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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 9eea182edbbe03f⋯.jpeg (232.39 KB, 1280x1452, 320:363, 2bd_creamvalleycustard1.jpeg)

a7e7e9  No.233987

Warm weather is here, get you fat ass outside and walk your self to the nearest ice cream stand. Get off the computer.


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5f9102  No.233989


let me just put on my cuck mask and have a blast

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c2358e  No.234006


If you're suggesting that mask requirements or any other external factor are responsible for your lack of social acumen, your lonely isolation, and your laughable lack of romantic companionship, you're lying….

You've been living like this for years and years and years

You simply suffer from social anxiety, insecurity, a negative self-image, a lack of self-confidence, and a compulsion to overcompensate by pretending that you are "superior" and you "simply can't find anybody good enough for you"….

You're full of shit.. always making excuses and waiting for the next opportunity to blame some other external factor….

When you were a child, it was "but mommy they laugh at me and call me names"

As you got older it morphed into "they're just not good enough for me"

and now it's "I can't get off my lazy ass because face masks"

You seem to think nobody's familiar with your personality type

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5f9102  No.234007

File: abf918275cf4134⋯.png (317.96 KB, 491x334, 491:334, projecting.png)


I dislike the company of the living.

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c2358e  No.234008


cuck this……

cuck that…….

cuck, cuck, cuck………

why wouldYOUbe so afraid of being "cucked"?

…….you don't even have a companion……..

no sexual partner

so nobody's cucking you

…..nobody notices you

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316e46  No.234009


the day you FINALLY find another human being who will sleep in bed next to you…

THENyou'll certainly be cucked… QUICKLY

but until that day arrives,

nobody even realizes you exist…

you fat lazy cowardly lump of shit sissy

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316e46  No.234010

R E : C U C K E D

You tried distracting people again with face mask bullshit…. But you can't control your Freudian slips

You're literally terrified of women realizing you're not good enough, and leaving you for somebody else

You literally can't control your Freudian slips, can you?

Poor little fat boy is afraid of being rejected

So he spends his life trying to convince himself of his "superiority", thinking he's fooling everybody

Poor scared little fat boy

With no notches on his headboard

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316e46  No.234011

Poor cowardly little fat boy…….

Grasping for straws

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5f9102  No.234012

pls stop bullying me i have ptsd

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6baf37  No.234013

Nobody's bullying you….

I'm simply psychoanalyzing you

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5f9102  No.234014

i feel bullied and on the verge of triggered.

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a7e7e9  No.234019

File: cc1e9c7b7177a0d⋯.gif (136.03 KB, 220x205, 44:41, tenor.gif)

Thread about enticing miserble fucks to go outside and get tasty ice cream. And you faggots made it about mask's

Ice cream is generaly served in booths/windows not within stores. No one will tell you to fuck off at this point if you dont have a mask on. Ive seen plenty of people in gas stations and what not with out them.

Small Ice Cream business wont turn your money away for not wearing a mask outside there service window.

I cant beleive some of you syinical fucks look for excuses to stay inside, depressed and ruin soft served ice cream.

Enjoy this summer like its your last. Aliens, Indians spreading shit infused covid mutations etc. Just enjoy your selves without the internet.


Take a break from the porn, the memes, the shit posting, let your annoyance with the modern day state of the world vaporize just for ONE day. You will not find happiness on the internet. Stop letting your despise for faggots and niggers and all that other shit own you and turn you into synical fucks who make excuses not to enjoy delicouse ice cream.


Girls love ice cream, its easy to find them at good ice cream booths.

Enjoy some nigger tunes about ice cream


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a7e7e9  No.234020


Yea but it looks like that poster once was a 24/7 net dweller, and fixed his/her self up. At least i hope so

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5f9102  No.234027


that person is a bully and a monster.

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a7e7e9  No.234028

File: 414bf9047f40e08⋯.jpg (196.87 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, f_lon_tov_russiaturkey_180….jpg)

Take a look at the /pnd/ catalog. The thread picture is the most positive one. You will never see another Ice Cream thread again. You will never see a more positive thread in this catalog again.

The positivity and the attractiveness of the photo will draw more anon to this thread.









To all you ruuuuuuskiiiiiiiiiis lurking go get your deli pickle kvass smelling ass outside and purchase a plombir

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896d58  No.248788

What I'm doing is watching a mod genocide the board, page by page, because he is asspained about old bumps.

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