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File: d42f2fe3ea49252⋯.png (56,46 KB, 500x165, 100:33, 500px_Government_Revenue_a….png)

cf096f  No.236044

Alright, this is getting slid HARD on 4chan. I mean page seven on /pol/ in a minute so I'll try here.

The news on both sides of the political spectrum are spinning this new spending bill "as the biggest since WW2". That means this bill is actually the biggest in U.S. history because WW2 was the record.

Maybe they should say "2nd largest bill in history" to avoid confusion?

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cf096f  No.236045

File: 2f06404816a6862⋯.png (330,07 KB, 1920x635, 384:127, 1920px_Government_Revenue_….png)

Not sure what the compression issue was.

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cf096f  No.236046

Of course to be fair WW2 was a 500 percent increase in spending and this seems to be 200%

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cf096f  No.236056

>tortures and disfigured you using microwaves

>Everyone around you is too stupid to understand how cell phones work

>Computer to brain interface to harass and interrogate you

>Wants you to do their math homework

Fuck that retards.

You can all suck it.

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c1ccce  No.236066


Yayyyyy!!!! Let's crash the economy with hyperinflation and call counterfeiting currency and debt insolvency "capitalism" and blame it on "The American Dream" (which died a long time ago!) Then we can backstab everyone who worked hard for what they earned and try to steal their stuff and call it "ours" (ours meaning for the GOVERNMENT!)

Fuck this, when this currency goes under and the crash happens I ain't ever paying taxes again, I'm keeping what I have and they can fuck off or risk getting shot in the head.

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6090aa  No.236088


>I am too stupid to understand basic English

>others should be forced to change to accommodate me


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11bd5a  No.236142


time for YOU to go get slid HARD on 4chan again

don't come back

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11bd5a  No.236143

File: 09d50dfc8ea065e⋯.png (147,61 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210528_105516.png)


list of hobbies……

find one soon

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eb5a02  No.236302


>no one can post here but me!

>My peepee a so small

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f3c6d5  No.236337


Never work for anyone other than yourself.

Whenever you are (((productive))), the government, jews, women and leftards will come to leech from it.

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