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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 60a66988faf097f⋯.jpg (169.56 KB, 760x498, 380:249, image_72192707.jpg)

119193  No.233888

>The House passed a bill that would create a commission to investigate the January 6 MAGA riot, with a vote of 252-175

>Thirty-five Republicans defected from leadership and voted in favor of the bill that would create a bipartisan commission with subpoena power

>House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy came out against the bill >Tuesday, followed by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday

>'I beg you to pass this bill,' said Republican Rep. John Katko, who had negotiated with Democrats to get the bill finished

>Katko received applause on the House floor for saying the legislation was dedicated to members of the Capitol Police and their families

>Earlier, an un-official letter from some members of the Capitol Police circulated shaming Republicans for not wanting to investigate January 6



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9293fa  No.233895

Fucked up the title, there you go:

35 Republican rebels defy Kevin McCarthy and GOP leadership to vote with all Democrats in FAVOR of forming a 9/11-style investigation into the Capitol riot

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d5843e  No.233901

File: ac450ab46b0f889⋯.png (499.4 KB, 1215x1345, 243:269, putin_trump.png)

Israel and Russia used sleeper agents and useful idiots to create chaos. Trump was the damage control, pressure release valve, and malicious comforter who told his top supporters to 'trust the plan.'

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32b6c1  No.233904

Republicans are worthless, always have been.

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f1bfbf  No.233906

File: bc7ae9c6f422fee⋯.png (662.46 KB, 866x825, 866:825, hitler_jewess_fren.png)


>Hitler was a Kike puppet! Look at him with this little Kike girl!

Kill yourself, ZOG-lover.

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d5843e  No.233907


No one mentioned Hitler you Hitler obsessed kike fuck off and don't @ me.

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f1bfbf  No.233912


>The ZOG fights itself…for reasons

>retard picture for retards

When war breaks out in the Ukraine, the ZOG-faggots will be here, screeching it's all just political theater.

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676c4d  No.233921


>don't @ me.

Niggers have to leave. This Earth is a space and sanctuary for White people.

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5fd492  No.233944


>>Thirty-five Republicans

Are traitors. They have to state the goal. Ie If it imprisons Drumpf, it's good. If it's against based ubermenschen it's bad.

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5fd492  No.233945


>legislation was dedicated to members of the Capitol Police and their families

>>Earlier, an un-official letter from some members of the Capitol Police circulated shaming Republicans for not wanting to investigate January 6

Leftist police are behind it.

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03d843  No.233972



>911-style investigation

euphemism for cover it up and shift the blame

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64f1d2  No.234025


All the cop deaths at the capital were due to retarded accidents. Not a single cop died due to protestors assaulting them.

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d5843e  No.234036



dont @ me you little freak

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5fd492  No.234040


Why do you care if they were killed?

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b3be20  No.248787

Only the page deleting mod knows what his uncle's taint tastes like.

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