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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 9c1ccf1af0e1726⋯.png (81.54 KB, 633x757, 633:757, 1612914403065.png)

8f3575  No.237857

>>>>>>>/nsg/ – Natsoc General

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c7480f  No.237919

When a hecking gemorioni appears

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c7480f  No.237947


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bcc950  No.238056


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8898f5  No.238162


G what?

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babeb8  No.238164

SHTF Prepping Thread




hardware / basic tools / power tools / related accessories

(drill bits, nails, screws, bolts, lag bolts, nuts, washers/lock washers, etc)

older mechanical utilities / mechanical equipment / hydraulic machinery

older mechanical vehicles / trucks / RVs / farm equip

gas / diesel / fuel / stabilizer / petro-based maintenance oils

(anti-rust, greasers, chain oil, motor oil, etc)

firearms / ammunition / gun cleaner & lube / related accessories

wood burning stove / wood burning generator

lumber / wood / wood racks / lumber shack

alcohol / coffee / tobacco / etc

medical aid supplies / OTC medication / basic drugs

rural property & homestead / fertile land / organic heirloom seeds / garden supplies

livestock for food & breeding / local contacts who own livestock and-or who process meat locally

extra long-term food storage (canned, frozen, freeze-dried, air-sealed, grain, etc)

^ clear totes to secure stored foods (like sugar, flour, nuts, oatmeal etc. from mice/rats/pests)

clean water source / water purification / water filtration systems / atmospheric water generator

^ DIY rain water collection system hooked up to a filtered gutter (gutter guard)

gas and-or solar generators / solar panels / 12V deep cycle batteries / power inverters etc.

extension cords / spools of various gauge electric wire, extra fuse, ballasts, solder, etc.

boxes of matches / bic lighters / fire starter / lighter fluid

rope / twine / duct tape / superglue / cement glue / liquid nail / loctite threadlocker adhesives

extra clothing / boots / shoes / gloves / work safety gear

soap / shampoo / other sanitation supplies / toiletry

like-minded people: friends and-or family

(ONLY those you know deeply for years and can trust!)

state maps / county maps / atlas

bulk scrap metals / silver / gold

butchery books / gardening books / cook books

hardcopy survivalist guides / DIY homesteading books

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