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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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0c7dae  No.230312

damn….. I'm good…

I correctly predicted the catastrophic structural collapse

and now THIS….

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0c7dae  No.230313

and NOW you know why you should never bet me

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0c7dae  No.230314

because I have ALWAYS dealt with naysayers

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0c7dae  No.230315

naysayers' goal is to make you second-guess yourself, but I've learned to TRUST MY FIRST INSTINCTS

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0c7dae  No.230327


there technically is no such thing as 'green' eyes

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4e499e  No.230352


okay I hate to admit it anon but you did predict the train collapse and you also predicted a very young famous person suddenly dying out of the blue. I also saw you predict the baby being ejected out of a car in a wreck and falling into a river and being rescued. At this point I have no option but to ask you how do you do this?

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c0b795  No.230354

OP has been searching every single paper on the planet for the death of ANYONE so that he can say he was correct days and days later because out of the entire planet eventually someone would die.

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9007a8  No.230356


>college football player


Whatever fits your narrative, eh kike?

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9007a8  No.230362


OP predicted the death of a "young hollywood actor".

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81d0fd  No.230365

Actually I just used "hollywood actor" to say it would be a famous person. And I didn't have to go digging looking at all it popped up on the front page news feed on Microsoft edge.

Apparently he must have been somewhat famous because people know who he was.

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81d0fd  No.230366

Too bad youthreeguys weren't in 4chan a couple days ago when I also correctly predicted a baby would be ejected from a car and rescued.

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81d0fd  No.230367

Oops my wife says I predicted the baby incident 4 days ago.. notthree… my bad

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81d0fd  No.230368

Even Nostradamus called him Hister instead of Hitler

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81d0fd  No.230369

I still haven't even created the thread yet that teaches you how I do it.

But I can tell you this much :

when the universe sends you an echo of something that has yet to occur, the peripheral areas are a bit blurry, because you're focusing on the center, which is usually pretty fucking crystal clear….

But yeah. I actually have a technique I use. I learned it from my mother, who learned it from my grandmother, whose entire side of the family were German occultists…

Trust me I'm very familiar with people who try to diminish this gift…

(naysayers NEVER have any accurate clairvoyant visions at all, because they're too busy naysaying)

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c0b795  No.230370


OP is worthless.

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81d0fd  No.230371

….and YES, I'm fully aware of the River HISTER…..

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81d0fd  No.230372


lol yep….. I certainly am…..

And I'm also THE GUY WHO CORRECTLY PREDICTED THE TRAIN COLLAPSE, Trump's pathetic loss in November, the senate race in Georgia, MAGA committing suicide, and Derek Chauvin being convicted on all three counts…

THOSE predictions all took place timestamped here in 8kun, and the baby being ejected from the car prediction happened in 4chan

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81d0fd  No.230373

Yep…. that's me……

Completely worthless……

oh, by the way, I'll be signing autographs after the show

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81d0fd  No.230374


But I don't blame you for being upset.. I'd imagine it's not easy living in my shadow

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81d0fd  No.230375

File: 96f6a4d278df5fb⋯.jpg (58.24 KB, 1066x600, 533:300, 72BTZRNR2P3WDIGJSWFMUTASXQ.jpg)

On October 18th, these three mouth breathing inbred white "supremacist" trash trailer park Hitlers are going to trial.

I predict on October 28th, they will be found guilty on all counts.

One of them will receive a life sentence and the other two will receive multiple life sentences.

(But the date October 28th is the blurry peripheral, not the crystal clear center field of vision, which is the conviction)

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81d0fd  No.230376


What's the weather like down there?

It seems like it might be a little chilly in the shade

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81d0fd  No.230377


TPH would actually be a very good name foryou

Trailer park Hitler

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81d0fd  No.230378

Of course you'll never achieve Hitler status….

but you got the trailerpark part down

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