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File: bbd4ad0349aaebf⋯.jpg (189.03 KB, 1222x1081, 26:23, San_Jose_suspect_id_Samuel….jpg)

7806c5  No.235814

Supposedly a mass-shooting event occurred on Wednesday resulting in 9 deaths including the gunman. For some reason, the face of the shooter wasn't released at first, and as time went on I wondered how black he would be. Turns out, he's white. But is he even real?

Most sites are using a low res version, but I found this photo which is clearly. Immediately, it has an uncanny-valley feel. Now look at the left ear, why is it sinking into the head like that? Why is only half of his moustache shaved? What the hell is with the size of his forehead?

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7806c5  No.235815

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7806c5  No.235816

My theory for why they'd fake this. Perhaps an actual terrorist group conducted an operation against a transport system, and they don't want the public to know. I believe they used a tool like this: https://thispersondoesnotexist.com

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7806c5  No.235817

I also notice some blurring around the chin. Touchups from a sloppy generation?

Here is the link to the OP photo btw. https://www.the-sun.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2021/05/San-Jose-suspect-id-Samuel-Cassidy-JF.jpg

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864f61  No.235818

It's San Jose. They probably had it coming.

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989a2e  No.235879


The guy looks like a sterotypical CIA/Mossad asset.

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57c914  No.235880


You're literally one of the stupidest people I've ever seen


And one of the most boring


And one of the least educated in photo forensics


Because you obviously don't know shit about visual engineering, photo retouch or enhancement, or reality for that matter…

You're just an idiot with too much time on your hands, and you sit in that stinky chair overthinking everything, connecting dots that don't exist, and somehow managing to convince yourself that you are a master sleuth….

You are a boring fool

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57c914  No.235881


Congratulations !!!

You've once again managed to include your stupid repetitive boring 'mossad asset' trendy catchphrase into yet another sentence.

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57c914  No.235882


You're obviously SUCH A GENIUS that you were too busy to notice the obvious :

That is a photograph of a photograph

Like taking a photograph of a poster from a slight angle…


And then you started fabricating

Non-existent visual anomalies

To verify your stupid hypothesis

Do the world a favor…

You're one of the worst detectives on Earth

Don't quit your day job (mooching off mommy)

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57c914  No.235883


If I didn't know any better, I'd say you actually sit around looking for any reason to throw together a stupid sentence that includes some bullshit neo-Nazi trendy catch phrase….


You three guys are so fucking boring

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57c914  No.235884

File: a2db2c7f7af6f38⋯.jpg (319.81 KB, 1280x738, 640:369, 20210527_192609.jpg)


And I noticed they made a mistake and accidentally made the left hand larger than the right hand…..

They thought they were smart but I caught them

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57c914  No.235885

File: 76c15e1fa386e0f⋯.jpg (585.87 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 20210527_192524.jpg)


You're literally one of the stupidest fucking people I've ever seen in my life.. and I'm not joking

The thing that makes you so stupid :

how smart you seem to think you are

That's the stupidest thing about you

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57c914  No.235886


honestly ?…………..

It's embarrassing faggots like you that made the entire "conspiracy theory" thing SO UNCOOL.

I suppose you must have missed the memo ?

the entire world is sick and tired of you and your stupid boring conspiracy theories

Nobody cares anymore.. the entire Qfaggot thing and the stupid white trash trailer park MAGA people burned the world out on conspiracy theories…

We've heard it all before…

We are tired of people like you….

Little tiny overlooked white trash

And your irrelevant theories………….

But today you made quite a fool out of yourself

By proving that you have no expertise

or even the most basic understanding

of visual physics

You Don't know Jack shit about photography or photo retouch.. You Don't know Jack fucking shit about Photoshop…

You literally remind me of somebody's grandmother sitting in a trailer park watching NCIS and thinking she's an expert on forensics….

Fucking pathetic. You are fucking pathetic dude

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57c914  No.235887


Cuz I've been alive a lot longer than you..

