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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 84c96fa42d1d6b6⋯.webm (2.2 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Bugwomen_VS_White_Woman.webm)

e5a9a9  No.238465

The plan to convert American zoomers to Bolshevism failed. War is the only other way to take the West. If the U.S. aligns with Palestine there exists no reason for the U.S. to fall with the Jewish State. "Israel" is doing what it needs to do and Palestinian suffering opens a door for the U.S..

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d4a2f5  No.238467

File: 1679dc4a32fc54e⋯.png (309.82 KB, 501x1076, 501:1076, Screenshot_2021_06_06_Keit….png)

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b5e546  No.238625


America's downfall will not come from conflicts in the Middle East, or even with conflicts between Russia and China….

America's downfall will be decided by the American people, and whether or not to do away with this corrupted system…. or continue to prop it up no matter how painful and painfully obvious it becomes.

I am assured if America is to fall, it will be because of domestic crisis (caused by systemic corruption, hypocrisy, hubris and a lack of justice) which forces mass defection among the citizenry and a breakup comparable to the Soviet Union….. but I will warn you all now: it's coming very God damned close to happening! Closer than most bother to realize.

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