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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: be6c75c6d0700aa⋯.jpg (22.84 KB, 659x388, 659:388, Ric.jpg)

d210f5  No.237644


Many of you have been asking for an update regarding Rick and Susan. We are happy to report to our TRUNEWS family a fantastic update. Your prayers have worked!

We just received the following update from Rick in the hospital, delivered as only he can:

"Thanks to Jesus Christ, I survived the CCP Covid genocide on the American people. I will be released from the hospital later today. My breathing is returning to normal. Pneumonia defeated. The worst is over. My deepest gratitude for all the prayers. I will share more later. On the darkest night the Holy Spirit gave me Psalm 118:17 for strength:

'I shall not die, but I shall live

and declare the works of the Lord.'"

Although I rejoice that Jesus has delivered me, my wife Susan is still very fatigued. Daughter in law Tiana was transported to the hospital very early this morning with extreme dehydration and vomiting. She’s home now but Jeremy has now developed symptoms. Son-in-law Marshall is very weak. Grandson Blake too. Daughter Karissa not feeling great. Edward Szall is very sick. Three members of our team are recovering.

This was a full-frontal hit from Hell on your TruNews family. Because Jesus Christ lives in us, we shall live too. Your prayers needed for the above family members and team.”

Please continue to keep this ministry in your prayers in all matters, and thank you for your truly wonderful support and continued friendship!


Guys i think it's time to stop w the anti vax propaganda.

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1a0d9a  No.237645

File: 249c34631d4fd14⋯.jpg (100.73 KB, 952x860, 238:215, _trunews_1.JPG)

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d210f5  No.237653


Which begs the question, did the Jews put a sheeny curse on TruNews. Sure seems like it.

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d210f5  No.237654

Urban dictionary

Sheeny curse

The reason why you have to be nice to jews, or they will give it to you.

Oh Shit son that greedy-ass jew just gave me the sheeny curse!

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1a0d9a  No.237656

File: 28db363a2afbd5e⋯.png (566.56 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, TruNews_shill_btfo.png)

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a92984  No.237687

The Wuhan biowarfare lab was actually funded by US taxpayers (thank the NIH for investing in Chink bioweapons like Covid-19)

http://archive.md/gK4i4 = naturalnews.com

http://archive.md/olHCK = dailymail.co.uk

http://archive.md/Snz0N = newsweek.com

http://archive.md/dN38X = infowars.com

https://archive.md/DgXWn = thegatewaypundit.com

https://archive.md/MZGtL = thenationalpulse.com

https://archive.md/SMhEV = zerohedge.com








In fact, The US State Department was also tipped off back in 2018 and refused to do anything about it:

http://archive.md/oAN9A = zerohedge.com

http://archive.md/FWaWH = washingtonpost.com

https://archive.md/06BTD = thegatewaypundit.com




Virologists Say 'Genetic Fingerprints' Prove COVID-19 Man-Made:



Funny how all the players involved, such as Dr. Fauci of the NIH, support ID 2020 ironically:

http://archive.md/JvD9g = zerohedge.com

http://archive.md/Y13B7 = washingtontimes.com



And we all know Gates is behind it already:

http://archive.md/g0cXA = nationalfile.com

http://archive.md/nMtmy = vigilantcitizen.com

http://archive.md/qNrrx = newswars.com




Their official agenda website: https://id2020.org/alliance [http://archive.md/ZNRGI]

BUSTED: NIH Owns Financial Stake In Gates-Funded Coronavirus Vaccine:

http://archive.md/LdgQZ = nationalfile.com


BUSTED: Leaked Fauci Emails Discuss Covid ‘Gain Of Function’ Lab Experiments:

https://archive.md/jB2uA = citizenfreepress.com

https://archive.md/GZNBP = zerohedge.com

https://archive.md/suwW7 = zerohedge.com






Here are some of the documents that were stolen during the hack: https://archive.is/slBtQ


Note we can clearly see in a couple pics they KNEW this was bio-engineered, with HIV RNA transmission sequences.

Wuhan Bioweapon Lab Email Passwords:


WHO Email Passwords:


Gates Foundation Email Passwords:


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a92984  No.237688


Ohhhh you KNOW they did!



