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7078aa  No.237074

>How often did you ever see advertisements on television with black and white couples?

>Sit on one station for two hours and I don't know how many commercials you will see, two to three out of five have mixed race couples in them

>That's not by accident. They're selling soap man.

Timestamp – 1:06:28

Immigration coupled with race-mixing propaganda is a policy of ethnic replacement or genocide.

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3100f4  No.237083

File: f854eb62c5c0f57⋯.jpg (204.52 KB, 770x900, 77:90, Kids.jpg)

Yea Biden put on his sad voice for 300 blacks killed.

But approved of this, expose these hypocrites.

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7078aa  No.237087


Israel is doing what Israel needs to do.

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3100f4  No.237090

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That NYT's cover exposed the Jews.

Abe Foxman declared he's cancelling his NYT sub and called it blood libel.

Remember to play on people's emotions.

Every day we can see the Jews trying to turn the other races on white people but they are the ones who have bones in their closet.

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3100f4  No.237093


No they aren't, everything that's happening to Palestine is because they allied w Hitler.

It's amazing people here aren't aware of thaT.

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7078aa  No.237095


>It's amazing people here aren't aware of thaT.

If people here aren't aware of that then the normal public certainly isn't. We need them aware and Israel is doing a great job of turning the world against Israel. Palestinian suffering, like Western suffering, will be rewarded.

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3100f4  No.237099

This is the reason generations of Palestinians are trapped in an open air prison w no escape and tortured.

> https://www.algemeiner.com/2017/05/14/the-palestinian-connection-to-the-nazis/

If they wanted them gone they'd be gone. No they want to torture them.

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7078aa  No.237105

File: 9315ae70c0b2688⋯.jpg (155.46 KB, 741x960, 247:320, palestine_gaza.jpg)

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3100f4  No.237109


When Jews have the power they'll do the same to whites. These fuckin christians keep collaborating with them.

We need to expose them on all fronts.

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3100f4  No.237122

File: 8e20fbe11f7ed99⋯.gif (213.06 KB, 976x932, 244:233, kids1.GIF)


Max Blumenthal exposed the MSM for selectively editing video to manufacture a Antisemitism crisis in order to cover up the Israeli police rounding up kids.

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3a467f  No.237124


They already do the same to Whites. Europeans and European-Americans/European-Canadians/European-Antipodeans just have an entirely compromised elite class, so there is no countervailing network for state-level counter narrative. It is limited to outposts on the internet and a general pervasive feeling of unease among the population that something isn't right, while they are mind-swarmed with shitlib/respectable conservative agitprop.

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7078aa  No.237125

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d502ef  No.237126


The average normie feels like they are in the cold war with their governments.

I think it all shows more how many things are controlled opposition, and fundamentally the system being jewish anti-white is mass being exposed to the general White population while being gaslighted to hate niggers more. The lurking ratio is a better metric to judge off of you only posters when people have something to rally over or a stable platform.

The racial split between browns and blacks has also got very deep with blm. So expect far more hate crimes between blacks and browns as White People just sideline not keep the peace thats the only thing that will have substance.

Most of the jewish population are under replacement and drank their own poison they have hit a dead end.

So the next thing is a mass killing, i personally think jews are going to mass false flag nuke the east coast using China a proxy to start a world war.

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3100f4  No.237133


>Most of the jewish population are under replacement and drank their own poison they have hit a dead end.

Maybe in the USA, not Israel. They're well above replacement.

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3100f4  No.237134

File: a311b896267c176⋯.jpg (506.14 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ViralAntisemitismIn4Mutati….jpg)


Yea Ron Unz makes a strong case that the Corona Virus was released by US Neocon elements as a attack against China.

He lays out some interesting facts.

I think they may of made this documentary in case they get fingered for the Pandemic.

It's got hi level operatives like Bill Clinton etc.

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3100f4  No.237135


Iran lost 10% of their parliament to Corona Virus.

That was odd. Like Jan 2nd Trump assassinates Soulemani.

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7078aa  No.237136

File: 54148b13641c8b1⋯.png (635.55 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, _Ron_Unz_.png)


fuck off kike

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3a467f  No.237143


>So the next thing is a mass killing, i personally think jews are going to mass false flag nuke the east coast using China a proxy to start a world war.

Never going to happen, no matter how much smoke John Mearsheimer and Peter Zeihan try to blow up people's asses.

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3100f4  No.237153


Him and Max Blumenthal are among the greatest sources on the web.

If you don't stand with the Jewish people I will not stand with you. How do you like hem apples?

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7078aa  No.237154

File: 8afab7348ea7d22⋯.png (273.13 KB, 1108x930, 554:465, unz_dailystormer.PNG)


go back to the (((dailystormer))) dumb little faggot

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3a467f  No.237158


Anglin is leaning into shilling for DeSantis now.

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3100f4  No.237159


Sometimes I think Biden has to be a crypto Jew. His hate for white people is just so deeply engrained.

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3a467f  No.237160


He's just an American.

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c93466  No.237161


Shut up kike. Anglin rules. Gas the jews

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986f6a  No.237162

File: 55c9eaf5184e64c⋯.jpg (63.79 KB, 765x745, 153:149, joe_bidens_children_marry_….jpg)


Every last one of his kids married kikes. Just like Trump.

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7078aa  No.237164

File: 7e6587869799d50⋯.jpg (265.75 KB, 1841x900, 1841:900, anglins_sister_1.JPG)


fuck off (((anglin)))

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639472  No.237313

Vidéo is 50 min long timestamps at 1h06


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32d8c7  No.237320


>These fuckin christians keep collaborating with them.

Abrahamism must die if white people are to live.

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7bccc5  No.237390

Reminder that race-mixing is gross and wrong!

Reminder that non-whites want to date whites for being white.

Don't be fooled, i's about "where dat women/men at?" + social status rather than love.

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488d7d  No.237398


>tfw no Anglin gf

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