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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: bebfff4528a0b61⋯.jpg (27.9 KB, 640x854, 320:427, 636113632130127543_ab.jpg)

1da836  No.230007[Last 50 Posts]

I have recently become a pen pal to several incarcerated White men here in Arkansas who are interested in receiving books that can inform them more about WN/NS ideas. I am planning to get in touch with more people including some in nearby states. Does anyone have an idea about what books I can send to prisoners? Understand it will be hard to send something too notorious/obvious like the Turner Diaries because that would be classified as "extremist" or "security threat" material by the ZOG authorities. I am looking for something subtler, maybe something religious in nature, which could be related to either Christian Identity or Odinism. Anyone have experience with this or good suggestions?

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11e107  No.230008

How about Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation. American men should first understand their own history and why the U.S. is still greatest.

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196926  No.230013

I think very highly of "The World Conquerors" by Louis Marschalko

Tell them you'd really like to send the Interrogation of Heinrich Muller, but it says "Gestapo Chief" on the cover. Maybe it would still be allowed. I don't know there's all that many banned books; prisons should just be glad inmates are reading.

Redbeard's Might is Right is something they'd like.

They'd also really appreciate Ralph Epperson's The Unseen Hand

I just checked Amazon and The New Unhappy Lords by A.K. Chesterton is available.

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11f10a  No.230031

A book called "Future Shock" which was written by Alvin and Adelaide Farrell in 1970 predicting A LOT of what is happening to the world today, as well predictions of what will come when the baby boomer generation finally dies off.

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583717  No.230037

I wonder what the prison would think of a "Lock Picking guide? What are they really screening for? These are some good redpills to get started.

>Henry Ford - The International Jew

>Martin Luther - On the Jews and Their Lies

>Gottfried Feder - Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest Slavery

>Richard Tedor - Hitler's Revolution

>Anything by David Irving, especially Hitler's War.

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b3b7f6  No.230040


Send them a copy of Clown World Chronicles, it will not only explain where society fucked them but it also offers a spiritual solution.

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af9e0a  No.230050

recently become a pen pal to several MEN

pen pal…. that's adorable


maybe you should send them your "MY DIARY"

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af9e0a  No.230051



>actually admits living in the WORST state in america



it's hilarious watch ARKANSAS WHITE TRASH

pretend he's "superior"

*hands you a toilet plunger*

Wash your hand before unclogging my toet

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af9e0a  No.230052


Trailerpark arkansas human garbage inbred trash

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af9e0a  No.230053


name ONE NICE THING about arkansas, other than finally dying

ProTip: there isn't one

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af9e0a  No.230054

PEN PALS = effeminate


congratulations, you're a white trash Homosexual

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af9e0a  No.230055


honestly? I have NEVER met a heterosexual male who says HE IS A PEN PAL WITH ANOTHER MAN

you're an effeminate broke uneducated lonely hick

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af9e0a  No.230056


since more than 1/3rd of Arkansas lives below the poverty level, I'm guessing it's safe to assume you live in a SINGLEWIDE

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af9e0a  No.230057

Arkansas IS SHIT

and so are it's residents……

worthless white trash

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af9e0a  No.230058


Arkansas is the ONLY STATE to make Mississippi's Education System and Economy seem exemplary

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af9e0a  No.230059

I've had the regrettable misfortune of actually visiting Arkansas several times.

The ugliest, most embarrassing inbred genetics

The STUPIDEST uneducated unaccomplished hicks

the WORST economy

no future, no prospects, just DIRT


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af9e0a  No.230060


hint: next time you want to pretend you're "superior", DO NOT mention you're Arkansas White Trash

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af9e0a  No.230061

Unironically, Arkansas has the nation's highest rate of white girls who fuck niggers.

