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0f7c02  No.232045

Killcen & Johnny Neptune Issue 'Dance Of Death' To Already Failing Institutional Fraudsters

In an invigorating and debated manner, the counter-intelligence extraordinaire and psychological operations psychic widely known to online image boards as "Johnny Neptune" and disgruntled archiver, current event analyst and doomsday prepper known as "Killcen" (Operation Kill Censorship) have decided to uncover one mystery behind current failure of today's youth: particularly when it comes to millennials and the younger generation Z. Of-course to unravel and expose such corruption, one must look not only at current events, but events going back decades ago. One major issue affecting the youth negatively today is the subversive Marxism promoted in universities, a predatory debt racket known as the "student loan program" (which has been nationalized under President Obama where banks can issue such high risk student loans knowing they can't ever be paid back in full), and the endless debt insolvency which has gripped the nation since the 9-11 false flag terror attack to justify endless wars to expand the "Greater Israel Project" and a domestic draconian militarized police state in America.

Currently most forms of "higher education" today in America has little to do with actual education, rather they focus on subversive Marxist values such as "social justice", "gender neutrality", "systemic racism", "feminist art", "queer theology" and many other useless non-sense that brainwashes students and trashes common sense thinking.



Sadly, not only does the corrupted and subverted "educational" system subvert the minds of the youth, they also exploit a federal program created by Obama that sucks the wealth from the youth for decades after they graduate (via predatory loan sharking) to enrich their institutions. These students then end up with enormous debts, many not able to pay these enormous loans back off for decades.


To add insult to injury, corrupted employers from various corporations now mandate longer participation in these corrupted 'educational' institutions in order to even be hired.



This form of radicalized exploitation and collusion with corrupted entities has led to a massive decline of students attending trade schools and vocational schooling, which were once the foundation for obtaining productive middle class jobs.


But regardless how systemic all this corruption is, bad karma is slowly wrapping around the necks of these institutional fraudsters … and to no surprise … is inciting a growing rebellion against these student loan rackets and these Marxist indoctrination centers, to which universities are now going bankrupt and being forced to close their doors as more and more American families reject their services:


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0f7c02  No.232046


Another report that was deleted from /pnd/, now archived!


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848022  No.232048

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