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File: 6126d2e44637879⋯.jpg (203.77 KB, 1136x1704, 2:3, jacques_mesrine_profession….jpg)

0bf1a0  No.234618[Last 50 Posts]

Is he going to end up being the Jaques Mesrine of 2021?

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4c8870  No.234619




that don't even fit his stupid ugly face

but he wears sunglasses in simply lit rooms


and the woman's woven leather belt

but his cheap trailer park pants have no belt loops


and is that a MEMBERS ONLY JACKET?

or is it a cheap terry cloth knock off ?


imagine what a woman would think if she saw him

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4c8870  No.234620

Notice how he's got no dick

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a8fb0a  No.234622

He's going to do whatever his Mossad handler tells him to do.

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4c8870  No.234623

His tacky cheap hand-me-down triftstore polyester pants are a little tight….

which makes it easy to see that HE HAS A TINY LITTLE PENIS

no wonder he's dressed like a clownshow

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4c8870  No.234624


lol @ how STUPID and NOT INTIMIDATING he looks

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0bf1a0  No.234625

File: ef6ed89ac0eb8ad⋯.jpg (408.2 KB, 600x889, 600:889, 5ca3af11382567_560f72768f7….jpg)


He was always in disguise

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4c8870  No.234626

the micropenis man


bought a rifle

and a pistol

and a pair of 60¢ thrift store sunglasses

and thought the abe lincoln beard looked "tough"

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0bf1a0  No.234627


I think you like checking out penis

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4c8870  No.234628


so he's "disguised as a trailer park white trash clown with a tiny little penis"?

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4c8870  No.234629


it's right there in front of you

He's got no dick. anybody can see it

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4c8870  No.234630

His lack of a dick is just as obvious as his lack of new clothes….

or basic fashion sense

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4c8870  No.234631

he is NOT tough looking at all

he's not intimidating Looking

he looks PATHETIC

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4c8870  No.234632

his face looks STUPID AS FUCK




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4c8870  No.234633



hahahahahaha!!!! That's SO STUPID

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4c8870  No.234634

god damn !!

this has reached an epic low

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4c8870  No.234635

File: 90bd353bfbac335⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1069x2300, 1069:2300, PicsArt_05_23_03_51_23.png)

he's a regular god damn Master Of Disguise !!!

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4c8870  No.234636


they DO have inbred white trash in Belgium ?

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4c8870  No.234637

<<L'instinct de Disguise>>

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4c8870  No.234638

My favorite "disguise" is the second one :


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4c8870  No.234639

so he's like the Belgian Homer Simpson ?

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4c8870  No.234640

lol @ how tight his cheap parachute pants are

and his teeny little point…..

hahahahahahaha !!!!!!

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4c8870  No.234641


clever disguise…..

the timeless "goodwill bin parachute pants with no belt loops but using a WOMAN'S DAINTY LITTLE BRAIDED BELT to hang his holster on" disguise !!!

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4c8870  No.234642


the world famous "guy with a one inch pointed little dick" disguise

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4c8870  No.234643

at least we all know why he's always frowning

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4c8870  No.234644

File: 38d4de4e4094420⋯.jpg (20.46 KB, 281x498, 281:498, 41_lhhG2nqL_AC_SY1000_.jpg)

I'd be frowning too, if all I had was a PENCIL ERASER CAP between my legs.

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8b9770  No.234647


I gotta be honest … I lol'd.

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4c8870  No.234648

lol he only got pussy TWICE

one relationship only lasted a year

and the final relationship only lasted three years

gee, I wonder WHY

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4c8870  No.234650


See?…… there ya go……..

