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File: 4e835bb6d202121⋯.jpg (60.62 KB, 700x366, 350:183, frence_military_war.jpg)

bcda85  No.230009


A new letter from the military appears in France and there is an alert for a ‘hybrid’ war

>A few days after the devastating letter signed by a thousand soldiers in France who warned about the collapse of the nation and called for a coup, a document signed by a second group of high-ranking officers has just appeared, now warning of the risk of a “hybrid war” in the European country. These soldiers coincide with their comrades in the state of decline that France is experiencing and propose “a global strategy” against the threats facing Western civilization. What does this new call mean? What is the background of these military letters? What’s coming in the next few days?

>A few days after the publication of an open letter signed by generals in the conservative magazine Valeurs Actuelles and subsequently supported by presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, it has just emerged that sixteen high-ranking French military officers had warned of an imminent civil war to parliamentary groups. The sixteen soldiers are known to be part of the Joint Reflection Group, in turn, descended from an earlier group, “The Sentinels of the Agora.” According to the French weekly Le Journal Du Dimanche, it is a 21-page document addressed on April 14 to parliamentary groups. According to one of the signatories, the report results from “responsible and impartial” work.

>The group is mostly of generals, and one of them would have even been the first lieutenant of the French Prime Minister, Jean Castex. Two of the signatories were also featured in the generals’ earlier letter calling for a military coup. It is also clarified that there is no direct relationship between the two initiatives. However, the observations made by these high-ranking military personnel raise notable coincidences:

<“A hybrid war has been declared against us, it is multiform and will end, at best, in a civil war, or at worst, in a cruel defeat with no tomorrow.”

>Furthermore, the document underlines that this conflict has already started: “A hybrid war has begun against Europe and France (…) and we must forge the psychological, sociological, moral, educational, legal and criminal weapons to lead and win it.”

>While this new letter does not speak specifically of a military coup, it proposes a “multidimensional strategy” to combat the forces that threaten French society. […]

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bcda85  No.230010

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a7f5d5  No.230011

File: 5de09d97408cc2f⋯.gif (298.76 KB, 500x266, 250:133, accelerate.gif)

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bcda85  No.230012

>>230010 (cont.)

Is this the beginning of the end of globalism in France and Europe?

On April 21, a manifesto signed by a thousand French military, including twenty generals, appeared, asking Macron to react to the “disintegration of France” or step aside.

>The letter, in the tone of an ultimatum, was published in the conservative publication Valeurs Actuelles. As expected, most of the political class and the government came out to repudiate the communiqué, which even warns of an imminent military coup if Macron does not change. In fact, the Minister of Defense, Florence Parly, demanded that the military signatories be sanctioned.

>However, pollsters went out to measure the reaction of the French people to the military charter. And the numbers show that there is massive support for military action. A survey commissioned by LCI TV to Harris Interactive revealed, first of all, that not all French people have heard of the letter. Only 64% of the population is aware of it.

>But here comes the interesting part. Of those who heard about the letter, the absolute majority agree with its content. According to the survey, 58% of French respondents, i.e., almost 6 out of 10, agree with the alarm expressed in the open letter. And get this: practically one out of two—49%—goes even further and believes that the army should intervene to ensure order even without being asked to do so by the government.

>In other words, they are in favor of a military coup d’état.

>This massive support for military intervention is a consequence of the French people’s suffering due to the application of globalist policies for years. According to Harris Interactive, an overwhelming 84% of French people think that violence is on the rise, and a vast majority—73% are convinced that the country is falling apart.

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f97f13  No.230213


France better not beat America in ridding itself of the parasite

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bcda85  No.230240

File: 6ec7909095eff6c⋯.jpg (514.15 KB, 2100x1404, 175:117, G7_Finance_ministers.jpg)

File: 62556bd6ccd841a⋯.jpg (10.98 KB, 310x163, 310:163, france_cathedral_shooting_….jpg)

File: 553f350cafd4af4⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1200x1048, 150:131, terrorism_in_france_map_lo….png)

File: d9bddee176a2912⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 2633x1616, 2633:1616, plague_ship_arrival.jpg)


It looks like they will excoriate the grotesque brown menace from their shores before we do.

