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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 173c2b4814a5205⋯.jpg (158.93 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, PicsArt_06_01_03_23_54.jpg)

2e1fd3  No.237025

happy purple pride month !!

How are you planning on celebrating?

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a1567f  No.237026

if anyone is still left, migrate somewhere else.

the eternal asspain from israel's failed media war against gaza means fagbot will be running indefinitely

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2e1fd3  No.237029


lol in case you haven't noticed, I've pretty much emptied this board….

(Which was really easy because this was already the emptiest board I've ever seen)

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2e1fd3  No.237030

G O O D N E W S ! ! !

you three guys are cordially invited to migrate over to/freedomzine/

You will be the only three people in there….

And it will make Jerry feel like is board finally became "successful"……

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2e1fd3  No.237031


lmfao @ you FINALLY realizing I'm not going anywhere

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8164b4  No.237163

File: dd48c9a2b41002d⋯.jpg (28.2 KB, 382x879, 382:879, 71HMVapwwiL_AC_SY879_.jpg)

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ecb10b  No.237170


It was empty because I emptied it. I started posting Communist shit and reminding people every day that this board isn't /pol/ and not a WN or NatSoc board. The BO agreed and allowed me to continue to post as the most leftist commie bastard you've ever seen. After a while, a new Vol decided to [D+] my posts and started banning pretty much everything that wasn't praising Hitler, which was my cue to spring the trap. Got that Vol fired, which I knew would cause him some serious asspain, and he retaliated by flooding the board as much as possible every day in every thread. He became known as "sagefag" to some, "sagebro" to others, and eventually the BO himself gave up.

It took nearly a year of slow pressure and making sure to melt the brain of one very unstable Vol, but I cleaned this fucking place out. That's when Purple showed up.

I now stand on the crumbled ruins of this board and it makes me smile.

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