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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: fc146fb7af779a3⋯.jpg (29.61 KB, 620x349, 620:349, Angels_And_Demons.jpg)

816709  No.233810

Angels And Demons Ready For Battle As Collapse Of Western World Imminent

An apocalyptic new national security report details the continuing decline of America and the surrendering of American energy independence to other nations as inflation skyrockets and gas shortages become the new norm under a senile, delusional falling Empire now dubbed The Divided States of America (or as many historians are mocking, the USSA).

In stunning and shocking hypocrisy - the very same administration and it's voters who call their political opponents agents of Russia - have decided to remove sanctions against Russia over the Nordstream II deal with Germany, sanctions that were put into place by their political opponent, Donald Trump.


At the same time, these hypocrites have been blaming Russia for the cyber attacks against America's Colonial Pipeline network:


Whether true, or not true - and no one knows what the truth is anymore because governments no longer admit the truth and often outright lie - has Russian cyber-security firm dismissing this statement, pointing fingers at the CIA for staging a 'false flag' attack on the oil pipeline so the US government can justify a feudalist agenda called "The Great Reset" [otherwise known as "New World Order", "Jew World Order", "Agenda 21", "Agenda 2030", "Green New Deal", "Sustainable Development", "Build Back Better" ad nauseam.]


A cyber-attack which is causing massive gas shortages across the East Coast, with millions of Americans having to wait in long lines every day just to get gas, a third world eyesore in which is only the begging according to the only US newspaper that tells anyone the truth anymore, The Epoch Times:


A warning with truthfully states: "Problems with just one pipeline led to a significant increase in oil imports; imagine how the global balance of power would shift if the federal government tried to recklessly shut down all U.S. fossil fuel production. We would once again become dependent on Russia, Saudi Arabia, and other unstable nations for our energy needs—ceding negotiation power, weakening our national security, and enabling irresponsible overseas producers with shoddy environmental and labor standards.

We can also expect the cost of living to rise dramatically. The prices of consumer goods are already rising at the highest rate since the 2008 Great Recession, with inflation over 4 percent. An energy shortage would make inflation even worse—and affect the poorest Americans the most."

To what our "political leaders" are thinking - and if they are thinking it might be considered an act of treason to many - we won't find out until an independent citizen-based investigation has been done, as typical these days in a world gone both mad, and bad.

And within this world gone both mad and bad, the angelic forces within the Heavens have been ordered by God to keep track of what is going on, as these insane "leaders" of the world hold incredibly dangerous weaponry which could wipe out humanity forever more, frustrating God as humans were made in His image, and thus He has released his warrior angels in preparation to battle Demons (fallen angels) which have been the ones hijacking the souls of many world "leaders", thus leaving them horribly corrupted and despotic…. and too dangerous to be left alone, such as a parent would not leave their children alone to play in a room full of loaded guns:


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816709  No.233814

>Commenting on the video, an ex-navy officer said that the technology on display is 100 to 1000 years ahead of that possessed by the United States.

Don't mess around with God, kids.

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7b72b3  No.233815

File: ba9cda69806146b⋯.jpg (430.58 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, alien_waifu.jpg)

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e0827e  No.233823


The important thing is to keep killing jews.

Never lose track of that.

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e45068  No.233826

File: e7780116623a3fe⋯.png (1.42 MB, 993x559, 993:559, extraphysical_demon_ai.png)

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0a44db  No.233839

File: 8666cfefb0744a7⋯.jpg (36.26 KB, 400x400, 1:1, watering_my_muslims_flame_….jpg)


Anon, I think you might be mistaking where you are at right now. I strongly doubt there are any people here on /pnd/ who are 'frustrating God'.


Ayy what if God kills them for you? Best of both worlds really.

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84448b  No.233841

The Devil can take many forms.

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827f60  No.233856

File: c1f48d31b4826f7⋯.jpg (141.55 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ufo_map.jpg)

UFOs are schizo bullshit.

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0a44db  No.233858


Or we can tell who they love best.


We can tell who looks up into the heavens now.

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abf91b  No.233861


Why would they hang out in America then?

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0a44db  No.233862


Because you all don't look up. Atheists. lol

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90b1f4  No.233923

Derrel Sims (05-20-14) Alien Implants

Topics: Abduction, mind control, sexual rape of women and adolescents, device implantation, botched surgical procedures, surveillance, dog murder by aliens


SIMBAD Session Results with Serbian Abductee



"To have witnessed between 30 and 40 mutilated Human beings in countries including the UK, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Germany, Alaska, Australia, Yugoslavia, & Russia."

"When corpses were removed… info would not be given to the authorities… individuals would be placed on the missing persons registry indefinitely."

"They're in our atmosphere regularly."

"The largest recovery of bodies was in Australia, a case where 24 bodies had been left. Injuries are the same as animal mutilation… He said that internal organs would be removed and also brains. He seemed to think that anything connected with the nervous system is what they would take. He did not see alot of blood… They usually choose remote, out-of-the-way places to carry out Human mutilations. They knew where to go and where to take from, where the people would not be missed for a long time. Bodies included people and children."

"A girl and boy. Girl of 16, boy of 21… No genitals, gone. Teeth missing. And the boy had, most of his skin was peeled off, all the top layer, was just red."

"No genitals, nothing, all gone… Where the genitals are, there was like a circle, like a cutter had gone in, but there was no mess… It was just clean cut, it was like somebody had put a cutter in and taken it… No teeth, no eyes, lips are gone… He said it was like somebody just peeled it off, all the top part. All her hair was gone, looked like a newborn child that had been grownup though… no facial hair, breasts, lips, if I say eyes, the eyes were sunken in then… The breasts looked like somebody had sliced the breasts off, and it was just red there, that deep color red, there was nothing coming down the sides."


Kill them. They kill us

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5d0ebf  No.233951


Operation Blue Beam was really considered back in the 80s anon. The CIA actually contemplated staging a false "alien invasion" to set up their so-called 'New World Order' agenda. And OP is right, the NWO agenda goes by many catchy names, but it is all the same agenda. Neo-feudalism is the true goal.

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8e572d  No.248790

Page 24 confirmed for Brawl!

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