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File: 49f84f39f0e84e2⋯.jpg (37.28 KB, 283x354, 283:354, Screenshot_1.jpg)

db27ba  No.233617[Last 50 Posts]

I have never been convinced of the idea of Jews running the world as an ethnic or religious group. I hate the state of Israel and I have seen many disgusting Zionists which I'm also disgusted by. However, the idea that Zionism is manifest in the way people on imageboards make it sound, as if the Jewish body has outsmarted and mastered every race as if they were the most intelligent superhumans and we are but lowly retards. Now I'll admit that most people are genuinely retarded. Exceptional men are very few and they always have been.

Let's address Jews in the banking industry. As many of you may know, Christendom had a ban on usury, that is lending money at interest, until the 19th century. This meant that jews were the only ones who could operate a profitable bank. Banks were passed from jew to jew each generation and wealth was accumulated in these bloodlines. Banks are incredibly powerful, and in modern times it can be argued that the central bank of a nation is the second most powerful force in the world and is tied in second place by the state and is right behind the technological system and the global cult of technical development in first place. The most powerful central bank, the US Federal Reserve, is not a Jewish inherited bank and is not one cornered with Jews by the board members.

When people talk about 'the Jews', it seems to me they are just talking about the elite in general, of which Jews make up a disproportionate amount of elites which is largely because of the inherited wealth from centuries of banking. When people talk about Jew's controlling goyim, I see it as rich people controlling the domesticated retards of the masses. There may be many zionists and they may have aspirations for world domination. I'm sure the rest of the elites are very pleased with the conviction so many people have that Jews are the problem due to their Jewness and not that the real cabal of the powers of incomprehensible accumulation of wealth vested in a relatively small amount of people. I'm not a marxist by the way, nor am I a leftist of any kind.

All that being said, I'm open to be convinced if anyone has any good arguments to offer. I'm not trying to be condescending to people who do hold the conviction of the jewish question. All submissions to this thread appreciated.

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09a063  No.233620

Nationalist Jews are tyrants. Communist Jews are also tyrants.

Wealthy Jews enslave goyim. Poor Jews dream of enslaving goyim.

Own up to the fact that all Jews are raised this way.

Countless examples exist of "regular ever-day Jews" calling for the genocide of Europeans.

Where are the good Jews?

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db27ba  No.233626


Not saying that there are many good jews. Of course there exists some liberalized and oversocialized jews who aren't zionists, and they are comparably few. I'm mostly talking about the idea that the world is run by jews primarily. Like I said, I'm open to being convinced. I'm not exactly sure the ratio of jews that make up billionaires or the ratio that make up the top billionaires

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d9635f  No.233627


>Where are the good Jews?

They don't exist. jews are pure evil. There is nothing good about them at all. Demons.

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d9635f  No.233628


We went over this with nigger worshippers 3 years ago on /pol/ and why all niggers are evil.

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db27ba  No.233630

Billionaires are not the only thing to consider when judging the amount of power a group has in controlling societies. It seems the CIA and other state bodies have significantly more influence over society than people who have accumulated capital, but people who have accumulated capital have more influence over technological development. Most people in that position act, whether conscious of it or not, only in the service of furthering technical development. The technological system has shaped man into only trying to advance efficiency in all fronts, and billionaires are middlemen between the technological system and the material world

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db27ba  No.233631


I haven't been using imageboards for that long to have seen that. If you could link me to it I would appreciate it but if not its no big deal

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09a063  No.233632


Look at which countries Bibi just acknowledged for supporting Israel and not Palestine. Those countries are ruled by Israel. Domestically, Jews control our media, news, and education.

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39ea3d  No.233634

>hey guys new here

>this is why i think it's not the jews

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d9635f  No.233635

File: aebb2cba77bfeac⋯.mp4 (1.9 MB, 480x640, 3:4, pedophile_dad_videotapes_p….mp4)


I don't think I saved that particular thread. Here it is in a nutshell. DNA is programming for specific behaviors and actions that guide the meatsuit. Like a bell curve there are behaviors that can be outlying BUT the DNA always reverts to the mean in 1 or 2 generations. This is why the second generation sandniggers who are in Sweden are involved in more terrorism than 1st generation. 1st generation may have been an outlying statistic but then the reversion to the mean happens and they are a full blown terrorist semitic sandnigger within 1 or 2 generations. There is no such thing as 'assimilation' under any circumstances because just like hardware in a computer cant be 'rewritten' DNA is the hardware operating system of humanity. Niggers might be a statistical anomaly but within a generation they will revert to the mean. Same with jews. jews are pure evil. It doesn't matter if you have one that is not totally destructive and evil because within one generation they will have reverted to their natural tribal behaviors. 6,000 years of parasitism has made a genetic hardwired inescapable trap for jews. There is no amount of outbreeding that can correct it.