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0cc920  No.230242

Read Camp of the Saints. It does not end well.

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96a5bc  No.230246


i might read a tldr

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efb379  No.230253


France and America are very much different and so were their revolutions. France tends to riot like niggers and likes to loot and burn their cities, average Americans tend to flock to safer locations where life is easier on them, prep and arm themselves, and intimidate one another over and over. I can't tell which one is more effective, it really is hard to tell at this point, but make no mistake, France will burn as America will more likely secede and form hotpockets of armed resistance around the country. Major American cities will face something similar to France though (riots/looting/anarchy), while the rest of the country takes more defensive measures (Wacos to Bundy Ranch standoffs, lone wolves targeting foes, etc). At least that's my prediction for the near future.

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bcda85  No.230264

File: bb93bf8f597b8ac⋯.png (102.32 KB, 200x200, 1:1, italy_culturally_enriched.png)


That is just one mans vision. For all we know he thinks the niggers are regular human beings and not just glorified apes. The key to wrangling niggers is to always murder their 'leader' because they can't function without them and will scatter in chaos…at which point you simply wipe the floor with the remnants.

Find their ape leader and kill it. Problem solved.

If Whites can't anticipate the niggers and route them, killing them without mercy in vast quantities, so that their soil is watered with the blood of the worthless, using technology and primitive skills as they advance then they should be killed.

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299dcf  No.230398

File: 51b9a388625b50a⋯.jpg (140.96 KB, 599x672, 599:672, ezra_rebel.jpg)


>Rebel News

Fuck off, JIDF.

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bcda85  No.230415


Careful, purplejew will put you on his 'murder all Whites who won't bow to israel' list.

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9d611c  No.230471


Quebec is a potential fracture point that needs to be leveraged for White resistance. It has to be pulled out of Canada and into France, both to weaken Canada and to strengthen France. Demographically and materially. Ideally, parts of New Brunswick and Maine would be taken, too.

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274b80  No.230627

Let's see if this "war of liberation" would make holocaust denial legal again


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37b66b  No.230701


There is only one way to make telling the Truth and freedom legal again.

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37b66b  No.230828


May 1, 2021

French Generals Give America Glimpse Into Future With “Hour Is Grave” Civil War Warning

I didn't want people to miss the links

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08cc41  No.230855


That site inspired me to write my own articles! I may not agree with everything there, but it is a mind trip glancing at a whole bunch of random news articles and seeing them pieced together as a story of events (or at least the way the writer sees them anyway) and their conclusions. I'd recommend other anons do the same, it's fun and you can learn a lot about the world from doing it.

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37b66b  No.230899


>but it is a mind trip glancing at a whole bunch of random news articles and seeing them pieced together as a story of events

It is a very interesting way to observe how another groups mind works out connections in information and what is going on behind the scene. Your articles have enough of their syntactic style that I immediately recognized them in you. I have wondered for a long time who is behind that news source.

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8f9ffb  No.230901


Try not to let Amerimutts get involved from either side.

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8f9ffb  No.230902

Why would the French warn Amerimutts?

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8f9ffb  No.230903


who are you? an amerimutt, christian or zionist?

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82fac1  No.230928

File: ce3df4d82b4d64c⋯.jpg (70.07 KB, 414x789, 138:263, fgf21.jpg)


This site using masonic symbolry thinks this is a race war. Apparently jews are a race now.

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c78387  No.230937

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c78387  No.230938


Jews are a race/aren't a race, who can keep track anymore?

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91382a  No.230969


americhristiananarchohomicidalistgeneticnationalistwhiteethnoglobalist for right now. I am always changing my mind about things as I am learning as I go.