I'm not attacking you

I'm just being honest

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4c8870  No.234651

I've seen more convincing disguises on The Maury Povich Show

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4c8870  No.234652

File: 828fa6f0f805ae9⋯.png (1.07 MB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Screenshot_20210523_161303.png)

shit, let's just keep it 100

MY horrible "disguise" I wore on The Geraldo Show was better than any of his…

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4c8870  No.234653

at least I used Stage Putty to change my nose and cheekbones

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4c8870  No.234654

File: 3215c168ec2e91b⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1065, 72:71, PicsArt_05_23_04_18_15.png)

File: 7824029e5150d57⋯.jpg (424.86 KB, 1227x1635, 409:545, PicsArt_03_18_12_56_47.jpg)

the girl in the blonde wig was my gf of 8 years, Jill

here she is now

and me, without the stage putty, wig, fake moustache or fake glasses

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4c8870  No.234655

I'm a regular god damn LON CHANEY compared Mr. Braided Belt

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4c8870  No.234656

File: 200e0b4d3e71b08⋯.jpg (76.44 KB, 324x600, 27:50, 14AMB187_Man_Of_A_Thousand….jpg)

for those who don't know

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4c8870  No.234657

File: ec1d507449cd51f⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210523_163009.png)

Standard Issue French Army Holster Belt

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4c8870  No.234658

File: c0154f5478a4c7a⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1010x1280, 101:128, 20210523_164504.png)

dammit, man !!!!…..

I didn't recognize youwith that cigar in your mouth!!!!!!

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4c8870  No.234659

File: 2a01f0b39ac2318⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1080x1396, 270:349, PicsArt_05_23_04_42_42.png)

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ab3437  No.234660


You think the handler is out there innawoods with him?

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4c8870  No.234662

File: c1b7cc1deceffc8⋯.jpg (281.2 KB, 1080x1573, 1080:1573, PicsArt_05_23_04_56_21.jpg)

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4c8870  No.234663

File: 5dc83c6ca5b1374⋯.jpg (262.88 KB, 1080x1587, 360:529, PicsArt_05_23_04_54_50.jpg)

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8b9770  No.234665





Stop posting pics of my dad!

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4c8870  No.234666

File: 43223eb01103718⋯.jpg (209.23 KB, 972x1080, 9:10, PicsArt_05_23_05_04_16.jpg)

The Belgian Capt Ahab

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4c8870  No.234667

File: 157ac8da713e054⋯.jpg (303.26 KB, 1136x1704, 2:3, PicsArt_05_23_05_10_51.jpg)

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4c8870  No.234668


I'm assuming you're already aware that when that shitty boring movie was released, Mesrine began making phone calls to the directorbegging for money, right?…..

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4c8870  No.234670

File: 9c4cf9328307269⋯.png (1.54 MB, 2300x767, 2300:767, PicsArt_05_23_05_21_40.png)

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4c8870  No.234673

File: 4d8610c8426084f⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1080x1598, 540:799, PicsArt_05_23_05_32_58.png)

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344667  No.234795

File: 86b9f15fe088057⋯.jpg (122.64 KB, 867x620, 867:620, 1621502608942.jpg)

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0bf1a0  No.234916

File: 5e51220d7b7a963⋯.jpeg (5.15 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images.jpeg)


this thread turned into comedy lol

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0bf1a0  No.234917

File: 5cc43acbec23d73⋯.jpeg (5.72 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images.jpeg)

He got babes though,

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0bf1a0  No.234918

File: 0de5adb59d80d73⋯.jpeg (7.43 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images.jpeg)

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0bf1a0  No.234919

File: 7881944722d1314⋯.jpg (311.55 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, gettyimages_542246650_1024….jpg)

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f63bfb  No.235953

Bump because this shit sure triggered a lot of jews and euro faggots employed by the EU.

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c6dba0  No.248806

File: 7d523ea84aaa5af⋯.jpg (115.53 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, Literally_You_4_.jpg)

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a89532  No.248896

File: 63ab0fff2002c0c⋯.png (1.27 MB, 2034x1337, 2034:1337, 1625782592269.png)


>the sperg is found out because she lacks subtlety

>he projects his insecurity of not being original or liked onto others

>he is a sad, autistic sperg

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c6dba0  No.248907

File: 8b52def31c6055f⋯.jpg (12.43 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 24c54707b4d1f76cdaa78fceb2….jpg)

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