There. Nutshell. There are no good jews. Ever. They are an evil breed that cannot be remediated.

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db27ba  No.233642


What makes you think they have DNA that makes them this way primarily? If it is based off of their behavior, I think its more convincing that social conditions have breed the current state of affairs. Arabs have had their homelands invaded and bombed for two generations by western powers and have been made particularly radical in the field of terrorism. Of course jews have a massive victim complex and a social memory of WWII and being given the state of Israel and being able to act with impunity over the past two generations they have a ton of hubris and evil. For niggers, at least in America, they have been enslaved and subsequently subjugated in violence and poverty for 400 years and as a result many still live in poverty today and poverty breeds crime due to desperation. For the African niggers, they similarly have been devastated in most regions by colonial powers and have a ton of poverty which again breeds crime and political instability.

I could be convinced of the DNA explanation for this if there was some kind of genetic evidence for what causes it but even then it seems ridiculous to me to say that there are no significant and major sociological reasons for the state of these peoples.

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27abec  No.233643


What the actual fuck is that video?

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d28957  No.233644


>My thoughts

Go read a whole shitload of books, immerse yourself in study, maybe go to college (the guy in your pic did), come back and lurk for 2 years (meaning you don't post, only read for 2 years), then try again when you have an original thought.

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d9635f  No.233645


I just tried to explain it to you. DNA is the hardware that is unchangeable. The software are things like culture, religion, education, etc.


Kike pedophile upset that his daughter no longer wants to have sex with him.

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d9635f  No.233646

File: c1394af72d3921c⋯.mp4 (4.85 MB, 304x400, 19:25, pedophile_dad_videotapes_g….mp4)

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48abf5  No.233654


> I'm mostly talking about the idea that the world is run by jews primarily. Like I said, I'm open to being convinced. I'm not exactly sure the ratio of jews that make up billionaires or the ratio that make up the top billionaires

go to cuckchan, they do threads on this every day and it's very easy to verify that jews are the only race overrepresented by thousands of percentage points in every income-related metric, and the only race who dominate every major American institution and not just America

the answers to every one of your questions is posted all the fucking time, if you lurked you wouldn't have to ask.

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48abf5  No.233655


my opinion is the talmud is a simpler more direct explanation than genetics

jews are after all a mutt race but no matter who they mix with they do the same thing

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8935ce  No.233657


that's too simplistic and denies the volubleness of the soul and personal action and boils everything down to eugenics and genetic/scientific determinism


I think a lot of the

>Jews control the world

apart from historical wealth and niche success is Christian/Western ideologies that intertwine "them" and "us" and goes into the psyche of the Western citizens. Jewish influence outside of Christian/Western-dominated spheres is minimal (the Muslim/Arab world just another strand in the bow of internecine religious intersectionism) and the further one goes from Abrahamic-derived thought the more insane, deranged or just stupid a lot of what passes as culture seems. so there's no getting away from the "Jewish influence" since it's a part of Western culture owing to the European Jewish historical population and intertwining theology. even Western secularism is drawn from the auspices of Christian opposition or infantile atheistic ideas. the only way to "ditch the Jews" is to ditch the whole culture. eurocentric ideas like nazism and fascism suffer the same setback of being a counterpoint to the prevailing system. the most likely outcome is a laissez-faire liberalism that accepts and welcomes global influences, not the insane plans of white nationalists, Christian fundamentalists/extremists, neonazis etc, possibly still headed by a Jewish cabal but probably with weakened globalist desires and a stronger rest-of-world

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b7dfde  No.233658


>What makes you think they have DNA that makes them this way primarily?

The ZOG-faggots believe there is such a thing as Kike-DNA because they're Bible-fags. Their entire identity is founded on Kike mythology, so they are forced to accept the idea there is Kike-DNA.

Of course there is no such. Israel is a mixed-race state composed of Ashkenazi (Euro) and Mizrahi (Arab) Kikes. It was a majority sand-nigger Mizahi country, until the flood of Kikes fleeing Soviet persecution, and then the collapse of the USSR, put the demographic balance back in favor of the Ashkenazim.

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d2aedc  No.233668

File: 9f169f63af3af6d⋯.jpg (69.99 KB, 597x607, 597:607, 1_26.jpg)


congratulations !!………

you're the first one in here

to correctly articulate it….