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af9e0a  No.230062


Arkansas also has the nation's WORST HEALTHCARE and HIGHEST OBESITY RATE

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5afce2  No.230091

File: f55ebd3f57a8877⋯.jpg (324.34 KB, 1638x2048, 819:1024, bush_quote_lynching.jpg)


Unironically I have The Best of VJMP 2017-2019. While I am not 'a centrist' by any stretch of the imagination (never will be), I do enjoy the 'to the point short articles' on tons of different subject matters. I would think these would be enriching subject matter for someone who has been caged by the jews.

I don't believe in caging at all. If someone has done something wrong enough to deserve a cage, shoot them in the head and move on, it is much better for everyone including the victim for justice to be immediate. If they have not then there is no reason for the cage and should be solved civilly.

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d5a87f  No.230093

File: 3bfb410049770d5⋯.jpg (52.32 KB, 678x381, 226:127, american_pen_pals_678x381.jpg)

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d5a87f  No.230094

File: e5de757fd47d470⋯.png (75.39 KB, 358x249, 358:249, Screen_Shot_2018_09_14_at_….png)

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d5a87f  No.230095


well now, aren't you an INTIMIDATING little girl?

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c5a0b8  No.230096

One thing that I hear a lot about in Facebook groups is leaders looking for pen pals for their girls. I thought since this is a hot topic I address it in a post. I am going to share with you how to find pen pals, a new fun way I created to interact with a pen pal and also 3 other great ways to connect with girls around the world that you may have already heard of.

If you were wondering, why would I want my troop to have pen pals? Let me tell you from first hand experience I have had a number of pen pals in past and it is a great way to learn about different cultures, or even become friends for life with someone. I have a friend on the other side of the country that I have known for 10 years, but I have only meant once but we talk weekly. As we say let’s Make New Friends!

How to Connect With Other Girls In Other Troops

There are many different ways to approach being pen pals with another troop. You could exchange post cards, swaps, make cards, flat Juliettes and more. Since I was writing up all the great ideas out there for pen pals. You know me I needed to create something new for all of you to try. So I decided the Petal Fairies would be a great way to teach your girls more about living by the law while learning about other girls and making new friends. I call them the “Traveling Petal Fairies”

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bca5b6  No.230100


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bca5b6  No.230105


I would much rather live there than some of the other States like Michigan, New York or Commiefornia, which my third report will cover one of the many reasons why that is today, and why so many other Americans feel the same way, and can be backed with evidence of domestic migration from "blue" states to "red" states. By the way, states like NY are losing political seats in the House due to ongoing urban flight. There is a real covert war for America going on, but it's much bigger than you even realize. My third report will delve into this horror.

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196926  No.230111

Whoa Jews decided to hop the fuck into this thread

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196926  No.230114

>Why did Jews just strafe this thread so hard?

They do not want this board having connections to white gangs.

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5afce2  No.230128


Filter unless you want to waste time.

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d5a87f  No.230129


I didn't read a single word you typed

Not even one.. trailer park white trash from Arkansas

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d5a87f  No.230130


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d5a87f  No.230131



*pinches your cheek*

Mommy's little stormtrooper is making friends

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d8c07f  No.230134

There are now FOUR of us using /pnd/ - get your shit straight fagbot.

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d5a87f  No.230135

A R K A N S A S : pen pals with other adult males who ALSO can't get any pussy

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d5a87f  No.230136



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d5a87f  No.230137


I can see you now, trying to hook up with another man by searching LONELYINMATEPENPALS.COM

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d5a87f  No.230138

wouldn't it be faster & easier to simply go to a gay bar?

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5afce2  No.230139

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d5a87f  No.230141


be honest, Himmler……

was the PEN PAL "LIGHTBULB" born more of YOUR loneliness, or the other sexually frustrated males?

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d5a87f  No.230142


If you asked 10,000 randomly selected men when was the last time they tried to make pen pals with other men, you would get your nose broken 10,000 times

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196926  No.230143

This is an inorganic amount of activity for this board. Threads will go days without a post, but this thread has had spurts all abusing OP the same way 1. since I slept and 2. In the five minutes since I posted this morning.