Folks, this wasn't just China, remember, the NIH was funding and aiding the corona virus research in Wuhan! Gates, Fauci and the Rockefellers had an intricate alliance and plan called "ID 2020" for this bioweapons release, and the Pirbright Institute had it patented November 20th, 2018! The Pirbright Institute's primary funder was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation! Who was the head of the NIH while they funded the Wuhan covid research? Dr. Anthony Fauci! Who was with the Leadership Council for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation? Again, Dr. Anthony Fauci! As well all the other rats behind ID 2020. If you want to find the root of Chinese espionage and infiltration into the US, you start there! This was NOT just China! It was also treason from within by (((criminals))) attempting to subjugate Western populations into a medical police state where forced vaccinations and depopulation were their final goal! This is why the US and China are in panic mode pointing fingers at one another! Don't forget the real treason behind all this, I know for a fact they are scared the world finding out about this and their plan.

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042f35  No.237690

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a92984  No.237691

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a92984  No.237693

>Guys i think it's time to stop w the anti vax propaganda.

Oh no you kike, we know what you and your death cult are up to! Not taking that toxic nano-chipped shit ever!! And I'm going to keep spreading the word, over and over and over again! Until either you guys are in jail, or nuclear war breaks out, or something else happens like you disappear into the night and the media no longer mentions covid or vaccines anymore! You kikes screwed up!

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a92984  No.237694

As predicted, they REALLY did not want all this info coming out….


Fauci emails expose they KNEW full well the covid vaccine was deadly and it had potential to enhance diseases like SARS!

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a92984  No.237697




All this evidence is now out, the cat is out of the bag! You and your medical police state crew can brew something elsewhere, and the next time you attempt it I hope some foreign military finds out and makes you types vanish real swift!

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196fa1  No.237987

anti-slide bump

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cafd7f  No.237993


>Many of you have been asking for an update regarding Rick and Susan.

No we haven't. Rick is a retarded baby, Susan is an aging lesbian coprophile, and praying is for faggots.

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182fda  No.238002


Yah, as usual, nothing is good enough for people like you. Rick Wiles has done more to wake Christians up to Zionist corruption, subversion and infiltration than most anons ever have on these image boards. He's been targeted by the ADL for censorship before, even though he doesn't scream "kike and nigger!" all day. He actually exposes their Greater Israel Agenda, Mossad/CIA funding ISIS to destabilize Syria, he has spoken out about the Jews running and subverting the Vatican today, he has talked about the problems of illegal immigration facing Europe and America…. you can't ask much more than that as far as I'm concerned.

And by the way, THIS is why boards like this die, because some anons are so narrow minded they won't listen to anything else but an echo chamber of "kill kikes, kill niggers [blah blah]" and it ends up more of a fringe binge turn-off for most others who simply leave and find other places where they can hold open conversations.

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a14b27  No.238060

anti-spam bump 3141

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a14b27  No.238098

anti-slide bump 34543512

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cafd7f  No.238177


>wake Christians up

Who gives a shit about kike worshipers? You came to the wrong board, faggot.

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d210f5  No.238469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Say what you will about TruNews, just know they made on of the best documentaries on the USS Liberty.

If you do one thing, watch this trailer.

It's world class.

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1a0d9a  No.238470


Why are they making videos about an event that happened before any of us were born when white genocide is happening right now?

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d210f5  No.238471


Christians are supporters of open borders. As a matter of fact many churches are also refugee resettlement contractors.

Christians love immigration from africa because thats fastest group of Christians. Christians absolutely such and I hope i'm alive to see the Jews turn on them. Jewish prophecy talks about destroying all christians.

Imagine having a policy of treating your enemy as your brother lol. Don't worry about white genocide, we lost, it's over.

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2c4164  No.238473

"Guys i think it's time to stop w the anti vax propaganda."


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d210f5  No.238475


There's not God

Get vaccinated

How have you not figured this out, nm don't answer.

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d210f5  No.238476


Maybe God added the extra letter, fuck i better re examine my position.

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1a0d9a  No.238477


>Christians are supporters of open borders.

No they aren't,

>As a matter of fact many churches are also refugee resettlement contractors.

No they don't.

>Christians love immigration from africa

No they don't.

>Jewish prophecy talks about destroying all christians.

You support Jewish prophesy because you're a kike.