And I've been paying attention the entire time…

And I was around for Reagan and Oliver North…

And the entire buildup to 9/11

And of course I realize the 9/11 attacks were an inside job…. And back in 2001 when it happened, I was the one walking around telling everybody it was an inside job….

I used to be a bit of a discriminating conspiracy theorist myself, but notice I used the word "discriminating"……

Something happened over the past 4 years…

It all started with Trump

Who glamorized stupidity

And all of the white trash trailer park worthless hillbillies came out of the woodwork….

Uneducated, stupidest fuck worthless white trash

And then they all became "Q RESEARCHERS"

hahahahahaha lmmfao @ "research"

And suddenly EVERYBODY is a conspiracy expert

Even little losers like you…

Thinking you're some kind of genius detective

Looking at photographs, and fabricating visual anomalies…. Somehow convincing yourself that the more bullshit you fabricate the more clever you sound

It's people like you that made me stop believing the 9/11 attack was an inside job

These days I would never say something about 9/11 being a conspiracy.. I would never use the words "inside job", because that's the catch phrase of trailer park trash who pretend to be detectives

You've got a bunch of trendy conspiracy theory catchphrases

That and a few anti-semitic barbs in every sentence….

And so far that's all you've got.. that's all you're good for

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57c914  No.235888


there's no big conspiracy, dumbass

just a lonely, angry, inferiority complex white loser

kinda like you

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57c914  No.235889


just a resentful, weak and insignificant, mentally and emotionally unstable, angry, lonely assclown social reject disgruntled employee, who targeted coworkers….


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ac1385  No.235939


Always kill jewish children and shitskin children.

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b6dd80  No.236002


half a moustache

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b6dd80  No.236003

File: ec3afeefeda5256⋯.png (723.81 KB, 882x1080, 49:60, PicsArt_05_27_11_22_52.png)

Most sites are using a low res version, but I found this photo which is clearly. Immediately, it has an uncanny-valley feel. Now look at the left ear, why is it sinking into the head like that? Why is only half of his moustache shaved? What the hell is with the size of his forehead?

My theory for why they'd fake this. Perhaps an actual terrorist group conducted an operation against a transport system, and they don't want the public to know. I believe they used a tool like this: https://thispersondoesnotexist.com

I also notice some blurring around the chin. Touchups from a sloppy generation?

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b6dd80  No.236004

File: 901652268b80505⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1276x1080, 319:270, PicsArt_05_27_11_20_32.png)

oh……… oops !…..

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80f8d2  No.236008

The shill bots plaguing this site are really low quality, you guys need to upgrade your script.

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80f8d2  No.236010


> the more clever

I guess the ESL migrants write the scripts.

>Don't quit your day job (mooching off mommy)

I am well paid to pots here by the ADL, thank you very much.

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80f8d2  No.236011



(Damn Hebrew keyboard)

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989a2e  No.236016

File: 7623f2360b1786d⋯.jpg (64.42 KB, 735x571, 735:571, jew_girls_98910.jpg)


Holy shit that person is fake i looked at it on a better monitor , its a mossad operation they use shitty ai generators. I took another long look, his crude half mustache and his cut hair on one side looks like a typical cheap ai generator. You can see the faint straight line where the picture was cut going through his half mustache to both cheeks.

The Gilroy garlic shooter mossad asset happened not to far. He was the iranian mutt who joined antifa was part of their fire crew then Instagram scrubbed his whole account.

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2e4e84  No.238427


It's not just jew girls, all women are biologically programmed to open their legs for the dangerous man.

It's how their genes survive conquest, they just submit to the conquerors, they don't run from men put to kill them, they run to those men bevause of the off chance this guy would rather impale her on his cock than with his spear.

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2e4e84  No.238428


This is also the reason for the meme of the Black/Latina mutt who wants to fuck a hulking Neo-Nazi/Klansman who looks like the kind of guy that would kill her with his bare hands if given the chance.

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