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5afce2  No.230147


There is actually an unusual amount of UIDs observing /pnd/ right now as well. And I know that fagbot is many of them because he IP hops to avoid being filtered…but really, there isn't shit going on in the world right now to justify 166 UID's on /pnd/. I account for, what, maybe two of those…probably the same for the other 3 of us…which leaves fagbot with 30 or 40…so what and who is observing right now? Fagbots handler probably has a few as well…but worst case scenario that leave 100 weird silent observers of WHAT?!

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ed1c68  No.230174



stop sending retarded fucking books. Send something sensible like literally anything relating to a famous person talking about the threat of banks. You can literally assemble the Jewish Question using entirely kosher books - such as Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations, Charles Darwin's On The Origins of Species, The Federal Reserve Bank Unaudited: The Root of All Evil, etc. etc.

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196926  No.230184

I'm convinced Adam Smith was an agent of Jews.

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ed1c68  No.230187


I can assemble the Jewish Question with just Karl Marx's works

A true antisemite can find the truth, regardless of how kiked the false reality around him is

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5afce2  No.230189


How about something by Goodson?

On the money system of the jews:

>What is not understood by most bankers and economists is that the only method available for keeping the economy running is to sink further into debt (at interest), as debt based money is the only source of our means of exchange. Hence the persistent mantra that growth must be maintained at all costs, because if all loans were to be repaid, the money supply would vanish, and we would be reduced to exchanging goods and services with bank notes and barter. In the current situation a world-wide debt cancellation would therefore not be out of place, if the money supply could be replaced by state bank created interest free and debt free money.

>The underlying reason why the developed world, which has in the past produced superior, long-lasting products, has been partially de-industrialized, is so that inferior goods have to be continually produced by third world countries in order to fuel the growth when its indigenous population is shrinking. This policy of deliberately planned obsolescence and forced growth also has very deleterious effects on the environment. As will be observed in the final section, the collapse of female fertility rates in the developed world, which is a direct consequence of usury, will lead to the extinction of civilization.

-Stephen Mitford Goodson


or Bakunin?

>"Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of bloodsuckers, a single gluttonous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild. This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ….”

~ Michael Bakunin, 1871, Personliche Beziehungen zu Marx. In: Gesammelte Werke. Band 3. Berlin 1924. P. 204-216.

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ed1c68  No.230194


hard to smuggle them, you have to rely on the illiteracy of the guards

those 2 are known antisemites

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5afce2  No.230196

File: 319a886cac7407b⋯.jpg (26.87 KB, 328x499, 328:499, sov_ind_book.jpg)


well how about something pragmatic?

More than anything else these guys may need and desire information on Sovereign Citizenship.

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2df5dc  No.230258


I send every prisoner I see with WN/NS tats a copy of Qur'an. So far my conversion rate is 65%.

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5afce2  No.230271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I am surprised they could puzzle through it. I heard it is absolutely atrocious.

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c20961  No.230320

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d899eb  No.230332

File: b114ac3b6656c52⋯.jpg (50.78 KB, 324x500, 81:125, revolution.jpg)

File: 17570364c0b3833⋯.pdf (2.59 MB, Centuries_of_Revolution.pdf)

My understanding is that Rev. Matt Hale is a subscriber to the American Free Press, so it would seem as though the AFP - and hopefully, the Barnes Review by extension - ship to prisons.

If that's still true, there's a lot to choose from.



Bill White's 'Centuries of Revolution' is available through Amazon, and aside from the mention of "zionism", the cover makes it look like a generic conspiracy book.

Attached the pdf for reference.

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915e35  No.230388

File: a532241d3996d83⋯.png (404.1 KB, 693x754, 693:754, different.png)

Good work, OP. You must be over the target because the shills hit this thread hard.

