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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 295da8bd178bcb6⋯.jpg (245.52 KB, 853x831, 853:831, 388f77f144b956f791417c1f22….jpg)

ea8881  No.236465

Post your proposal for an ideal society.

Compare with the ideas of other anons.

Debate & discuss.

You can also criticize the way the ideas are presented (such as the quality and understandability of the writing)

Here's one to get the party started:


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e95379  No.236504

the documentation of epic loneliness.

it's memorial day weekend

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a71b60  No.236539

My own "sources" tell me that everything is going "according to plan", and that Joseph Biden will no longer be president by the end of this year, but most likely, by July 4. (He predicted it himself.)

My own "sources" tell me that everything is going "according to plan", and that Joseph Biden will no longer be president by the end of this year, but most likely, by July 4. (He predicted it himself.)

My own "sources" tell me that everything is going "according to plan", and that Joseph Biden will no longer be president by the end of this year, but most likely, by July 4. (He predicted it himself.)

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34194b  No.236941


Why endanger the plan by telling us?

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8040f4  No.236943


Reported for Q-LARP spam.

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cd56a0  No.236953

Since the majority of eligible voter don't vote, it should be clear most people don't want any society at all. Of course the actual majority is always ignored.

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5f220d  No.236969

File: e5c9bf48b8ca4fb⋯.jpg (40.01 KB, 590x421, 590:421, loololololoollolololololoo….jpg)

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