*stands and applauds you*

I'm SO sick and tired of hearing the same old shit

from these guys in here

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d9635f  No.233671


>scientific determinism

Well I am a hard determinist anon. Even more now that I was before I learned about E8 and the true pattern of the universe. Everything boils down to either productive (good) behavior or unproductive (bad) behavior. The jews are demonstrably bad/unproductive behavior.

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d9635f  No.233672




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d2aedc  No.233673

File: ee4088869dfb2d8⋯.jpg (33.64 KB, 411x550, 411:550, u_g_F57OLC0.jpg)

so………. There !!

it's finally settled………..

now youthreeguys can shut up

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d9635f  No.233674


Talmud is the software that causes that hardware to run like shit. But it doesn't work on other hardware. Like seriously, anon, if you read the Talmud would you start running around claiming that it wasn't a sin to have sex with children less than 8 years old? NO YOU WOULDN'T because READING something is not the same as doing something. There is something hardwired in you that KNOWS that raping little babies is wrong. So that software and enter into your mind and because it is not compatible with your hardware the program cannot be run. See what I am saying? They are deviant evil. EVERY FUCKING GOOD PERSON ON THE PLANET is going to have the same exact APPALLED response to that fucking evil behavior. It has nothing to do with the software (Talmud) it has EVERYTHING to do with the hardware. Their hardware is corrupted. Totally corrupted.

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d2aedc  No.233675

File: 858537e72104d16⋯.jpg (1.89 MB, 2500x3505, 500:701, url_2_.jpg)

File: 8d4ecdee21867c6⋯.jpg (127.16 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, url_1_.jpg)


When these two planes collided over the Grand Canyon on June 30th 1956, it changed aviation history

And the site is still kept secret, sort of.

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17bdb5  No.233676


for me, children ALWAYS come first……….

Because they can't delay

their orgasms like I can


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d9635f  No.233677

>and enter

*can't enter

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48abf5  No.233678


I hear you anon and you're not making a bad argument

I've known a lot of jews before I realized what a problem they are but there are some I remember I'm pretty sure wouldn't do something like that

These kikes don't just read the book they get indoctrinated by their family from young age

If it's genetic but jews' dna is mostly european or med or arab, as I believe, then how does the miniscule amount of jew dna control the rest?

what do you think about serpent seed theory?

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d2aedc  No.233679

File: c710203b2f816c7⋯.jpg (529.98 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, elvis_presley_natalie_wood….jpg)


lol @ believing in "god" or the worthless "bible"

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ab55bd  No.233680

>my thoughts, imput welcome

>I have never been convinced of the idea of Jews running the world as an ethnic or religious group

>proceeds explaining >2 yrs o' lurk (and 20 due to inflation)

Where the fuck am I lads?

>All that being said, I'm open to be convinced if anyone has any good arguments to offer

>I'm not trying to be condescending

You didn't present an argument to be debated, let alone any topic that needs discussion among your audience.

Yes it's jews, yes it's more so for shabbos like you who we're sold to even ask thiat question among a people you sold for your own damnation.

Yes, you cannot connect what you don't understand of history to it's current implications in this concentric timeline of false convictions and terminal adhesions, to where we all go, only where you go, and only a miniscule term in scope.

Anyway, you're a faggot as usual OP, but I understand you are currently born into a state of hypereveryshit, and I feel for you in the regard of goddamn nature and fooking nurture. But we most overcome, and destroy the evil Palestinian false regime, sacrifice all goyim to baal and the true coming profit that will burn and light our way, yeah?

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d9635f  No.233681

File: 659948f86ebaa34⋯.jpg (414.73 KB, 840x886, 420:443, DNA_aryan_races_classifica….jpg)


Eww. Anon. Jewish DNA is not European. It has no resemblance to European DNA at all, it is defiled.

I think the serpent seed is 100% plausible there is something really wrong with them on a manifest physical level. But tbqh I think there is only something 'right/good' with European DNA and it is also the oldest known DNA on the planet. This world used to be ours alone. Why do you think jews are obsessed with murdering the 'first born' (Europeans) so that they can have the planet for themselves? Niggers are protohuman crosses, not 'firstborn'. We are the firstborn. Pharaoh DNA is tracible to Britain. So when the jew thinks of murdering the Pharaohs 'firstborn' they are trying to murder Europeans.

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ab55bd  No.233683

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d9635f  No.233684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ab55bd  No.233685


Well, I tried fren. too many darker shadings implemented and monikers of stage-names weren't afforded the opportunity to redeem their fellows. But as always, fuck jannies and the huice that they siphon.

