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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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339db6  No.233161

I work at Bloomberg. They are giving training programs to anyone that is not a white male. They hold positions in management for non-white men. I classified as white, worked my ASS OFF to get where I am with no support. Fuck this company. I'm posing here to keep anonymous. TeamBlind cant be trusted. If you from Bloomberg reach out to me.

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3318f7  No.233162





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3318f7  No.233163

Yes here's proof






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339db6  No.233164

Not clicking that shit. Bloomberg sucks. They being sued by women cause they claim "glass ceiling". dont think so bitch. they creating training programs for non-white men only. dumb fucks

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85f1f9  No.233165


Don't you think you are missing the bigger picture here? We have what, 4 regular users and this guy posts this like 'bloomturd' employees might be hovering and read it at any second?

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3bea36  No.233166

you were happy to take their filthy lucre up until now

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339db6  No.233168

not missing the bigger picture. need a place to vent without losing my fucking job. i post this anywhere else, im fired.

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339db6  No.233169

damn right, i'll take what i can get. if i dont look out for me and my family no one will

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