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File: 9e6cace7a7dfb1f⋯.png (3.79 KB, 283x255, 283:255, e.png)

ba05ec  No.23718[Last 50 Posts]

Thread for discussion of Italian Fascism and other forms of Third Position Politics, Traditionalism, Corporatism, etc. Also for sharing Fascist literature and information.





Be respectful and please try to keep conversations relatively "intellectual".

Fascists and other influential people who lay the foundations of the philosphy of Fascism:

Oswald Mosely

Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera

Benito Mussolini

Adolf Hitler

Joseph Goebbels

Stepan Bandera

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu


Ramiro Ledesma Ramos

Ettore Ovazza

Gaetano Mosca

Anton Drexler

Friedrich Nietzsche

Charles Maurras

Enrico Corradini

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti

Johann Plenge

Alceste De Ambris

Gabriele d'Annunzio

Juan Perón

Giovanni Gentile

Julius Evola

Plínio Salgado

Julius Caesar

Gottfried Feder

Types of Fascism/Third Positonism:

Italian Fascism



British Union of Fascists



Clerical Fascism

Brazilian Integralism



Estado Novo

Ba'athism, Nasserism, The Syrian Social Nationalist Party, and the 4th Political Theory are also allowed to be discussed.

"[Fascism] was an explosion against intolerable conditions, against remediable wrongs which the old world failed to remedy. It was a movement to secure national renaissance by people who felt themselves threatened with decline into decadence and death and were determined to live, and live greatly." ~Oswald Mosely,

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ba05ec  No.23737


congrats fren

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ba05ec  No.23745


to me oswald mosely is my lord and savior

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5aa82d  No.23819

File: 476b7d96abb3906⋯.pdf (377.08 KB, RNPA PARTY HANDBOOK — Raci….pdf)

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5aa82d  No.23822

File: 640ec529a13cdf0⋯.png (88.36 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, Repeal The 19th.png)


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ffa484  No.23823


Women are just as important to society as men and serve their own biological roles. Sure get them off the front line, but to enslave them? That is silly.

"A woman who is perfectly woman is superior to a man who is imperfectly man, just as a farmer who is faithfull to his land and preforms his work is superior to a king who can not do his own work." - Julius Evola

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ffa484  No.23825

Strasserism doesn't even count as Third Poistion. It's just Marxism with a paint job. There is a reason they had to be shot.

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5aa82d  No.23830

File: b5b3fbcd57a5463⋯.png (128.21 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, Repeal The 19th 2.png)

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ffa484  No.23832


Repeal ALL voting rights. You're attacking the symptom not the disease.

Nice graphics though.

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072151  No.23842


Shut the fuck up nigger women need to stay in the fucking kitchen

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ffa484  No.23846


I don't want "nigger women" in my kitchen.

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e0ec91  No.23850


>Julius Caesar

lmao what?

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c9f16c  No.23918


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988c64  No.24072

File: 839e783f3cc411c⋯.jpg (126.88 KB, 960x726, 160:121, IMG_3673.JPG)

File: 774419bc14379c8⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1000x1500, 2:3, IMG_0592.PNG)

File: 21c342140e364f5⋯.png (3.38 MB, 1468x2428, 367:607, IMG_4452.PNG)

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56423a  No.24097


Hit me with a TL:DR on that shit

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b0f64d  No.24118

File: 03bc0eced56c7e8⋯.png (168.35 KB, 960x730, 96:73, abortion rate race.png)


>birth control ban

>abortion restrictions

Brainlet. You're going to cause niggers and spics to overpopulate far more than you're going to raise the White fertility rate.

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442e8b  No.24140


>than you're going to raise the White fertility rate

>you not killing your children helps the enemy!

>cheap percentages trick graphic



0.61 * 0.98 = 0.5978


0.13 * 0.48 = 0.0624

0.5978 / 0.0624 = 9.580128205128206

That means abortion kills 9.6 whites for each nigger.

If we killed one white for one nigger, we'd be dead already you fucking poison kike.

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28aa37  No.24175


There is no birth rate crisis you filthy kike. There is an invasion crisis. And you can not out-breed an invasion no matter how high your birth rate is. You must repel the invasion.


Nice math Tyrone, no wonder you niggers couldn't get past the 5th grade until they resorted to "there's no such thing as failing".

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2c796e  No.24176


All white nations have birth rates below replacement level. There is a birth rate crisis. You know nothing.

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28aa37  No.24185


>All white nations have birth rates below replacement level

That is not a crisis. There are more whites today than ever in history. At current birth rates, it would take over 1000 years for white populations to fall to the level of 1700. Lower population levels are good, it means more resources per person. The only "people" who benefit from pushing infinite growth are kikes, who bought up land and force constant population growth to drive up demand, and therefore price, so they profit from speculation.

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2c796e  No.24207


>oy vey goyim it’s fine that white genocide is happening

>I don’t know what replacement rate is

Kill yourself.