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ac179f  No.230992

Maybe there's hope for Europe. But for USA if there's a civil war it's gonna ZOGbots teaming up with niggers to kill the last uncucked Whites.

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e1c0ef  No.230998


The US government is much, much weaker than it portrays itself as.

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e5cced  No.231011




If there's a civil war there will be complete economic collapse which drives the government into their emergency 'contingency' plans. You'll actually likely see the opposite, the officials that decide to remain employees without pay will likely be confined to fortified facilities and underground bunkers built by our military for such scenarios. There won't be much political power at all anymore when that time comes. Nor will police have their pensions. They'd have no reason but to bail at that point, so would many federal law enforcement employees. What would more likely happen is a breakup of US States much like the USSR saw a breakup of their union. Cities will become death traps and the survivors would look for greener pastures to start life over again. As for any kind of "law" it would likely be up to local militias and smaller communities to keep undesirable people out. You'll see a rise of armed locals setting up road blocks around their towns and such. Farmers having to help provide their small communities with food, etc.

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8f9ffb  No.231092



I see a lot of undesirable people who work for the government.

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8f9ffb  No.231093

And it doesn't mean federal. State government, especially.

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314f01  No.231401


>Careful, purplejew will put you on his 'murder all Whites who won't bow to israel' list.

jew-derangement syndrome retard.

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60df80  No.231559


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804fff  No.231571

US military command has realized the US is a failed nation state now. They are moving to implement a total control scenario in cooperation with French Military.


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e1c0ef  No.231647


>the country is under assault from socialism

Complete cringe.

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804fff  No.231673


I think you are missing the larger issue which is a military coup of all nation states due to the failure of Westphalian ideologies. I hope you don't think it is going to be 'fun' to live under a military dictatorship.

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e1c0ef  No.231692


>due to the failure of Westphalian ideologies.

The "West" hasn't been running on anything remotely Westphalian for 70-80 years.

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804fff  No.231710


Hence the comment about their failure. It was subverted completely by the kikes who catalyzed their slaughter of Russian Christians to fund their destruction of the West.

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e1c0ef  No.231830


The patriotard types are always whining that people don't die enough for kikes and aren't as enthusiastic about slaving away for their niggerkike-hindu occupation government. They're probably mad that people aren't interested in making burritos for the nouveau rich in the strip mall dystopia anymore. That's why they are whining about "socialism".

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ffa2d9  No.232385


They are complaining in the article about the population being "divided into warring factions", which means this is still cukservative nonsense that is trying to pretend America is a coherent nation state, which it isn't. They also complain about the Keystone Pipeline cancellation taking away America's "energy independence". Maybe someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Keystone was primarily for transporting Canadian oil for export.

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94ce58  No.232391



I think it's great we see military personnel in BOTH countries speaking out about corruption and all the problems it creates! It needs to be said. Too many are afraid to speak their minds to power. That's PART of the big problem today.

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ffa2d9  No.232400


They aren't speaking out about corruption. They are complaining that multicult zio-capitalism is failing.

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887a2d  No.232401



Bolshevism has the "Intellectual" class ruling government and government ruling everyone else. This is what we have right now. Zio-Bolshevism and it's only getting more apparent as the veil drops.

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5a0383  No.232707


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c7132e  No.232711


Stop trying to rehabilitate capitalism, conservative.

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9be0cf  No.232870


No one is trying to rehabilitate capitalism which is just a joke where the kikes pretend that by working hard you can 'get ahead' when the whole thing is rigged and would still be rigged under any and every political system that you can think of. WHY?

Because all political systems are rigged for the jews, by the jews, and with the jews in mind. You can't actually fucking tell me that you think the jews 'get ahead' by 'working hard' with a straight fucking FACE, can you…this is fucking obscene!!




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2fd9dc  No.248644

I like traffic lights

I like traffic lights

I like traffic lights

But not when they are red.

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96c272  No.248656

File: 02c4888b0d0fe8c⋯.png (29.19 KB, 1667x166, 1667:166, mod_bumps.PNG)

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