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File: a990658e9ec2de7⋯.jpg (1015.66 KB, 1125x1132, 1125:1132, 1622173372547.jpg)

93819f  No.237315

Isis dont care about racism

Isis dont care about gays

Isis dont care about women traitors

what race wins is undetermined, what is certain is Islam will win 1000% fact

let that sink in and you know deep down its true

you think your killing muslims in the east because theyre muslim?

your dying there for jews so isreal can expand and thyre importing shitskins feces niggers into your country

Islam says you must defeat your enemies which is the foremost

precedence over the other things,

white islam only or extinction. Full stop.

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9e5640  No.237333


No. The Jews are just as fucked up as you radical Islamist assholes. Your just another type of extremist religious cult, much like the Jews. Honestly I wish both you guys and the Jews had nukes so both of you would wipe one another off the fucking planet already so we Whites can get back to living civilized lives.

And if you guys think about coming around my rural property, you'll get shot at, it's as simple as that. Not taking shit from the feds, jews or (You)s!

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3df849  No.237411

File: 6c1d099e8600c42⋯.gif (474.78 KB, 886x643, 886:643, amish_mormons_population.gif)


Whites aren't going extinct. What will actually happen is that feminists, soyboys, and woketards will weed themselves out of the gene pool in the long run, and our own religious fundamentalists like the Amish and Mormons will keep increasing their populations and dominate the future.


>Europe and White America will be converging with the state of Israel today, with TFRs approaching 3 children per woman and looking to triple-quadruple their populations in the coming century, reaching the demographic scale of Asia today by 2200.

>The US may end that century as majority White again, having lost that status around the 2040s.

>The precise details of what will happen in Europe will depend on unknowables, such as the extent to which it becomes Africanized during the 21st century, and the interplay of shifting ethnic proportions with Islamic conversion. However, one minimal thing we can say is that after reaching a minimum sometime in the second half of the 21st century, the share of the indigenous European population will begin to increase again in the 22nd century. They will be concentrated in the small towns and rural areas, and will begin to demographically push back into the Afro-Islamic big cities.

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3df849  No.237415

File: adc06487d11d0c2⋯.png (124.78 KB, 906x865, 906:865, jews_dying_out.png)


This. The only kikes that are reproducing are the Haredim, and they refuse to serve in the military and are often anti-Zionist.

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89c18b  No.237443

lol delusional cope

hows your gay?


beta males?




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89c18b  No.237444


lol delusional cope

hows your gay?


beta males?


>nigger migrants?

>mud migrants?





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615138  No.237449


I don't bother with those types of losers, they mostly remain in urban hellscapes destroying one another and their own communities. Anyone who is smart enough has fled those areas and are well armed today. Those shitholes are only a tiny percentage of America at that, basically 1% of American land if even that. Most the rest of our populations are very well spread out among small towns, junctions, tucked away rural communities and farm land. If you've never had the pleasure of traveling across America and enjoying the back roads and rural junctions, you'd likely know nothing about this at all or to the extent of how massive this country really is or millions of outside inhabitants.

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89c18b  No.237450


lord help you,

you have 70 million niggers having 10-20 babies each they are breeding to fast and killing you not killing themselves off at that rate

you have probably more mudskins than niggers in the near future

YOU have no idea what you are talking about literally its science and maths that white will be a minority in that country till you fade to extinction

YOU have no idea what they always do to white minorities go educate yourself

your literal president has said YOU WILL BE A ABSOLUTE MINORITY.

dont live in your own world.

reality sucks. fix it but YOU wont and YOU will go extinct

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615138  No.237454


I know they're trying they're best to destabilize America through mass illegal immigration, I get it. However I will not allow anyone to dictate how I live my life on my own private property, and most certainly will be willing to kill anyone who tries. Crime rates are still low out here, most people own more than one gun around here and my whole State just declared itself a 2nd Amendment sanctuary status, plus we have the Castle Doctrine. If worse comes to worse, we'll put it to use if need be. However the shit you see going on in the cities does NOT represent the rest of 99% of America, at all. Most of it is hype due to what is going on in urban America. It has literally next to no presence outside those major cities. I'd be more worried about armed meth heads around these parts.

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89c18b  No.237481

File: 2249d73a3ad3d4f⋯.jpg (79 KB, 480x476, 120:119, 1617222922292.jpg)


they have started and are coming to you and they will outnumber you no matter where you are

from reading your posts i feel bad for you, genuine sympathy. I was there denial is a hard drug to overcome. Our minds crate false reality when the truth is too much to bare

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36f2a5  No.237486

File: 4787082aab41c96⋯.jpg (3.98 MB, 1757x4000, 1757:4000, White_Sharia_Weev_BTFO_by_….jpg)

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124c61  No.237522


If that happens, anon, it is already beyond my control at this point. The ONLY thing I can do about it is defend myself, to the death if need be. What else am I supposed to do? The cities are already fucked, suburbs are becoming buffer zones to hold these parasites back and most rural land has yet to be conquered in the way you describe. But even so, if they do come there is not much stopping it other than individuals having to defend themselves. That is something I plan on doing if need be.

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41a9ee  No.239728

>Reminder that sagefags are always feds.

>Reminder to never trust people who post a headline with an unfamiliar term, tell you what it means, and never show you how the people define the term in the article.

"White sharia" is NOT a call to racemixing or converting to Islam.

What it is, the the institution of policies that restrict the rights of women to a point that RESEMBLES those found under sharia. It's the establishment of a patriarchy within White societies.

It's solely concerned with women's rights, it's not concerned with religion, nor is it in any way tied to a stance on race.

The people who post about White sharia, like Weed and Anglin are themselves against race mixing, so to call them in favor of a policy that endorses it is obviously a slanderous/Libelous lie intended to poison the well with regard to them.

Whoever made that post is therefore someone intending to subvert us against the idea, it's deradicalization disguised as the opposite.

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cd5dd8  No.239864


Islam is not islam.

How is that taquiya working out for you today?

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cffd59  No.239865


Much of Europe, perhaps.

Good luck trying to conquer Russia or America, that would be a completely different story.

I have guns loaded just waiting to be used for people like you when need be, btw.

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41a9ee  No.239973


What about white sharia makes it islam?

It doesn't even mean sharia, the anw basically came from people meming about the original concept.

It's about limiting women's rights in certain ways that more resemble classical or ancient Europe than the modern Middle East, because those were the actual reference points used.

The name changed due to it being memed so, the name is not intended to be taken literally, but rather euphemistically.

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