>there are more whites today than

FIVE YEARS. We have five years until the global white population peaks. It’s already shrinking everywhere in Western Europe, the US, and Canada. Kill yourself.

>fewer whites is good

Kill yourself.

>infinite growth

And now you’ve said something no one else said.

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28aa37  No.24238


>>oy vey goyim it’s fine that white genocide is happening

You're pretty bad at this, rabbi. White genocide is not happening because our population is finally stabilizing to the resources available. It is happening because you yids are importing millions of subhumans. The fact that you come here and tell us "just try to outbreed the vermin" shows just how greedy and dishonest you are.

>>I don’t know what replacement rate is

Obviously I do, or I could not explain to you that it will take over 1000 years at current fertility rates for our population level to drop to 1700s level.

>We have five years until the global white population peaks


>It’s already shrinking everywhere in Western Europe, the US, and Canada

So? Why does it cause you such pain that future generations of whites will have higher standards of living and be able to afford land? Because your precious pyramid schemes will collapse?

>And now you’ve said something no one else said.

And yet here you are demanding that population levels continue to grow. White societies were much better in 1700 than they are now. Why does having a population level like 1700 scare you? How many people is enough? 2 billion? 3 billion? 10 billion? When will you be satisfied Chaim? How many people do there need to be for you to swindle?

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2c796e  No.24240


>white genocide is not happening

>you are a jew


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7a3111  No.24242


This attitude, right here, is why white birth rates are so low. Women don't want white men because of this kind of crap.

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2c796e  No.24246


Men and women aren’t equal, dipshit.

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28aa37  No.24247


What does it tell us about you, that you can only respond by lying about what your opponent said? It tells us that you are a filthy kike.


Oh look, and he hates women, just like a filthy kike. Women and men are not equal. That does not mean women are slaves.

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442e8b  No.24802


>Nice math Tyrone

Ups forgot a zero, kike. It's late here in Europe.

0.61 * 0.098 = 0.05978

You're still killing as many whites as niggers.

However the whites are more valuable and you shouldn't underestimate black on black crime.

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28aa37  No.24808


>You're still killing as many whites as niggers.

And as a percentage of the population, that is much worse for niggers than for humans. So it is exactly like anon said, banning abortion would increase the percentage of the population that is nigger, and lower the percentage that is human. Quit trying to prevent other niggers from being aborted and just be glad LaQueefa didn't abort you Tyrone.

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ba05ec  No.26885


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fd6757  No.40703

>all this offtopic shitposting and spam

I guess fascism is the way forward after all, anything that gets spammed or slid down the catalog this much is probably right

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34129a  No.40883


If women are "inferior," they ARE as low as slaves to you. God mgtow faggots make me sick


Nobody is saying that. We are just saying women aren't inferior, either. There doesn't have to be two hard sides to this stupid argument.

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672750  No.40884


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672750  No.40886

File: e5af7c8e1cd9c0a⋯.png (540.66 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Economics_2.png)


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672750  No.40892

File: a572156afc0cdf2⋯.png (518.79 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, an-introduction-to-ns-econ….png)

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672750  No.40893

File: 1f8f2b1aa1deb29⋯.png (559.83 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Economics_3.png)

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c43302  No.65870

File: 988d79bae3d9616⋯.png (81.15 KB, 886x1322, 443:661, fascism.png)

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deede2  No.66574

reading Mussolini's autobiography, more than halfway through, it's a great read. Do you guys think he really established an Italian Cheka and had Matteotti killed or were they rogue agents?

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deede2  No.66695

why the fuck would you guys oppose women voting when women historically voted conservative? Hitler's voter base was largely female.

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f524f2  No.66713


Because we’re not so fucking stupid as to believe you when we have historical knowledge of the last ten thousand years of human civilization.

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040b01  No.66715


Because women are at the forefront of subversion they are the white races weakness, as well as a strength and women only ever voted "conservative" in comparison to now and your example of Hitlers voter base falls flat on its face when you realize it was a leftist position at the time, women vote leftist and soft-hearted which Hitler was he was charming an utmost gentleman, and so gentle that deer would walk right up to him, of course women voted for him.

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deede2  No.66724


Understandable, I am inclined to agree with you on further consideration.


retarded post

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deede2  No.85984

I made a discord for fascist discussion, specifically italian but we discuss others: ku8fKGX

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1a7934  No.85988

File: ec7a259715d8899⋯.png (73.9 KB, 676x560, 169:140, troomer.png)



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deede2  No.85990


nice dubs, however this general has been dead for 20 days and the site gets shut down and investigated by fed niggers on the regular. If you want me to post here, then actually post something faggot

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174a42  No.86101






>based infographs

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f524f2  No.86147



Commit suicide. We will never support female franchise. Get the fuck out.





