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File: 7d8d013726611af⋯.jpg (169.01 KB, 640x403, 640:403, tulsi_antiwhite_racism.jpg)

a3c093  No.234164

Tulsi Gabbard calls out “anti-white racism”.

Has a single Republican ever used this term?



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b6576d  No.234166

She is not talking about anti-White racism. She is only concerned for her fellow kikes.

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a3c093  No.234169

File: 873b1e9fc8b8fc8⋯.jpg (120 KB, 720x1031, 720:1031, tulsi_anti_zionism_3.jpg)


To me it reads, "anti-white racism." Not "anti-Semitic" racism.

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b6576d  No.234176


Then you have no idea who owns and runs the (((media))). She is not concerned about her own mongrel ass being inside our nation (which she would voluntarily DEPORT) if she had any concern or love for White people.

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a3c093  No.234178


She called out anti-white racism. You seem upset about that. Why?

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b6576d  No.234299


I don't know how I can make it much clearer. IF SHE CARED ANYTHING FOR WHITES OR WHITE NATIONS, SHE WOULD DEPORT HER FUCKING ASS BACK TO WHATEVER BROWN POS NATION SHE IS FROM. I don't give a fuck about her stupid lip service if she is not willing to FUCK OFF and really take care of Whites in their nation.

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319108  No.234301


We're a long way off from mass deportations. Right now we need families discussing "anti-white racism."

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b6576d  No.234303


I don't want brown people talking about it. I need WHITE people talking about it. Tulsi is concerned about the kike media, not about Whites.

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75d90f  No.234307

Most whites are doing well. It's not antiwhite racism it's targeting.

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242bfe  No.234322


She is really hot though. And I believe she is a curry mix.

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319108  No.234323


When white people talk about it they're demonized thanks to kike ecelebs. Tulsi, as a brown woman, prevents this attack and opens a pathway for whites to speak freely.

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ecf890  No.234326


Did you see my other thread? We are banned everywhere. She opened o path to nothing. WHITES ARE OK GO LOOK OUTSIDE. We are still banned and targeted. Whites.

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819965  No.234342

File: df4876cf8bb4260⋯.jpg (435.92 KB, 1413x1100, 1413:1100, Eureka_Colorado_1900_.jpg)


I like war though, war is based and redpilled

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e547a6  No.234372


Anything that is anti-white must be destroyed.

Anyone who is anti-white, including other Whites who are race traitors, must be killed.

The world will be a Whites Only World.

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63c45a  No.234374


What other thread?


Yes but no more wars for Jewish interests.

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819965  No.234390


Kikes don't seem to fair any better before or after war, WW2 was 100% justified because Germans ruin everything as is evident today with the fact most Germans are shitskins now

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63c45a  No.234394


kikes acquired their political state in palestine also kikes also use "muh holocaust!" to get away with war crimes.

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d98f4d  No.234402


>The world will be a Whites Only World.

I approve. This seems very good to me.

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643424  No.234419



Again, congrats to Trump and the media for covering up the most blatant rigged US election.

Remember how thew excluded Tulsi from the debates? Google rigged her search results, They DQ'd her but some Jewish billionaire was able to make the cut.

The most amazing thing is they're acting like the capitol raid was a pro white terrorist takeover attempt. All it was was Republicans who felt like the election was rigged and they were following the advice of none other than the POTUS.

It's really weird how they're trying to spin it, the dishonesty is shocking and I still believe Trump was in on it. I won't change my mind on that until Trump's arrested.

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819965  No.234420


Maybe that's because Germans were faggot losers and will always be losers, turns out people don't like when someone commits genocide, imagine that. Talk about fucking hypocrisy, faggots jerk off all the time to nazis killing kikes then bitch and whine about white genocide lol. Hitler was the reason shit today is so fucked up, no one else is to blame

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63c45a  No.234421




Germans were rebelling against the same attacks against society as we're experiencing now. As for Hitler I have no opinion either way: He failed. Same as Stalin. Why should I care about either of these failures? I'm concerned with the Truth and the truth is Jews are the same today as they always were: Thieving, murderous, deceitful, spiritually dead, morally void, and worthless.

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819965  No.234447

File: ac70aa67bd4c6da⋯.png (368.72 KB, 1594x708, 797:354, AmericaIsEnglish.png)

File: 5889596a63911d4⋯.jpg (504.76 KB, 1702x553, 1702:553, 1604757849487.jpg)

File: 2fa07a728bf46d7⋯.jpg (317.98 KB, 1078x718, 539:359, fuck_niggers_brother.jpg)


Germans weren't doing anything but destroying everyone elses culture and replacing it with degenerate nigger shit. The one group who should be getting all the credit but today receive none are the English despite the fact that everything in our world is thanks to them

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63c45a  No.234448


>Germans weren't doing anything but destroying everyone elses culture and replacing it with degenerate nigger shit.

You mean Jews. Jews preyed upon the lower appetites of Germans and created Weimar. Same thing they're doing in the world right now.

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819965  No.234491


So you admit that Europeans are the ones who created all this degeneracy in the first place that you hate so much. America under Protestantism was exactly what you people wish so much for, and we had it until some dumbfuck eurotrash started coming here bringing the worlds problems with them

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63c45a  No.234492

File: 058d2ddacb30919⋯.jpg (64.97 KB, 506x363, 46:33, porn_jew.jpg)


Anyone can manipulate a human's primal urges. Jews just happen to be the ones doing said manipulation. Without the Jew there is no temptation… much like their father, Satan.

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819965  No.234498

File: fd3d7fc6fdceca3⋯.jpg (605.67 KB, 1600x1229, 1600:1229, ca65ffe3_1ecd_4375_b833_81….jpg)


Or maybe you're just weak because no one wants to do any real work anymore and instead hires shitskins to do it while pretending to be white

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389ce4  No.248777

The sad, crying little mod hates old bumps so much that he is deleting entire pages. 24 about to be genocided.

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