They're A.I. from a neural net trained to push a faggot agenda. The fake accounts are used to sway pollsters on what's important.
Abstract—Online Social Networks (OSNs) such as Twitter and Facebook have become a significant testing ground for Artificial Intelligence developers who build programs, known as socialbots, that imitate actual users by automating their social-network activities such as …
The Carnegie Mellon study found almost half of the Twitter accounts calling for America to reopen may be bots. The same study looked at more than 200 million tweets since January 2020 that reference the novel coronavirus. It found that of the top 50 retweeters, 41 — 82 percent — were bots.
Keep in mind twitter and Facebook are polled for opinions and large corporations make policy decisions in HR and who represents them through twitter and Facebook opinion feedback. The government gives them money based off this because it's a liberal shithole in d.c.
This is why your cereal box now has this on it and everyone hates it.
It's what I call a "social-economic bubble". It's going to burst because A.I. cannot buy things like cereal. Most people at the work force have to stay silent because their employers and H.R. department are being manipulated by twitter and over represented by A.I.