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22bdec  No.233686

>Let's address Jews in the banking industry. As many of you may know, Christendom had a ban on usury, that is lending money at interest, until the 19th century. This meant that jews were the only ones who could operate a profitable bank. Banks were passed from jew to jew each generation and wealth was accumulated in these bloodlines. Banks are incredibly powerful, and in modern times it can be argued that the central bank of a nation is the second most powerful force in the world and is tied in second place by the state and is right behind the technological system and the global cult of technical development in first place. The most powerful central bank, the US Federal Reserve, is not a Jewish inherited bank and is not one cornered with Jews by the board members.

You missed the second part of the equation, known as Pogroms. Together with this banking lifestyle, an evolutionary pressure is created, transforming the Jews of Europe into the monstrosity known as Azhkenazim today

>it seems to me they are just talking about the elite in general

The elite are honestly more bearable than the rank and file kikes. At least their subversion has some art to it. The rank and file kikes are just so absolutely disgusting that they make you want to puke.

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22bdec  No.233687


The one with European phenotypes are the most disgusting of them all. A real European carries within himself a certain nobility, as do all other races, but an Azhkenazi Jew just looks like a faggot.

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22bdec  No.233691


>1st generation may have been an outlying statistic but then the reversion to the mean happens and they are a full blown terrorist semitic sandnigger within 1 or 2 generations.

First of all, bad example, because:

>they are a full blown terrorist semitic sandnigger within 1 or 2 generations.

This is basically another way of saying "becoming based and red-pilled"

>There are no good jews. Ever. They are an evil breed that cannot be remediated.

You forgot the origin story of the Modern Kike (Azhkenazim) do not apply to ALL Jews.

The Mizrahim are more predisposed to being regular sandniggers

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d9635f  No.233695

File: 5c929b08b8c2d3e⋯.jpg (45.93 KB, 504x534, 84:89, girl_beaten_with_iron_chai….jpg)


You mean so based you think they should rape your wife before you fuck her on your wedding night?

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22bdec  No.233699


If a lion eats a gazelle, he is based. If another lion eats a gazelle, he is also based. If a lion defends his territory from other lions, the lion defending is based. If the lion invades another lion's territory, the invading lion is based.

Does that mean they should not fight? NO.

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d9635f  No.233700


What is your nationality?

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4afe60  No.233712

Jews are Satan's fall guy.

They also deserve everything they'll get coming.

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637eb3  No.233713

File: 675b210f5f841e6⋯.jpg (35.58 KB, 883x190, 883:190, Screenshot_20201225_053101….jpg)


stop acknowledging this cunt, she's only here because she can't get attention anywhere else. just filter her fat ass and move on



who the fuck is this kike and why isn't his head on a spike yet?

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22bdec  No.233718


Third Reich

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22bdec  No.233719


>why isn't his head on a spike yet?

because he's a kike. kikes are the deities of the US

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ed6cbb  No.233734


>I have never been convinced of the idea of Jews running the world as an ethnic or religious group.

The reason you think so, OP, is because you think of power in terms of "quantity", not effectiveness. Ever heard of "kingmaker minorities"? You can see some dictionary tier examples in any multi party political system: two different parties can get enough parliament seats to appoint the government, if only they court a third minority party to ally with, in exchange for generous political concessions, of course. The "kingmaker" party does not require a lot of seats, that is a lot of "power" in quantitative terms, to achieve a political agenda that otherwise would've taken much more "power" in quantitative terms. The "kingmaker" also doesen't "rule", but co-rule with its "puppet king" by having continuing veto power by means of threat of exiting the alliance in favor of the rival and throwing off the government.

Likewise, the jews exert in USA a diffuse kingmaker influence of sorts by being in proper places of finance, media, politics and university education, in enough numbers and in sufficient coordination over common interests, in spite of being minority, which is why the Dems and the Reps fellate kike cock so much, because they're the undeclared and third minoritary political party, the "Jew Party of America". It is also why the anti semitism taboo is so important in USA, to preserve the public decorum of the two cocksucker "majoritary" parties. The situation is utterly repugnant to any public minded man, which is why emphasis on individualism and multiculti is pushed as part of the "poltical concessions".

The situation wouldn't be bad if USA was a shithole Brazil tier failure, because then USA atleast wouldn't have the strength to project its pozz infection outside and likely end up festering and imploding, like what happened in the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, USA is the laughing hyena after the mortal and mutually destructive struggle of two lions, so to speak, and inherited undue power and influence it simply did not deserve to wield. Since USA has a lot of undue influence over the world, the power trafficking, and by extension the jewish question there also affects the world.

