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File: 022d8b561d3cac5⋯.png (240.89 KB, 572x655, 572:655, black_genocide.png)

4d2b96  No.230547

In the future science will allow couples to choose their child's race. If mixed-race couples were obliged to choose for their offspring only one race would you still take issue with mixed-race couples?

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3d201c  No.230552

Garbage take. The same technology would inevitably lead to the complete and utter destruction of the White race and full Jewish control over the USA

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0639dd  No.230553


Only a White woman can raise a White child.

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4d2b96  No.230559

File: 8c3a3ab25f54112⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 3000x2283, 1000:761, black_genocide_meme_2.JPG)


In this scenario Jews are no longer in control. White people are. You've all decided not to genocide other races because you're better than kikes, which is why you won. And you can't outlaw race-mixing because ultimately it's unjust and prohibition rarely works. You also can't segregate the races entirely because it would deteriorate international social relations. So you're in America and black people are still here. What do?


I imagine your take is pretty foretelling. Mixed-race couples forced to choose only one ethnic heritage for their offspring solves the genetic problem. The the issue is then reduced to culture.

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