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1a0d9a  No.238478


Also why are you posting a pro-TruNews thread and asking for prayers if you're an anti-Christian? Is it because you're a shill who shills whatever garbage he's paid to shill like a political prostitute?

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9792be  No.238507

File: d1ee00fbada2b84⋯.jpg (389.83 KB, 960x626, 480:313, 1537197653406_blackhat_dol….jpg)



>Jewish prophecy talks about destroying all christians.

No, it's not a "prophecy", it's their COMMANDMENT. (Seven Noahide Laws)

Main purpose of the Diabolic Judaism is to exterminate Christians, when they will anoint someone to be there "King Messiah".

Which is going to happen this or next September (or August?).

And COVID and the Vax was here to ease them the burden of beheading 2 billion Christians…


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ef156e  No.238513


>Christians are supporters of open borders.

FALSE. The corrupt *Catholic* mega-churches and subverted Vatican supports open borders! Last time I checked, there were many other Christian denominations other than Catholics too! Why don't you ask Rick Wiles what he thinks about open borders or Zionism, huh?

No, you won't dare, because it wouldn't fit your Anti-Christ narrative!

>Christians love immigration from africa because thats fastest group of Christians.

WRONG. Some Christians maybe, but certainly not all of them. There are more Jews that support open borders than there are Christians (which come from numerous different demonstrations, some of which are non-denominational too)!

> Don't worry about white genocide, we lost, it's over.

Bullshit, that is utter fear porn. Maybe it's lost for *some* of the European states. But America is still widely spread out, has a ton of land and Whites are more armed than ever before in history in the country today.

Sorry if you live in some apartment with niggers all around a major city today, but if you decide to ever take a long trip across country, traveling through some junctions, backroads and small towns, maybe it will do you some good to know we Whites are still plentiful and around. We just stay out of dodge tend to keep to ourselves and support other like-minded locals.


Fuck off already, pharma shill.

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ef156e  No.238515


>which come from numerous different demonstrations

*denominations, nevermind the spell checker.

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ef156e  No.238516


Clearly he's one of (((them))), just notice how this is the FIRST thread about TruNews on /pnd/, right in the nick of time when someone gets sick, then the OP blames Covid with a comment below, 'get those vaccines goyim!'

As if this was not totally intentional. Ha! OP glows.

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ef156e  No.238518

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ae620e  No.238519


The mega-church is much more of a "protestant"-inspired phenomenon, isn't it?

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ef156e  No.238526


I'm a Christian anon, and I don't support any of the corrupted, for-profit, pedo-infiltrated ZIO-subverted Churches today, and nor would Jesus either! Remember, it was the Jews who crucified Jesus because He called out their usury and deceit, and he told them He was the son of God and that they were not of His kingdom. The Jews hated Jesus. Jesus flipped the tables on them in the temple and cursed them out by name. Sadly they don't preach that in most churches today, they don't bother preaching Biblical history that might undermine corrupted established narratives. And THAT is the problem…. doesn't mean I go around hating every Christian, it just means we people like TruNews to wake other Christians up to corruption, wake them up to the lies and deceit, to expose the Zionist war crimes and how they actually subverted many of those mega-churches. I think TruNews over the years has done a great job waking people up, I've watched them cover and expose the Mossad and CIA destabilizing Syria by funding terrorists for the Greater Israel Agenda. They got a lot of heat for covering that from the ADL too.

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d210f5  No.238661


This is why we can't have nice things. The whole world is clamoring to get vaccinated and here you guys in your arrogance refusing the vaccine because some click bait conspiracy theories.

Also Fauci's email's are the biggest nothing burger, lol you guys think you've found the smoking gun wtf.

It's pretty clear you don't understand math or science.

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05beec  No.238948


first emails were a nothing burger, these ones are the real thing.Fuaci admitting he lied about basically everything and coordinating the lab coverup with gates and zuckerberg, funding channels exposed, there is a shit ton in this set of drops.

anyone here who isn't comped should get up to speed and make a general on it

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05beec  No.238949


theres no sheeny curse… the jews are literally exposing their adversaries to covid

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ac285e  No.238962


I know, and I've tried making a couple threads about it, even with solid links and plenty of info, and the threads ALWAYS get slid. Then new threads (or sometimes outright spam) pop up about petty insignificant issues like bashing women or AI or 'based China' …. oh, such "coincidence" for sure……


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