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503a53  No.230425

File: e5c9bf48b8ca4fb⋯.jpg (40.01 KB, 590x421, 590:421, loololololoollolololololoo….jpg)


>if people think I'm retarded, then I win

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4ec27a  No.230466



Am I the only who notices that jews can never stop talking about how everyone else is inferior to them?

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6afc4a  No.231578


your welcome /pnd/

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ed1c68  No.231870


I've noticed White Nationalists do the same, but WNs and WSs are kike-aligned anyway

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b482a8  No.232201


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8e633e  No.232215

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05fdda  No.232715


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510785  No.232808

File: b0e4081d22ed0d8⋯.png (464.47 KB, 683x3813, 683:3813, 1618693257395_1_.png)

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7dd7dd  No.232866


great list

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572603  No.237718


Not trying to be a complete faggot but while we're at books there are PDF copies of The Anarchist Arsenal on the web, definitely worth checking out

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f1375b  No.237779

File: 77dec939fafa21b⋯.jpg (133.79 KB, 569x527, 569:527, 1594782864068.jpg)

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2d9064  No.238095

anti-slide bump 2142`1ds

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5ffde0  No.238280

File: acd604100a38aa3⋯.png (150.47 KB, 599x324, 599:324, muslims_inbreds.png)

File: 416bbc85e6a7957⋯.png (60.49 KB, 576x635, 576:635, shithead.png)


Then you are a dumbass, WN/NS literally wipe their asses with that heeb quran or any shitty retarded kosher cult books they are sent because it has softer paper this is known in prison so they actually sign up for free religious books like mormons, quran, torah all used as toilet paper or joint wraps. So you sent White prisoners quran shaped toilet paper and wraps to sell haha you fucking idiot.

But really Did you not think they are around muslims in prison its considered a nigger/jew religion its very common among the niggers in prison and doing anything with them or related to them gets you severely beat or killed if you are White.

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85baf0  No.238283

File: 5e8d46e8e9e05ca⋯.jpg (62.48 KB, 654x464, 327:232, cousins_inbred.jpg)


Wow, they forgot to include most of Africa on that graph. Because it is a matrilineal culture fathers never know when they are fucking their daughters, sisters and cousins or aunts. I am firmly convinced that just as much as the Muslim inbreeding results in a 75-85 IQ the african penchant for inbreeding results in a much lower IQ as well. It is like these two species are breeding the stupid right into themselves at a breakneck pace just because they can't be bothered not to fuck their close relatives.

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b3b7f6  No.238288


The 2020 edition got released in the last few weeks

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e81d1e  No.238289

File: 3c80ada29494f34⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1593x967, 1593:967, jews_inbred.PNG)


let us not forget the jew.

we must never forget.

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503a53  No.238314



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2d2ec4  No.238455

Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America by Michael Snyder. A book detailing the demise of the American Empire, the decline of moral, financial insolvency, greed and selfishness, endless wars for profit, rampant crime and corruption, a hypocritical justice system, the decline in quality of the educational system, etc.

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51c998  No.238967


"The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America" by US Department of Education Charlotte T. Iserbyt, explaining how the State creates policies to subvert the youth, to dumb down their educational system in effort to create a "hive mind" obedient future society where critical thinking and legit rebellion would become a thing of the past.

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6b82fc  No.239164

File: 3e19932498a0b63⋯.jpg (26.29 KB, 312x499, 312:499, 51hV4YJhibL_SX310_BO1_204_….jpg)


If they're specifically interested in National Socialism, pic related is unlikely to be considered a security threat.

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80d2be  No.239464

Yes, send them the talmud. They can use it for toiletpaper.

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503a53  No.239475


>spending $2500 on toilet paper

lol no

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72e349  No.241117


No way Jews have high IQ. Incest produces retards not genius. Also the only real "proof" for Jewish intelligence is Albert Einstein who himself was a complete fraud and media creation.

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e81d1e  No.241118


True. They're just immoral scammers who confuse the willingness to deceive with intelligence.

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