>actually thinks we’ll believe what he says

Oy vey goy, I support female franchise now!

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d247b6  No.86250

File: f1d072e0797119d⋯.jpg (5.79 KB, 294x299, 294:299, ndczx.jpg)


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7b6af2  No.86252

File: b1cfc5f186cd978⋯.jpg (5.11 KB, 293x293, 1:1, uvyzmueqgnjyqvphz.jpg)


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139efc  No.86287

File: 904e757478de725⋯.jpg (5.37 KB, 296x292, 74:73, kqocuxvlbklqqjx.jpg)


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f7b06c  No.86388

File: dc6dd79fc81a274⋯.jpg (6.02 KB, 298x295, 298:295, wqswpbccibse.jpg)


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127c52  No.86455

File: 21431d4469522da⋯.jpg (7.91 KB, 296x296, 1:1, tunry.jpg)


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654baa  No.86566

File: 3129856460cd42c⋯.jpg (5.75 KB, 295x295, 1:1, zbqksyndxdolvsd.jpg)


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e54e7e  No.86607

File: c5092bdbddd59e2⋯.jpg (6.31 KB, 295x293, 295:293, mzfua.jpg)


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281b86  No.86989

File: 8ee5d2d4172cd70⋯.jpg (7.4 KB, 294x294, 1:1, zefulmysngzqu.jpg)


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a8b944  No.87055

File: 9499ff47c695376⋯.jpg (5.84 KB, 291x291, 1:1, zuoyl.jpg)


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50f40c  No.87166

File: 210dc43bf5bf8d0⋯.jpg (5.55 KB, 291x295, 291:295, ocpzkdhddqdoqoluajb.jpg)


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e015e1  No.87191

File: 82017d05663bab7⋯.jpg (5.77 KB, 294x294, 1:1, mfcas.jpg)


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deede2  No.87228

File: 83cbb11a7bbb4fb⋯.jpg (34.08 KB, 750x534, 125:89, ciq1b2k73ck21.jpg)


I never said any of this, I asked why you the people posting that would support female disenfranchisement, fucking schizo, I don't want anyone to vote. I fucking despise you schizophrenics that post

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635086  No.87240

>all those posts above mine

Absolute fucking state of this board

Anyway, my 2¢:

Fascism is admirable but incorrect. Fascism, in lockstep with modern neoliberal globohomo, seeks state power as an end unto itself. Indeed, Fascism claims that it is the state that creates the Folk, not the other way around. Mussolini himself famously declared in 1922 that biological racism is a "myth," and followed it up in 1936 by attempting to "integrate" and "uplift" Ethiopians into his multi-racial empire (see Fascetta Nera for a great example of multiracial Fascist propaganda.)

This stands in stark opposition to the beautiful organic Truth of National Socialism. In NS, power is given BY the Folk TO the state, not the other way around. The state exists ONLY to serve, protect and advance the Folk. If it has failed in this, it is the obligation of every citizen to remove and reform the state as it is now a burdensome cancer upon the Folk's future.

IMO, Mussolini took away the worst parts of the Roman Empire: the trappings of state and empire. He would have quickly reaped the same results, namely degeneration of the stock. For it was not Rome's bureaucratic power that got it to where it was: their success was built off racial loyalty, rigid traditions and a spirit of heroic sacrifice.

For this reason I think fascism is just as dangerous - if not MORE dangerous - than the current system for the Folk. At least we are currently allowed dissent. Fascism, with it's Chinese-tier obsession with stability, would not even give you this pittance.

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f524f2  No.87245


>I never said

You said all of it, you fucking kike.

>[word salad]

Nothing you’ve said makes any sense.


You’re done here. We will never support female franchise. You’re fucking insane.

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deede2  No.87251


I asked why you would oppose women voting when women voted for hitler, I never said that I personally wanted women to vote you fucking schizophrenic.

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f4d96f  No.92857

File: 6fbfc234396d791⋯.jpg (1 MB, 2219x1703, 2219:1703, truth_listx1.jpg)

Not quite related, just a request. Does anyone has a cleaner or similar image of this ? The real European Union…

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9647d2  No.92930

Excuse me but why are Stalin and Lenin left out of your list? GTFO JIDF!

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f524f2  No.92935


You don’t have an argument. Get the fuck out. We will never support female franchise.

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adf19a  No.92949


You forgot Francisco Franco, Spain's generalissimo.

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70b4a3  No.92957

Remember folks it's not fascism if they're jewish.

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f4d96f  No.94344

File: c9f765d61f6b20b⋯.jpg (199.18 KB, 1080x680, 27:17, 9xmvcks5ntm21.jpg)

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040b01  No.97329


Seriously dude, he didn't support female franchise simply asked why we weren't for it because the evidence would dictate that we did support as Hitler was elected in large part by women, I explained why and he understood and you just kept acting like a stupid fucking kike, get over it and yourself.

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