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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 999a3aecfbf6bf4⋯.jpg (634.18 KB, 4096x3277, 4096:3277, kiked.jpg)

6866aa  No.231402

Typical kikes

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e84376  No.231403


good post.

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fd94d5  No.231405

File: 1e7710c1b5d1226⋯.png (832.57 KB, 870x660, 29:22, chi_coms2.PNG)

File: c9f45713152c31b⋯.png (373.81 KB, 869x566, 869:566, talmud.PNG)

File: 77abdf5a03e3194⋯.png (135.89 KB, 777x527, 777:527, ChiComs.PNG)

>one 'western' e-celeb grifter


>Bunting’s map and Israel on China’s new silk road

>Thus the rise of Israel as a key node in China’s Silk Road grand strategy not only elevates Jerusalem in China’s strategic calculus, but as Jean Michel Valantin of The Red Team Analysis Society argued, also presents a new status of Israel from a “protected power” of the US to an “integrated regional power” in its own right, transforming Israel’s traditional narrative of seeking “protectors” to one of seeking partners.

>manage the transition and maintain relative stability as the greater middle east continues to converge with China’s Afro-EURASIAN integration project.


>America vs. China? In This New Cold War, the Choice Is No Longer Obvious

>The end of America's hegemony isn't the end of the world

>Another possibility is the disintegration of the geopolitical unit known as “the West,” and Europe’s integration into a new, EURO-ASIAN world order. After all, Berlin is closer to Delhi than it is to New York, and the same goes for Tel Aviv


>Putin calls for closer EAEU-BRI Partnership

>Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday that it is significant to integrate the implementation of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative with the work of the EURASIAN Economic Union


>Israel and Iran both set to join Russia-led free trade zone [Eurasian Economic Union]


>Is Eurasian integration Israel’s answer to strategic deadlock in the Levant?


>If the United States does not continue to recognize Israel's sovereignty in the Golan Heights and drastically changes Trump's Iran policy, Israel will have to consider building a stronger relationship with Russia and China. Till now, Israel has always considered American nterests in relations to Russia and China. In the past, we even cancelled a major arms deal with China in order to appease the United States. Yet if Biden reneges on America's recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights and signs a nuclear deal with Iran, a deal that endangers the existence and the security of the State of Israel, we must work to build stronger strategic ties to China and Russia, starting with the Haifa port deal.

- Ayoob Kara, member of Netanyahu's Likud Party and Former Minister of Communications

>China’s Belt and Road Initiative, in seeking to connect China to Central Asia and eventually to Europe, will have the practical significance of shifting the world’s centre of gravity from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and will involve the cultures of EURASIA, each of whom will have to decide what relationship to this region they will see, and so will the United States

- Henry Kissinger

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d897bc  No.231406

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)

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d748ac  No.231407

File: ea9018045380191⋯.jpg (177.79 KB, 699x808, 699:808, 1619389382108.jpg)


They are saturation bombing 4chan at the moment with pro-israel threads. Like a crazy amount. Worst I've ever seen it.

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6866aa  No.231411


You fell for the oldest pitfalls of the Jewish race: swallowing their own subversion….

….and it looks like the kikes fell for it too.

>A Jew in Mao's China


>The faggot who Deng Xiaoping ran over with Dengist tanks in June 4th, 1989 Tiananmen Square

>Pushing the Talmud as a business guide

>An aspiring Chinese businessman reads the Talmud

>Reads any of these quotes (https://cdn.quotesgram.com/img/92/32/1782535014-What-the-Talmud-Says.png)

>Realizes that Jewish Capitalism is bad and the CCP was right

Everything happens for a reason

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e6b14e  No.231412

File: 974e0b3d7861268⋯.jpg (157.06 KB, 1080x849, 360:283, Israel_preparing_to_attack….jpg)


And trying to smear the Palestinian struggle with Neo-Nazism. This is pro-Israel propaganda in preparation for a major attack. Watch for it. Document all teh thingz. Learn how your enemy operates in real-time.

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153525  No.231497


Kill all jews.

Kill all the chinese.

The world is for White people only.

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