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and shitslinging
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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: e1946bc07648b46⋯.jpg (31.27 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 2060ee4b578e47348b739c451f….jpg)

6ac7d0  No.236148

lol @ "make America great again" but all the photos are from the Philippines

hahaha!! Imagine Jim actually POSING

for that stupid photo !! In his famous ONE SUIT (an ill-fitting mismatched polyester goodwill 1989 clown suit)

holding his fat drooping turkey neck up high

oblivious to how absurd he looks

how stupid and gay his moustache looks

how uncool and awkward he looks

Jim is ALMOST as much of a lonely loser as YOU are, /pnd/

lonely, awkward clowns

no matter how many FILIPINO PROSTITUTES Jim photoshops into his "MAGA ADS", it does not make him appear heterosexual….

and no matter how many times you try to convince yourself of your imaginary superiority, it only further highlights your laughable inferiority complexes…

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6ac7d0  No.236149

File: c6fe73872751da2⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1387x1080, 1387:1080, PicsArt_05_28_10_36_27.png)


the four queens of NOT being able to fool anyone

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6ac7d0  No.236151

File: d28f72dcb90145a⋯.png (255.18 KB, 850x1064, 425:532, Screen_Shot_2020_07_30_at_….png)

/PND/ : three little girls who INSIST they're not the ones who played with mommy's face lotion

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952327  No.236163

OK, good news folks, here in Missouri - real soon - it will be ILLEGAL for any Local and State law enforcement to participate in ANY new federal gun control program, with the punishment of $50,000 fines for abuse of power! Local and State authority will no longer be able to enforce: new background check laws, tracking and tracing of lawful gun ownership, gun or ammo ban laws, new taxation against guns and ammo, gun grabs UNLESS a crime has been committed by an individual to which they can still enforce normal law. Missouri absolutely BTFO the commie control freaks, it becomes law in 50 days!

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ed33e9  No.236338

File: 86b9f15fe088057⋯.jpg (122.64 KB, 867x620, 867:620, 1621502608942.jpg)


Your inferirity is out in the open for everyone to see, jew.

White Men are Gods.

There is nothing that you can do about it.

Your fear is palpable:


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d73886  No.236345


If only they were on our side…

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ad9122  No.236416



>with the punishment of $50,000 fines for abuse of power!

Are you fucking around? That's nothing. It's like giving $2 tickets for running someone down.

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ad9122  No.236417


Stop taking credit for other whites' work.

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ab99b4  No.236419

You can support America from another country. America is shit anyway. Even when trump was president. And I fucking love trump. But the country is never gonna get better. Democracy just keeps it split. Though, because we don't go to war as often and care too much, I think democrats are gonna take over for a very long time. It's probably best to support your side from afar. Because in an asian country, you're not gonna be ostracized for supporting trump.

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30fef0  No.236423

File: 6b075a05c87763e⋯.jpg (232.31 KB, 745x1183, 745:1183, _trump_.jpg)


>muh trump!

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ab99b4  No.236428

File: 33a58d9dfaaae24⋯.jpg (111.83 KB, 1400x700, 2:1, chad_trump.jpg)

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03da4f  No.236437


The truth is authoritarianism/totalitarianism in the US won't prevail on a wide scale. Overall America is far too vastly spread out, well armed, no human army on Earth could take on the whole nation all in one swoop. Disarming all of America or subjugating us all is mere fantasy, sure despots try it and push for it. The harder they push the harder many Americans will push back. Take States like Montana and Idaho that recently cut all ties with the federal government when it comes to imposing any new gun control measures - you see that's all it really takes. The federal government heavily relies on local and state law enforcement to enforce such laws. If there is any break between the two establishments, or any semblance of State secession, the law unravels and becomes toothless. Also, if the vast majority of Americans stand their ground and refuse dictates (such as vaccine passports) then it won't happen either. That's why the federal government is in disarray today, and can't get anything they want done. It's largely due to (mostly Republican) States refusing to co-operate as well large civil discourse and disgruntled Americans who decided to say "fuck you and your bullshit policy, we are moving the heck away from you!" The major cities are taken over for sure, they're finished, toast, absolutely. But what do we see happening now? Have you paid close attention? Americans are moving out of those cities and out of "blue States" in droves, moving into "red States" and actually registering to vote as Republicans in many cases because they are so fed up being treated the way they have been under Democrat controlled areas.

You need to pay closer attention to this because as Americans vote with their wallets and feet by moving, guess what happens to Congressional representation? Well take New York for example! New York is losing Congressional representation now! Florida is gaining representation! Why? Because the less taxpayers who live in shitholes, the less Congressional seats shitholes hold in the US House! Ouch! They didn't think that one over very well, did they?

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30fef0  No.236438


he lost. israel is in chaos. nazbol is dead. it's over.

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ab99b4  No.236572

File: 9145eb7272dc293⋯.png (12.18 KB, 198x255, 66:85, images.png)

File: 21baa952c08fab0⋯.png (87.89 KB, 500x732, 125:183, smug_pepe_and_moonman_can_….png)

File: b90f38bc4996760⋯.jpeg (9.96 KB, 242x209, 22:19, images_2_.jpeg)


This tranny is absolutely SEETHING!

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