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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 08425cf62ff6078⋯.png (236.86 KB, 588x525, 28:25, 1622875991053.png)

c12da4  No.237970

Based CEO says that diversity should never override merit, no matter what.

It triggered an insane wave of hate from tech twitter arguing like the following

> shut up white man your opinion is irrelevant

> how can you determine the value of someone based on his looks ?

Why on earth is tech twitter so inconsistent mentally ?

How can we fix tech companies ?

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c12da4  No.237971

File: c63eff86422a097⋯.jpg (345.81 KB, 1920x2164, 480:541, jIzrXjkrnQm6dQ01VX4_AvPAm7….jpg)


They're A.I. from a neural net trained to push a faggot agenda. The fake accounts are used to sway pollsters on what's important.

Abstract—Online Social Networks (OSNs) such as Twitter and Facebook have become a significant testing ground for Artificial Intelligence developers who build programs, known as socialbots, that imitate actual users by automating their social-network activities such as …


The Carnegie Mellon study found almost half of the Twitter accounts calling for America to reopen may be bots. The same study looked at more than 200 million tweets since January 2020 that reference the novel coronavirus. It found that of the top 50 retweeters, 41 — 82 percent — were bots.

Keep in mind twitter and Facebook are polled for opinions and large corporations make policy decisions in HR and who represents them through twitter and Facebook opinion feedback. The government gives them money based off this because it's a liberal shithole in d.c.

This is why your cereal box now has this on it and everyone hates it.

It's what I call a "social-economic bubble". It's going to burst because A.I. cannot buy things like cereal. Most people at the work force have to stay silent because their employers and H.R. department are being manipulated by twitter and over represented by A.I.

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c12da4  No.237972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Things like this aren't a result of a large conspiracy between a bunch of corporations. It's the result of a few in silicon valley that are over valued because they misrepresent their results by astronomical levels.

22,900,000 million results claimed.

Actual results; 189

Same strategy used by twitter and Facebook. Their influence is fraudulent and backed by government money because they probably didnt figure out how inflated it is or didn't care because it was useful.

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c12da4  No.237973

File: 67ca9d892bdb6b1⋯.jpg (76 KB, 575x856, 575:856, 1622846437944.jpg)

On one hand they provide jobs and a virtual economy. On the other hand they have undue influence as gatekeepers of information.

Enjoy your fruit loops.

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c12da4  No.237974

File: 33cf433739e1002⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1421x725, 49:25, thinkmarkthumbnail_1_.png)

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0e8e37  No.237988


I completely boycott Big Tech. Waste of time when they'll just censor anything worthy you have to say. Plus Big Tech is heavily subsidized by government at the expense of taxpayers, to spy on us and create "social credit scores" (to be used against you in the future if they have their way!) Any platform that asks me for a drivers license or phone number verification, FORGET IT! I'll stick to using Tor, VPNs, image boards, alternative forums & media and p2p networks!

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