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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: fe2d64849ad98a4⋯.jpg (209.81 KB, 1536x922, 768:461, DEATH_TO_AMERICA_AND_EUROP….jpg)

c56a11  No.238583

The (((globalists))) have realized that all you fat useless eaters aren't going to go vegan, recycle or even re-use your friggin' plastic shopping bags, so it is Plan B: exterminate you buggers. The next version of Covid will wipe out all the pointless people who are basically breeding out of control. The vaccine will also bump off a few more. You can't win whether you decide to take or reject the vaccine.

YOU are the carbon the globalists are trying to reduce. Covid is the excuse they need to collapse the petro-dollar unpayable debt, introduce their social credit system and digital currency linked to social usefulness. The war on Covid is not meant to be won, it is meant to be endless and the object of this war is not victory over the disease, but to keep the very fabric structure of society intact.

Killing off America and the Western World IS THE AGENDA and there is nothing you can do to stop it!

China To Build 25 to 30 More Bio-weapons Labs Like In Wuhan Over Next 5 Years



MY COMMENT: Go ahead! I'll still be armed and live rural till the day I die! I'm going to live my life in peace and be self-sufficient as much as I can manage, and support local as much as I can and as long as I can! Nothing will stop me outside a major bio-weapons release that simply wipes us all out, or some drone dropping bombs my way from above! Mass murdering scumbags, make my day and eat SHIT!!!NOTHING CHANGES!You won't escape death either, God's Ultimate Judgment, and when you are dead you'll all be burning in hell!!!!


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c56a11  No.238584

The Wuhan biowarfare lab was actually funded by US taxpayers (thank the NIH for investing in Chink bioweapons like Covid-19)

https://archive.md/gK4i4 = naturalnews.com

https://archive.md/olHCK = dailymail.co.uk

https://archive.md/Snz0N = newsweek.com

https://archive.md/dN38X = infowars.com

https://archive.md/DgXWn = thegatewaypundit.com

https://archive.md/MZGtL = thenationalpulse.com

https://archive.md/SMhEV = zerohedge.com

https://archive.md/8y1SG = judicialwatch.org









In fact, The US State Department was also tipped off back in 2018 and refused to do anything about it:

https://archive.md/oAN9A = zerohedge.com

https://archive.md/FWaWH = washingtonpost.com

https://archive.md/06BTD = thegatewaypundit.com




Virologists Say 'Genetic Fingerprints' Prove COVID-19 Man-Made:

https://archive.md/slsDd = zerohedge.com

https://archive.md/ojBdZ = msn.com



Funny how all the players involved, such as Dr. Fauci of the NIH, support ID 2020 ironically:

https://archive.md/JvD9g = zerohedge.com

https://archive.md/Y13B7 = washingtontimes.com



And we all know Gates is behind it already:

https://archive.md/g0cXA = nationalfile.com

https://archive.md/nMtmy = vigilantcitizen.com

https://archive.md/qNrrx = newswars.com




Their official agenda website: https://id2020.org/alliance [http://archive.md/ZNRGI]

BUSTED: NIH Owns Financial Stake In Gates-Funded Coronavirus Vaccine:

https://archive.md/LdgQZ = nationalfile.com

https://archive.md/oUUFA = zerohedge.com



BUSTED: Leaked Fauci Emails Discuss Covid ‘Gain Of Function’ Lab Experiments:

https://archive.md/jB2uA = citizenfreepress.com

https://archive.md/GZNBP = zerohedge.com

https://archive.md/suwW7 = zerohedge.com




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8467c6  No.238585


>t. Mudslime LARPing as Christcuck

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c56a11  No.238592


In all sincerity anon, I'm very serious, this is what they desire to do, well fine, but I'm NOT changing my lifestyle or being subjugated because of their threats against us. They'll have to wipe us all out, because I'm not changing my lifestyle due their corrosive corrupted political ideologies……. so in all honesty…. and I mean this from my heart…… they'll just have to release their nuclear option!

Go for it! I'm more than ready and willing to die than be subjugated! Liberty, or death. Nothing less nothing more.

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c56a11  No.238616

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c56a11  No.238618

The people who choose to ignore this, clearly deserve this most.


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