that China would not hesitate to declare full blown nuclear war against America to cover it back up:


This absolute blow being reported by the likes of media across the globe has made the US White House scramble for solutions, in which one solution may be to (1) dump (((Dr. Anthony Fauci))) and perhaps, as hinted by Fox News host Tucker Carlson, (2) throw him under the bus and charge him for criminal conduct in NIH funding to Wuhan, without directly implicating China….

(1) https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/06/02/report-white-house-actively-looking-to-dump-anthony-fauci-amid-revealed-emails-and-flip-flopping/

(2) https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-is-dr-fauci-under-criminal-investigation

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facb55  No.239708

Putin Calls America A Modern Soviet Union As Americans Gaze In Horror At Endless Criminality

A stark and grim new intelligence report focusing on mind-bending national security leaks and events unfolding - related to the previous intelligence report “China-America Complicity Of Covid Bioweapon Funding Causes A Rift Of Global Defection” - has many Americans, along with at least one world leader, wondering how long can the Western Empire [with] a corrupted and subverted American government actually last before outright collapsing, both socially and economically.

As Russian President Putin attended the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum along with the world’s top business leaders attending in early June, one forewarning given certainly shook the international community, but went fully unnoticed by virtually all American corporate media when Putin was asked about American relations with Russia and in response saying: "The problem of empires is that they think they are so powerful that they can afford small inaccuracies and mistakes… But problems keep piling up… And, at some point, they are no longer able to cope with them… And the United States is now walking the Soviet Union’s path, and its gait is confident and steady."


At the same time of all the leaks coming out detailing US government involvement in funding the Covid-19 bioweapon leaked from the Chinese Wuhan virology laboratory that wrecked havok on most the Western world ; [[ see leaked information archived here: https://archive.md/o0VUp ]] ; the psychological operative (PSYOP) and counter-intelligence Mossad agent Johnny Neptune hinted to Operation Killcen that a mysterious DoD-connected agency called "United States Agency for Internation Development" where the world's scientific community rallied together to protest the funding of "gain of function" research to create bio-weapons like covid. And to which information then leaked out around the same day to the UK Daily Mail that the US Pentagon via DoD funding also helped fund coronavirus research in Wuhan, China.


And going back to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in which Putin attended, was then asked about about the causes of the COVID-19 pandemic, to which he replied: “Too many things have already been said on this subject, so it seems to me that making more comments about this would be senseless… I don’t think that I can say something new or compelling.”


A hidden truth Putin knew the United States citizens were already waking up to along with their political leaders, as Covid-19 and these recent leaks during 2021 may have become the event to break the American people's trust in their government, to which also happened after endless criminality, lies and fiscal insolvency by the Soviet Union during the late 1980s led to an inevitable breakup and official collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.



As the events currently unfold, Operation Killcen was warned by an anonymous poster on 8kun.top/pnd/ “I wonder which other world powers funded that lab. We will find out. Then, perhaps war.”

To which Operation Killcen responded, in disgruntled Soviet-manner: “Maybe. At this point there's nothing much worth fighting for other than to defend yourself, family and private property. The country is a mess, so is the world, plagued by sedition, treason and endless corruption.

If war kicks off, I ain't fighting. I'll sit back, watch some of it over the last days of the internet, then drink a bottle of whiskey as the lights go out.”

And to which millions of Russian citizens also felt before the Soviet Union was dissolved.

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facb55  No.239709


Minor errors, but I don't care, it is worth it and better than most news, plus covers a bunch of topics to think about.

And NO, I really don't give a shit if I trigger hate or backlash!

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30247c  No.239734


>still pretending anyone gives a shit or will do anything

Nobody is reading your garbage, faggot.

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facb55  No.239736


I don't care!


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