>When people talk about 'the Jews', it seems to me they are just talking about the elite in general, of which Jews make up a disproportionate amount of elites

This is because of your misconception. "Elite" and "Jews" are only interchangeable at a superficial level. This is because they are joined together only on a superficial level also. Think of my previous example of the kingmaker: the coalition appears as one outward ruling body, "the coalition government" but inwardly it is not so but two different parties with different backgrounds, agendas and interests, but together due to a degree of common interest. the membership for "Elite" and "Jews" also differ. Technically, even you could end up be among the "Elite" by playing your cards very well, at it's core, the definition of "Elite" requires at least some degree of meritocratic principle but has no ethnic or religious restrictions. Not so with "Jews", which has its own selection rules, including a religious and ethnic principle. Their sources being different, how can you conflate "Elite" and "Jews" on any but a superficial level?


>When people talk about 'the Jews', it seems to me they are just talking about the elite in general, of which Jews make up a disproportionate amount of elites

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d9635f  No.233751


That old? We are on the Fourth Reich now anon total ethnoglobalism. Keep up.


Sir, yes, sir!


>why isn't his head on a spike yet

Because we don't live in a Christian nation anymore.

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22bdec  No.233753


Don't the west call every nation they don't like "The Third Reich"?

>Because we don't live in a Christian nation anymore.

You still do. The problem is that you do not live in the Third Reich. If you do, the father would be thrown into a gas chamber, and the daughter would too due to her genetic status.

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f4d6fa  No.233794


jews are mutts

my understanding is they have pharisee dna that mixed with various peoples of the lands they've traveled through

>southern med, persia, silk road, northeast turkey, khazaria, germany, britain, pale of settlement, and now through the arab world

The other day I watched a (((Simon and Garfubnkle))) video and you can see pretty clearly that these two jews are not the same race. Garfunkle if you overlook the nose and hair you can see the European genes and there's something noble in them, even behind a kike khazarian nose. Simon however is predominantly of a brown race.

they're different races, but each is visibly jewish. If you took a microscope to their dna and you had full glownigger tech, you'd only find a tiny percentage of their blood traces back to the pharisees/saducees etc.

That's what I mean when I say modern kikes have european or some other dna.

The serpent seed theory is fascinating and it doesn't get talked about enough.

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d9635f  No.233795


Fuck anon…the holohoax wasn't real. Double gassing people is expensive and time consuming. What do you bug people do? You shoot people in the heads, right? No fuckery involved. No one is going to be gassing anyone, the very idea was so fucking stupid it could have only been thought of by a jew.

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d9635f  No.233796


>The serpent seed theory is fascinating and it doesn't get talked about enough.

Sadly, most people do not understand their Bible at all or really anything in it. Just my opinion based on my own observation of their lack of study.

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f4d6fa  No.233801


that's what makes serpent seed so interesting, it makes the bible make sense

I'll put what I've read/thought about it in the "who are the jews" thread later today

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62d72e  No.233812

File: 6a469e175ee4c30⋯.jpg (2.43 MB, 1651x4679, 1651:4679, 608c59d596472.jpg)

Look no further

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62d72e  No.233816


Nationalist jews tried to ally with Hitler, twice. Nationalist means jews all go "home" to palestine and live in their own country. Zionist means they get their own country, but live among us working toward a globalist state, one world government.

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3a28ab  No.233913

File: 31e967117d85ac6⋯.gif (94.7 KB, 1369x783, 1369:783, Cancelled.GIF)


Their power comes from control of the media, news entertainment advertising banking and academia.

I was going to post a video but knowmorenews.org has been cancelled..

You are not allowed to criticize Jews.

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fc30ce  No.233915

File: fa2b1d4873ebe94⋯.png (2.82 MB, 2255x1488, 2255:1488, hitler_zionism_3.png)


Palestine is not the native homeland of Jews.

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82fc4d  No.233940


Your diatribe is standard Jewish gaslighting.

Nice try for a beginner but your smoke screen is weak and easy to see through. Next time stick to half-truths and try to nudge your audience to your desired conclusion rather than making easily dis-proven false statements.

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82fc4d  No.233942


I lived/worked in Alaska for a year. I got sick and tired of frigid cold 9 months of the year. So I left and moved back to the semi-tropical climate I was born and raised in. My problem was solved and the Alaskans were probably glad to not have to listen to me bitching about the cold and were no doubt relieved they wouldn't need to forcefully kick me out of their country to get me to shut up. Everyone had a happy ending in that story and no one had to be gassed.

There's a lesson in there in case it wasn't obvious enough.

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c7bc9e  No.233973



thankfully it's been archived

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48bcd1  No.248789

The answer to the Jewish Question is to delete page 24 immediately!

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